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<br />AS$IGNMi;NT 0! TRj1$T DEED ~1"'-° ~~Q~~~~ <br />A19061 ALL 1?SBi 3% TSB PRBSENTS, "That Superior Mortga(ie, Inc. <br />a corporatioa, tha parr of the first pert, in consideration of the sus of <br />Twenty Nine Thousand Two Hundred a_nd_No,ll00Dollare, to it inn hand oald <br />'. by C , t Deeonahira irc e, Suits 225, (lsnalaa, Nebraska 6811b <br />a Corg~satioa, the party of thR second part. receipt whereof is hereby <br />acknowledged, ha• granted, aesigaed •nd trsnaferred, and, by these presents <br />-doss grmnt, assign and transfer unto its successors and •saigns, a certain <br />Trust Hsed wherein .the •aid Sa:parior Abrtga(fs, Inc. ie geneflclary, <br />Raul C. Meza, Jr. and Melody A. Meza, Husband and Wife <br />is Tzuatar, sad seas is Trustee, which Tzuat Deed was dated <br />the 30th day of January 14 81 •nd recorded tha <br />day of 19~. 1a gook <br />Page , of the MOSTGAG@ Aacord• of Hall <br />Count,q, Nebraska, •nd ell it right, title end interest to the property therein <br />dsaezibad, as ffoliows, to-wit: <br />Lot Six (6), in Block Fourteen (ld), Wallich's Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Tagethaz with the praslseory nose therein described, and the sooey <br />due or to beeaaa due thsrsundar, including interest thereon. subject Daly <br />to tha provisions of acid trust Deed therein cootained. <br />Ili WITN>:SS NN1Zgi0T, th• Sttpsrior ?brtgage, Inc. a corporation, hoe <br />caused this Aasigasent of ?rust Dsed to be ezecutcd by its Preaidcnt, <br />sad attaatsA by its Vlea and its corporate aeai to be <br />hereunto affizsd this '0th day of January 19 81 <br />~y <br />Sy.~~~ ~~;," f, <br />Psesideat , <br />3TATL OP NEgiASXA ) ACt.Gt: ~~~ ~`^~~%e~ <br />)aa. Vine President <br />~0~?? OP Nam ~ ~ <br />4g tAia 3Dth day of January ~ 19 81 , before ss a <br />aotarg prDlie dully eoa~isaioaad and 4uslifisd in and foe said county sad <br />state, #ara®oallY eeaia tho above asaad~ Jawsa S. Reed <br />• Ptaaldaet, and R. s'. :.ancaster ~ Ce n of <br />Sq+erior Ns-rtgagat Z~. who arc peraoas2ly known to se to be the <br />t.:atieal parsons whose castes are affizsd to tha oboes Aaaigaaeat of Truce <br />lard sa tbs President and Vice President of said eosporation aaA <br />:boy •eknowls{gs the inat:ussnt to bs their eoiuotary sct and decd ao/. the <br />ro3ueta`v act as,d dead of said corporation. <br />Grand Ia].and <br />NI?NS88 sy hand sad official sapl, at n in said county, the does <br />tfarsaaid. <br />'f' ^' Notary Public. <br />it CI88IAN B$PIANB: r~r tr: 1~%~,~ % ~ i " _a Z. <br />~~'Q:gI ~Q>Z?CACg CiIMPANY, INC. <br />Ip40] Daeanahirs Clzcla <br />vstaha, Nebraska 88114 <br /> <br />