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<br />~ i .~.-U G ®5'7;3 <br />Lender's written agreement ar appiicah!e law. Burrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 itercpf. <br />.any amnrmts distst:rsed by Lender pursuan? to this paragraph 7, with ieteresi thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness .tf Barravnr secured by this lbiortgage. L`nless ftonviwer and Lender agree to other terms xrf payment, such <br />amnttris shalt hr payable itpan notice from !.ender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />dace of disbursement aY the rate payable from time to lima on outstanding principal under the Nate unless payment of <br />ii,t~-~_: at tt,r_F, rate wau3d 6e contrary to applicable i, w, in which event such amounts shad hear interest at the hig#test rate <br />pvr,:~; Mule .,r'~r a;,p!icals's~ law. Nothing cantavned in ibis paragraph ?shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />an}° astian hare''~;'eer. <br />8. tas~estiarrv. Lender mac make ar cause to he made reasanahie entries upon and inspections of foe #3raps:rty, provided <br />that Iznder shall give Barznwer natice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the ?raperty. <br />§. f;o~deirvrt9fman. i ne proceeds of env award nr claim for fiamages. direct or cnnsequcniiai, in ccnn~etian with any <br />condemnation or aEher taking of the Property. ar part thereof. o; for conveyance in lieu n( cnndemnafinn, are heroFry assigned <br />and shadd be paid to Lender. <br />:n the event of a iota! !akin. of the Property. the prrwecds .hail !x spplied to thin sums secured by this 'sfertgage. <br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. In the event ..£ a partial talon, of the Fmperty, unless ftarrower and Lender <br />n*.herwise. agree in writing, there shall lee applied to the sums secured bythis Lfarteage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion wbicF. the amour.! of thr v!mc scented h}' this Siortgage immediately print to the dale of <br />taLing hears to the fair markc'i value of the Proper}• immediately nror to the date of takree, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Barrawer. <br />;f the Property is abandoned M~ Barmwer. or if. after notice he Lender to Borrower that the condemnor aBers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower faits to respond to 3-ender within ;0 days after fie date such natice is <br />mailed. Ienaier is atdhar3zed sn collec± and app!! the prc+cceds. at fender'. nptirn, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property er aj the ;alms secured he this R#nngage <br />f;niess Lender and Borrower rnherxise agree m writing. an+- .uch .+, p!icatinn of proieeds to principal shat! oat extend <br />nr pcapnne the due date of the mnmhh: msuiilmcnts ricrrd m in nar,!araphs i and ? hereof nr change the amount of <br />such :nstaltmetMs- <br />!6. Btaz:•awer 4a! ~2P~a•_esl. Fxttnssen „f the nm~~ for raom~nt or modifies?is~n of amnrtizatien of the sums secured <br />by she.