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<br />~~gr~~ ~E~~~;~~ ~A€~€~Ara~~ ~~~~ ~~~1651'~5 <br />EVcRETT S, t4iETH and AUGUSTA C. tAiETH, husband and wife, TRUSTEES OF THE EVERETT <br />S. AFJO AUGUSTA C. tiIETH REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST AGREEMEtdT dated July 14, i975, <br />aj tenant's in C"~,t;,~ton------_~~____°--°-°_---.-----_--°--------GRAt4TOR, in eonsider;3tiors of <br />r~; Nt„ c; Y t•t,n„~a~ri i=0~zy wararlrr~ri and NoIICIO---------°- DOLLARS received from ~aRANTEES, <br />NOR~tEN S. FiiETH and SHERRi L . MiETN <br />conveys to GRARTEES,as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, the following described real estate (as defined in ts#eb. <br />Ray. Stet. 76-~Qtl, <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Nortfiwest Quarter {SW'~NWt;) and part of the Northwest Quarter of <br />the Southwest Quarter (Ntd%,SW%,} of Section Four (4) Township Eleven <br />(11} North, Range Twelve (I2}, West of the 6th R.M., in Haii <br />County, NebrasSca, more particularly described as follows: Beginning <br />dt the $OUthweSt C6rn@"r 6f Said ivurihwe5t Quarter (,A'n'a}; tfience <br />northerly along the west line of said Section Four (4} a distance <br />of 486.37 feet; thence deflecting right 88°30'17" and running easterly <br />a distance of 737.33 feet; thence deflecting right 103057'23" and <br />running southwesterly a distance of 655.82 feet; thence deflecting <br />right 75037'23" and running westerly a distance of 595.67 feet, to <br />the west line of said Section Four (4}:; thence northerly along the <br />west line of said Section Four {4} a distance of 154.73 feet to the <br />place of beginning. <br />GRANTOPi covenants (;ointty and several4y. ff mcre than one} with GRANTEES that GRANTOR: <br />tt) ,s lawfully se,sed of such real estate and that it ~s tree from encumbrances Subject only <br />to easements of record or of use and public roads. <br />(2f has ;egai power and lawful authority to convey the same: <br />{3r .warrants and wctl defend title to~~t}he real estate aga~nsf fhe lawful claims of all persons. <br />Executed.... '~E%?Y!s°?.....~~1...... t9 ~Q <br />~~ ~c. <br />EvefEtt 5: "f~ii~etii., ...................trustee <br />Atilt sta" C: Ffietfi ....................trustee <br />STA3~ O;~ NE~iRAS~iA I <br />Hai 1 ~ ~~. <br />00~~ Tv OF .........................................j may- <br />Tfte foregoing instrument was acxnoviedged betore me on .....Cl?~.~Epz-.....~~ ............... t9 c~51J <br />by E.~~r>ri;t.S,. Mjeth,and.,?~iQVS~~..C, ?~"2~h.,..hus~urrd.and.v:i.fe,. trustaT~~. of.thg.Ev.~rett..S.,and.Augusta <br />C. ~tietta Revocable Living Tr;Rst Agrea~tent, dated July I4, 1975, as tenants in cotimon. <br />o = --- ~ ~ <br />i3y C, Es~s ~'! i~. t~4 ~ ~:otary Pubic .. . <br />~11y commission exp,res ... ~!?.` .. fr> rf'~7'~ <br />..... <br />S~'A3E '~~ POE~f~A~AA, Casese~ tst .... . . .... ......... . <br />r;t~d to =acafrd anU enter,°_d ~n fb'umer,car 4ndex on. iJ at o'clock . M ,and <br />~ sk.cc3rdad er. Deed i~,ac~ord Paste <br />i~'a ^.unty i'r ii St7 tl(y ~:'~4:niViti if:lk <br />r7et~rster ar D.,p~,ty. t~te~~t~ter <,t ~ecads <br />~:~;:;, .., .~a~ar ~Er~ANC~r w+ARr~AwYV o~~a <br />h• ~ ~ _, 4r:: .. .. PAGE 1 of t PACE <br />