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r'- <br />_~ ,. - <br />_.. <br />581-MECYiA"r73C'S LIEt1 (StsvRsed) ~ ~, "'°"" ~} ~ ®~ 8 ~ rue x„ar,~,zo ~ „or,r sonnar tio„ e e +ocotn, xour. <br />State a NEBRASKA ~ ' <br />! .+ <br />- --- ~ss. <br />~ .; <br />1iAi.L.........-__ Countvf <br />Eltfaant' John -Van Skiver, Vice President of Johnson Cashway Lumber Company beir_ st <br />r9 ~r <br />" j duly sworn. on his oath says that t/r? foregoitrg itemised account of :c'or-:. ?shot- s,. u' .._Building--- _---___ - -__.--- ! <br />i <br />i materials, and irnprovesnents is trsae and corrzett that sa:sse ;e~crc done anti -~ rfunne`d arsd jurntslsed bi~ the rtnderssgned <br />/or the said .Bruce Christensen,..-.. _ __ ... <br />k - <br />~~. r iind~T a~ Zw. r <br />for the'- --9siFding..tdaxes#-a3s - - - .............. 0~ rA -Sere€al..nature.. __......_..._._.. - --- _ __... - ` <br />on Ihz fnllo:ci;sg lot, fiea-c er parrel of land, zri_.' &.4.L..2...Block-.3~. PZeasaa>t View, addition and its <br />-.... ... -- i <br />i ._camsiliment__of,Hest_-"S--Ft.-_af,.Lot.l~.-B1ock.I, Pleasant View 3rd Addition. City of <br />.. GY.d..Iahand.....ilslt--County, .Nebraska... ___... - . . _ _ ._ _ <br />-- _ - _ <br />., <br />ThrN ;rt t/ze urns said rontrait 2vas :node a-na tabor and n:atenats r;srnrsr:~:i u:u: aerrvered thereunder-....-._...-.... . <br />_' ; Bruce Christensen,, dba ~ualit Construction <br />.. ....... .. ......_.. _ y__._ -. -- - _ - .c~~as the oevner of said prrmiszs- , <br />i .. ... - <br />r <br />R October 10, 1980 <br />That the date of 3ltc first item furnished and de.rvered ~..s _. _. _.. and rhz <br />date of Y,re la;t item ;ias._Ostaaber-1Z, 13$fl... _. - _._ .. __.. . _. _. _. <br />~lji'uznt f:arthar states that said labor zsnss pcrturnaed on, and =rtureria?, ~Eerr' fuana_hed jot, daGZered at, ana used in - <br />1 said 5uild%ng or prem%szs on and bet,uezn the dotes sperm.°d. <br />t <br />Z'hat tDte price-s charged tleerefor are fair end reasrmrnbiz, arsd t{gat tle~rr ;s nc~c' doe on said account t{:e cram of <br />{ _ .-t~}g-. - „cr•eand Three wsxndresi. Forty__Two_ and, 10/ IdO--- - _.... _ ____ -_ - . <br />' ~ Th ,. °--°° -°°'--•.°°-...PoRrvs, that said' ` <br />` tlaenas a liens on the said preuaises for the tu11 amount <br />soot aceannt, to-unt: The sent of $..1:342..10__-. _ --- -------- --- -- toy:thrr coeds 'asusrst thereon: at the legul rate, " <br />ja-orss thn.4ela .... _ciay oj..._FakFY.uflXX.. __... _..-._. _..._..__.. .. ;y._ 5L. .and -urliser a ant says no(. <br />.~s~~ ` JOtid'iSCS@i CASlii'IAY L!a`IiBER COMPAL3Y td~' GRf~la'J ISLAAID, NEBRASKA <br />~ !°`'""°`'~ Skq@z,- ice,~resident <br />~ _ <br />r , E, <br />,. ,sE.l~ Subset%hed in ,n ;, pressrsca' anti :-to=or>a to L~fcrrrr n{c des <br />_; ...,,. <br />-- •. J -~ dent r } ,` ~-~:'~"~^5'.. .. ~. _ ,:.:. ~i2 ~: - - <br />- / ~ ~ ; <br />( x ~ -~, ~._~!~~t <br />y~~ `parr zi. >~ at~c.. ~: <br />{--"LA. Y@~:KRk21' ~ tS=S~ ;i2~2~tri!FUr.ti r ~Q~IM. ~ r. - ~ t ~~ _. - - <br />._ .............._........~ebruary 9, 81 <br />Lien claimed vy: __ .............._...............-..,........° - - -..rg...°--~-- <br />.. .. _ ....-.. Y g Bruce Christensen <br />Joh~teon. CcahweX..L~ber G an ......_ ..................... ~ ainst:.......-..__.......-................-°- ..-......_.---° • •-- -.............-.. <br />1612 South Webb Road, Grand Island, g1I Biamark <br />Address ..................._ ............._ - - .........--- - -.......................--........ - - --- -.....-.....................-.-.... <br />....._ nebreai€a o00{)1 Dr. ir.- <br />?9-----....... <br />