<; S4on2apC geanted ist• F_enacr io env ,ucce=snr :r. !ntcrest n£ ftnrro+vcr •,hal! not operate to release. in any manner. <br />the hab!iit+ of the oriein:d Barrnwe; and 8nrrnwer'+ aa-us.arc m interest- Lender shall nM F>E required to commence <br />prx~eediegs against such vuece=-cnr .,r refusr in ctien<3 nine for ,~a}~meni r,r m.dih~ ama;Yizarnn of the sums <br />... ured h:~ thi•_'.R4ortsape he reason :':f .mc demon:':.nade hs the ntieinal ilnrrower and Snrmwer's aiccetsars in interest. <br />i fr. FarJxe~raeece ire #.entter '`ut a ~'atver, in, fi,rttaran.c t,+ i ender in estrcising 'tnv right nr remed}• hereunder. nr <br />+?t€tetwtse anordec3 h}' applicaisir law. shalt not he a wai+~rr ,' -,r nrec!ude she exercise of any such right nr remedy. <br />T!t'~ pracaren?ent cf insurant~ ar the payment of !:acs nr e,Ehcr i~en+ ~x charger by Lender .hall not hr .v '=vavver of Len:3er's <br />rich! to accele,^-.te the rtaahui?s~ .nf the :adehtedncvs ~,>w-!:re;l by tM, A-inrtgacc- <br />fl2. 32emedt~t f'amzfttiftve. ~!! rcmedves pro, ided ,n th6s 19orteage =ire ciisun_t anti cumulative to ant „Ihcr nght nr <br />remedy- un~drr ibis SSortgage nr afforded ht' feu :,, - and m,rr s_R e<ere!~cei -.._+,nc!!r*entls, nd~pendem is nr zuccccgively' <br />S'd. Sifecesix7r3 atnd :4:.ras Bound: faint and ~!~serai i,iabifii;: t'apr#ans. f'rc :rn-s°°n:cr:is .:nd ogn-ements herein <br />c•nn.a!nc! she#3 l,snd. ,and tfre rights h€rcuncicr shell !n+are !n- tt;'_ ,~spcs;: •.e -,n.t c:.,,~rs :!nki a«,~:,., ,~' t_enJcr .lend Borrower. <br />sub,j~,t to fie ornr-isions of parngrpiz ?" here;+t =tII > ~enants . a ~~: .,pre + _r..- of B<!n,wcr -'".,!! he t.,!nt and ,evens!, <br />the e.:pt!ou. env! !2tasiings of the naragr-ph, .,. :his \fanga_ ~rc fn: ., ,_:,^vc •'nts ,n,= arc .u~t to he oscc is <br />!ntet^ net or dePirte the pro+!siam hereof. <br />LA. 4r_#ise. Except Yr*r an ounce rrG,!ired =!ndcr -:-•nticao;e C+'.. ~-~ he r:ecn r: onorher manner. ~a1 am notice to <br />Farrc~wcr pre=z-:ded far in rhi: Sfnngagc ,n nit 5,, ,_;v: v h - ..,: .. ~... , ~ t f:,.,v na:l .,ddrrsscd +~, Barrov+~er a! <br />tJte Psc*Frtv ~udrzss or at ,ttch +hrr :i,ldre.s n~ J3, - _ .,r ~ ... .., .._~ .:~ I ender ~s ,~rovti3:-d herein. and <br />Ihl env nat!~e vo Lender shat! he e:'. cn is ,er±!fic:,4 m.n i, r.. .. n.. , ~y!er,[er; ~~', v cr, v!er. addass statzd herein or fa <br />s:[ele ~,Lher ode}teas as Ixnder ma•. dasven,tte h+- n+,ti_c !.• Rarr,~urr .: nr+,.evsea `;.=r;r, 4!,; notice pr~vaded £or in this <br />~x,..r.~age shalt ix::ieemsd t:' t.r.~c tier. ~' -- , [i.=: r .,, , ~...3 .,-•n in !t+e moe:ne= de<ignated nereir.. <br />i5. i'atdarm ~farUtc; f;averrtsriR; 5eseraf?tI3ie. !'::~ :,; r+ ,f nx:r!=a;;e ..:!*ti+inzs ,ur,fnrm _„vznaitn fi,r nativmui <br />- :.~ ~R+rr±i secunty instnmtem .overin <br />~+::'znd ni>; Uniic'rin .',en ~kr4~ S; !ill ~4m:: `. ! :.::: tt!= t -..-:,=,i " ';: 'a + g <br />real prcpern~ ;?a., *.9•e .ha i }~.• +cd ~: t, ... t --.:rod. r .-. ~-.vHr ~. the i'rnprrn~ , located. In the <br />e;'c++s =out ._n. provizr in : .laf, v 'n_,,~°cin~r g,:cec =n, '~,`~;• .-- v s~*, -. i.n :p,. ,-',`e vow. ,,..o - rnnc~t =hall aia a€Faef <br />s~tkter ,,rs!-.>!u. ., thrs S.9ortg~, , r the '. ut ., _- __,. :~ ;:vt_ _i7ec- t__.,et the ..or. tl'. ~t u,p prrw:rinn. and ?o this <br />evvd the srv'v!si.'s!n . f :h~_ 'vicv tga~c and !hc \ ,r~ :rr .. ,..,.. ed •.~~ he ,everai+ie <br />38. t3ari'erwer's Copy. Bas[nw cs +hs€I 4 } .. .;-i:e,u ~: -:*vt t;± ,epv .rt the tiv;ic soul : , thn Lf nrtgage :et the !tint <br />aE eeecutiai: rrr ;r £tcr re.,•r datum he.coi <br />fi7. Transfer of the Fq.rptrtx; 3rsam#atiaa. f! alt =,r sr. n•kit .>i ~itc Proinrtl •,t du :atere•t ;herein is s,±!d =~r transferred <br />by E3err-~+wer ;r. r€h.,ut LanvF•r. _;>rerr ;a!,r+;:.:: .v Et~di»~~ :.:< s'trc; =re;+tioty ut a .-- :;r enc::mbranee suhordmaft to <br />th:s tbf+a iga$e. iht tVtc neut.,+a ,=f .; ..., ~ nvvnev ..