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'b SHORT FORM <br />Loan Number_ 46200 ___ _ 1 - 16 <br />PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT "'°'sneeS°'°°i'ro' <br />F6RM No. 251 tRev. 521891 <br />~.~t~i~ ~~T~~~ ~~~~'~ ~ ~~ <br />81-~U 0 0 6 0 ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRrsENTs <br />,I, Milan G. Ray and Dorothy Marie Ray, husband and wifea jointly ,and,each__in„their awn <br />rgt, <br />hereinafter called Martgagars, in consideration of the sum of.TF.iQ..~kIOUSAI3R..Al.IA...NQ~.1RQ-----rr----._ <br />(g 10 , 000.00 )DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MmRTGAGL <br />and CONVEY an absolute title, including a'll the rights of homestead and inheritance, unto FIRST <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, hereinafter called <br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in........lla7.) .................... <br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit: <br />Lot eighteen !1L~), 31ock One (1), southern <br />Acres .addition to the City o£ Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TO iIAVE AND TO HOLD the real estate above described, with aII appurtenances thereunto <br />belonging unto the said Mortgagee, forever, provided aiways, and this mortgage is upon the express con- <br />dition that if the aforesaid Mortgagors, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause <br />to be paid to the said Mortgagee, its successors or assigns, the principal sum hereinabove set forth, all <br />according to the tenor and effect of a certain installment note of said Mortgagors bearing even date with <br />this mortgage, and shall pay tales and assessments levied upon said real estate, and all other taxes, levies <br />and assessments levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the <br />same or any installment thereof becomes delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain <br />in f•~ll force. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said Mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes, the <br />Mortgagee may pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall be gaid by said Mortgagors, <br />and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. (2} That Mortgagors covenant with the Mortgagee <br />thst they are lawfully seized of said real estate and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate <br />against the lawful claims of all pe*sons whomsoever. (3) That in case of a foreclosure of this mortgage, <br />the plaintiff in such proceedings shall be entitled to take possession of the premises, protect the same and <br />collect the rents, issues and profits thereof. (4) That a .ailure to pay any of said money or any instal- <br />ment thereof when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements, <br />slssll cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of <br />the Mortgagee. <br />TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; ASSUMPTION. If all or any part of the Praperty or an <br />interest therein is said or transferred by Mortgagor without Mortgagee's prior written consent, excluding <br />(a) the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to this Mortgage, (b) the creation of a purchase <br />money sscux?ty int~reat for household appliances, (c} a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of law <br />upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of any leasehold interest of three years or less not con- <br />taining ar option to purchase, Mortgagce may, at Mortgagee's option, declare all the lama secured by this <br />Mortgage to be immediately due and payable. <br />If Mortgagee exercisce such option to accelerate, Mortgagee shall mail Mortgagor notice of <br />acceleration and such notice shall provide a period of not leas than 30 days from the date the notice is <br />mailed witltin which Mortgagor may pay the lams declared due. If Mortgagor fails to pay such sums prior <br />to the expiration of such perod, Mortgagee may, without further notice or demand on Mortgagor, invoke <br />the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. <br />Signed this.......-~.-day of.-..._.'~,~'~' ..-.. 19. ~.`.l-. <br />-- ---° , , <br />*fil.~n G. y <br />Dorothy Mare Ray <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ~-- <br />- .-.--.Hall.__ .............County. ~ sa <br />On r~ _.._._..~~........... day of "'4:.;.=~t.r:~J...._......., :8~:/. before me. the unde.~+iuKi. a Notary Pnblic. in and for <br />said County, personally rams 'tilsn G. Rai-and Dorothy Marie Ray, husband and wife, <br />peraatsally known to me ip be the identical persona whose names are affixed to the above and farbgoing instrument, ee <br />mortgegore, and each acknowledged said instrument to be hiv or her voluntary act and deed. <br />Witaeas my hand and notarial seal at........_.....G.zand_..1,S.1.aL,d?.-.,{y~kru_,gka.......----.......-_-.. <br />the date lrn§C above mitten. - <br />C9NNI€ 8 HA ~ Notary Pub7ie <br />tty commiaaian azpiros. ~-. <br />k4r P•ameri: !•`iai°. 9ct ri. rSgt}.~ <br />~..-~.~.:~__.._...____.e~ -_..__.1 <br />