<br />g~.--:100584
<br />the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment anal cure by Harrower, this Deed of
<br />Trust and the obligations secured hereby shall femain in full tarCe and ctTect as if no acceleration had occurred..
<br />29. ,tsssrrrat sf 1~-ups; epppoynftnetq o/ StRa€ver; Lettdrr in Possession. As aJditianal security hereund4r. Borrower
<br />herby assign to L"ender the rcnas of tik Property, provided that Harrower shall, prior to acceleretion under paragraph l8
<br />hereof ar abandortmrnt of tht Properly, have the right to collect and retain such rents as they become due and payable.
<br />t3pvn :xe-rier:riiari ttn~i t;..;ag:p.: t~ nrf cr aba.:.lan"m=nt of the Property. Lender, in xrsan. by agtnt or by
<br />ju~ia iy appointed receiver, shalt be cmntrd to enter upon, tales pt5ssessior. at and manage the Prt+ptrty and to collect the
<br />rcrtES of the property irKtud:~ttg ittox past dtK. Aii rims collected by i_endi:r ae the re.~:zr shalt !~ =pp:i:d fit~st to payrt~ttt
<br />of the costs o, mttnagrmrm d the PrapertY and ratacction of rents, uxl++ding, but not limited ta, rectrvtis fees, preftauttts
<br />an receiver's bands and feaumabk attorney's tees. and then to [he sums secured by this Deed of Truss. Lender and thte
<br />receiver shay! be liable to accouna only for those rents actually received.
<br />21. Ftt€ars Adtssrgs. Upon request of Borrower. lender. as L cadet s option, prior to toil recatveyance of the Property
<br />by Tntstee to Horrovwer, tray make k'uture Advances to Harrower. Such Future AdvatKes, with interest thereon, shat) 6e
<br />secured by thn Deaf of Tnst when evidenced by promissory notes staling that said notes are secured hert:by~ At no time shalt
<br />the principal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Decd of Trust, not including-sums advanced in accordance herewith
<br />to protect the security of shis Derct of Trust, exceed the original amount of the Kota phts US 93,f14Q.00
<br />1Y. ~tteoarepasee. Upon payment of aN sums secured by this Deed of Trost. Lender shall request Trustee to rcconvey
<br />atu Properly and shalt surrendtr this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness seutred by this Deed at Trust
<br />to Trt»tu. Trustee shall recar,vey the Properly without warranty and wilhaiit charge to tht person ar persons legally
<br />entiilsd thereto. Such person or persons shalt pay alt costs of recordation, if any.
<br />27. Sttrtsfh>ate Ttnstee. LendeG at Lendeis option, may from time to ume remove Trustee and appoint a StKCC55ai
<br />tnntee to any Tnstee appointed hereunder by an msuumem recorded in the county m which this Deed of Tnrst is recorded.
<br />Without conveyafKe of the Property, the suceessor trustee shall succeed to alt the tide power and duties conferred upon
<br />the Truster herein and by applicahie law.
<br />24. Retgtusr for Natieea. Borrower requests that copies of ttse nonce of default and notice of sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />address which is the Property Address.
<br />Ie+ Wtrtat:ss Wtteasot, Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust. -~,
<br />C.C. Zndustries Bye - ,~~ ~ _aarrawer
<br />G. ',Jayne 'folcl~r president
<br />.... ................................................
<br />-aorrower
<br />i
<br />SThre:oF NGexnst~t,..... FIail Ccunty ss:
<br />On this ....bt;h.... ....day of. F. ternary .. _ !q81. _ before mc, the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly ecmmisstoned and qualified for sold county, personally came.C.C..IndnStrieS,. ZD:S. ................
<br />.................................... _....................,to me known to be the
<br />ide.°+tial parxmfs} whose narirfs} err subscrtbcirt to the foregoing rnstrument and acknowtcdgcd the cxccution
<br />thereof to be .............. .voluntary act and dyed.
<br />Witrtets my trend and notarial seal at ........G.ramd . iS1~4..'y~.. 5880I _ , , . , ..... i¢ aid county, the
<br />date aforesatd. --
<br />/` `
<br />h9y Commission expires : ~~ (~ fc i ,` l ~ , f 1 ~ /~ v_
<br />t?:EAIFRAI. NGfRRWty a Notary P +i<
<br />~~Ad. ~=
<br />9.
<br />STA=-o{~t~r'~?E(~L1ESp Ft7R REC()NYEYANCE
<br />tmetr>isa~t £xpact s
<br />'fo TKUSree: ~s t~, i5&x
<br />TM: undersigned is the holder of the Hate or notes secured by thts Dcrd ai Trust. Said nose or notes. together
<br />with al€ other indebtedness secured by th+s Decd at Trust, have born paid in fait. You are hereby direned to cancel
<br />said note or tortes and this treed of Trust. whtch are deLvrred hereby, and to reconvey, without warranty, al! the
<br />estate now heard by you under this Deed o€ Trust to the penan or persons :egatiy entitled thereto.
<br />Dart :. ........................... ..........._.........................................
<br />i5n+c! aetan TR,S l,n! Resetrep For EenClt inC Rtcaraeri
<br />