•:ntx ~,ntcrest for hc~xa;n!.d app!!ar,,_r+. _ ..:ra n,ter by devise. <br />u.-.dent "r by ,;pcra LOn ,.f :au !.~,+. ,h..:cain ..,t ..., . , - -hr r; a! , .., a; 'easahold i~ to _ .:i :hrca• ;car .u less <br />-cot ~~*nt;tinnt~ an ~pt:an t P!:r base. ,=;.vcr :.+_ _t v a_..d.., , . t t., ... der sr.. •6c -a'rm •c.' red ~+ ih~a .rongage to he <br />sutn~~3!ar~!!>< dr;ar and pavahte ':_cnslc;>+°s l! :~a+c ~.:.. __ - ,... uf,t!.,!. h~~ .r. v: !c~.,tea ;,nor t;: the ,ale =u transfer. [ ~•nder <br />:assn ttte ~rti~!r in ,a h,nn 'hc !'r -p~rrv ~, ,i''`.. v ~,_.r -r: ,. i.-r,„ ..a.:5 e.•n+cr! ,. ~ r. t.,.~ :h::t ne _re~i=.! •.f ,!tc:h ~rss,n <br />,c y3te.fa~ e-n ! :•- led ih, t n ants-.r t + +. r. e ~. .._. red •'~ ,., '•S c,r. ~- s =h:~!i he .z ,,,~h rat! i. e crtdcr <br />sl?ali rt~uesS If i.ervder ha, waved 'hc i~t t..:. ,.,._ s.,, ~.u . ~. !h. .v.:. pro{h :: r..i :t Burrower', .uvve+snr in <br />'!serest ha> czc-c:;tatl a wrtten xsa tr •ic~n tzn-:n+.nt e wv ,_' -- . :a?ng hs i .a _cr. ! .r .'r .eicase Rorn,w cr 'rnm all <br />ir!rligatiun4 !lase! then ?v?oti5a~re znd th•_ ti.~te. <br />Jf Le !eF c: x.~i LI1 5 ,ULh ,. .L„rx .,. .a. .. i :. ,,; 14, r >P t! .._ ,t : ~cier alt, :n .- - .nrdanCt' w!nh <br />p.r_r~,;mph !se here,,;. tixrsh ne[- ~ -h..-! , . . , , . .,.. ,. _ it±r!! a!, ds.+ :.a .n, n~ dot;: th,~ =t:ni,.c ~+ maf~ed within <br />ah!eh &ar.ruc' rxa•= na;.:itc ,.t!mo-.iiviated x k_ tt g.,,t,:-s<r :- o }-.,; ir<t ~ u.u; , . , •,hc r,piani-.n -d .nth i'kriod. <br />L enc4F.r may- tiatFsv,ut fc, ritver n.,ticr :±r ,iem,,rst --n ;}<. r ,wet. ,.. =cnvcme; '+cu t--r i t:, naratra{:h I y hercnf- <br />'4;1`..l,: tili-OaM ~ (3S-''i'.b=.1:L. i'€(?; rower :i Fits i_endvr it.rlnC: :,,"=i'f}.; e;i .-, r.ei .i;;rcr ... !;,flows: <br />f~. ~et'•n>~a; Reti~die+. Excep# a> peciv€+ied iia psrsgrapii t' i;eravei. rrpun Bann»s:'c twve.h u# aug rovetaant or <br />~t~rresi esf i~urratver in vhfs Yiurte, IaetudL*s~ she avaeenauts !a pay whea due arty avm!. secarrd h3 :M€+ ti4artt;aige. <br />f z ~P ~ gy€Rr~s.,... a~ri .~ ~rr€av;r :. preei+ieal is >r~flrr v~ tteree# sfer{f.ira it) rlv~ fsre~eh; <br />t2j tttc rr,~tr ~a~at;eai ,u ctvrr tw€: ti3+r:aeta: t~€ ra dam, lost! less tRaix 3#F doe;>fraxa flee data the rxiiise !s mailed to 13arrateer, <br />~.: ~h ~~a ; .h ~~ ~ w~.~~, R~ e•ar .rte e~zN n> =~o€- ern !trs~-h au er h~fs+re ii;~ ttatz sm~eltied in t3te ria#ice <br />.e r~xceli Ira ass`~FZa?.ifxt at t#z bsrita serrtred hs ttei'. lfurEgatre, f€rrer&~surr tr} judicial praseedlra; and .ate ai the Frupertp. <br />"€ z3~ fc~ ss°9at1 f~sd~a i~€cr~? rtzsvet cd the right to retir5lsi€ after xcre€srsisan anal thr rig,€tt to :»srri in the iorecMsure <br />~rax~ f~ ~tt•tasrkleacc of a ~#tairti or am xrtixrr a€efevat!.e .a# Brarnxwer to arcelerai3xvn and #urecixr.arr. if.the breach <br />&~ rrri4 ~~ raxr tar hc6aru ttxe date ifitd in the :wtice. i.eau#ez at 6.eaxtti c :vpi&tn vnay tkrlare alt n# tfte sunr.+ sec nred by <br />v rr ft„m :rurnx~i~3cfz r3irc sad pay:¢ avittrxrut futittur :l: sasard a»d ;rgq torrv~taa: Ay jcedirtiat prcxe~di~. t,erset>': <br />ebb t~ ~ to c+ti :n sash praxsx°a~ :sN rxpe stst:+ of faueetacute= €rac!uxt$ta, that roar iinxited ta, .a+ctr of rk+earncatarr <br />eetir>k?~c'e. vtasr_i szad t#fle rsfritarfs. <br />f~., rirp34;r`9. ~ t8 ilei6tx.. ?intwaths+._- t .a i <t der - _,__. -at .. ,.- ~ :.. ,; ad h+~ 'ta- >+3vrt,tiagr. <br />ti'.iz,u~e, ,. ~:, P,a-.~ .._ .±ghm ~~ w .. . _ ¢t2rf . _ur? ..+sst:, ,. ,~ _. 'h::~',t• _ . ,ti,.. ,; ~ , ., ., t:n,+~ <br /> <br />~...i <br />