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f __~__ r <br />81-~)(~QS~'~ <br />MtXITGAGE <br />bfOft7`GAGE LOAN NO. L 23 ~ 4n2 <br />Iwow ALL M:-rv av 7IiESE PItFSENTS: That Ronald E. Davey and Maxy K. Davey, each in his aril <br />.,Jt <br />her txan right and as spouse of ~h other atort~tr. srttothCr tree or mote, is mmtttmabon ~ the attm of <br />Thirty-fine Ttscxlsand and ~TC1/lnn--------- -- -_----_- DOI.I.ARS <br />looted to said tnorigagw by The Equitable Bur7dittg and Loan Association of C.rattd island, Webrad[a, Mortgapsa, upon 350 stores of stock of <br />atdd ASSOCIATION, Certificate Na. L 23, 302 , da hereby grant, convey artd mortgage. tmto the a,i6 ASSOCIATION tiro following <br />eksnrlted real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />I,OT FIVE (5) I3J O'NEILL SUBDIVISION, BEING <br />A SJBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF FsIlJOIC TiII2F.E <br />(3) , PI.EXSANT HOttE SUBDIVISION LET T~ CITY <br />OF GRAND ISLAND, KRIS, COt7NTY, NEHRA~KA. <br />together with all the tenetrsnts, Irereditaments and appurtenances thereunto betortgitrg, mcludirrg attached floor coverings, all window sue. <br />rvitdow :clerks, blinds, storm windows, awnrn~, Ixa[irrg, an conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and act~orid thereto, ptttstps, stood, <br />refrrgeraton, scot other fixtures and equipment rww or Fa`reafter attached to or used in cnnnectwo with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed amt does herzby agrrc that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxd and asemrents levied a <br />assesed upon said pretttises std span this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall becorm delmgoent; to famish approved <br />utnrtratrce upam tyre buildvtgs on sad prerrrises srtuaterr m the sum of 535, OOQ. OO payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to acid <br />ASSOCIATION the policies fm said insuran¢: and nut to commit or permrt any waste on ar about card premises: <br />!n sae of default in the artornuecr o{ any of the terms and conditions of this mrxtgagc or the bond sectored hereby, the trrorigagce sba8, <br />or. Jermrtd, be rntitkd tc immediate ^~•«K+^n oC the rmrrtgaged prrmrsrs and rh< nwrtgagor hereby assigns, [rartsfen and sets over to the <br />atortgagoe a!I the rrnts, revenues and mwrrte to 6e dcnved frem tftc mortgaged premises during such time as the rtwrtgage indebtedness shall remain <br />unpaid: sad the mortgagee shall have tltC powsr to appumt any agent err agents it may desue for the purprrse of repavirg said premiasa and rentirffi <br />the same and rxillecirttg the reMS, reaeneees and income, and it tmey pay out of sale! inwme a8 ezpemes oC repairing said premifa atsd naoeseary <br />commistiotu and expenses incurred in rentirrg and rmnagirrg the same and al colkctirsg rentals therefrom; t}se balance rearainittg, if any, to be <br />towed the disdnrge of sad trtortgagr tralebtedarss; thsx rights of tfie rrtangagce nny be exercixd at any time duri~ the existenx of atttit <br />de salt, irrespective of any temporuy waiver of the same. <br />These Presents, lwwever, ue upon the Cordrtion, "Ihat d the said M<rtgagar shall repay said lean en ar before the maturity of said stores by <br />p.ymrnt; pay mmtthly to said ASSt1('IATION of the scan specified in the Bond secured hereby as interest and prinrapal on said loan, on or before <br />the Twmtielh day of each and every mwuh, im[d sad loan is fully paid; pay all taxes ud assessments levied against said premises and on chit Mortgage <br />ssd the Bord stxetred thereby, 6efvrr ~Sirsquzncy: furnish approrel ircturance open the buddirtgs [!:Crean in the sum of I35, OOO.OO payable <br />Eo said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION rstwn demand alt martey 6y it paid for :tech taxes, assessments a~ inauranix with intereri u <br />Ilse maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment ail of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay: permit rw waste an said premises; keep and comply <br />with a8 the agrcerrten[s and arrtditbns of the Mond for 535 OQp ~~ pp~~ thts Jay gisen by the said Mortgagtr to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with ail the requirements of the Constitution and By-laws tit sad ASSOCIATION; tften ihzse presents shall became null and wid, otherwise they <br />shill rmmin in Cull force std rosy be foreclosed at the option uE the said :1SSOCIATION after fadtue for three months to rnelte any of said <br />paYrozats or 6e tluee months in arrears in nuking said martudy paymznts, ar [o kcep and comply with the agrcements and conditiotu of said Bond; <br />and Morigagor agrxs to have a receives appointed forthwith in such foreclosure ptn:eedingx. <br />If them is say change io ownership of the real estate mortgaged fmrein, by sale or otherwis, [hen the Cntire rettraiaiog indebtedness hett:by <br />sCCtued sha8, ai the option of Thr Equitable Budding and Lrwr Axauia[iat of Graal ts{artd, Nebraska, bem~ m+^-~t:sr•ty tine attd payable without <br />fartlrer notice, and the amount rernittiag dtx tutdee said hoed, and any other bold for any additiooal advantxa made therewtder, shall, from the <br />data o{ exercise ref said option, bear interest at the rraxituum kept ratz, and this mortgagC cosy then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said <br />bond, and say otlrer btmd foc additicxral advances, together with all :ulna paid try said The Equitable Budding and Loan Asswutioo of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska for imurance, taxes and asxasarents, and abstracting extension charges, with inurest thereon, from date of payment. at the t[iiximnm <br />kg-1 rate. <br />As provided in t[ce Band secwzd hereby, whike this mortgage remains in effeU the rtwr[gagee may hereafter advantx additional Sums to [Ire <br />makers of said Goad, their sssigtts or str:,cessors d intwest, which soots she!! tx within the security of this mortgage the same as the funds otigioaBy <br />secured thereby, the total ameuai of pthtCipai dCbt cwt to exceed at ary time the original atrtount of this rmxigagC. <br />dthis February A. a.,tvS1 <br />- _____ <br />x. <br />~ ~ NEBRASKA' ~ 9A On this 6111 day of February l v & 1 . before tna, <br />C4ItiNTY OF tiAl 1. )) <br />the tudersigrted, a Natuy Public in for ssW Couoty, pw nrm <br />Rcxtald E, Davey and Mary K. Davey, each in hi.s and her OMg1 right and as :pease of ea <br />Of.~'etc:r, ~ who ate; pmaouaL~ known to <br />are tw ha eha idaatipl person 5 whose name S are anixCd to rice above mstrutuent as mortgagors and they severally <br />tra~ttrwrkalp0 the said iastrartseat to tre th~.1.T +vlwNary act and decd. <br />wITN~S m?' ttwt seal Natattat Scat the data aforesaid. <br />_^'7 1G~ , <br />f <br />tNyCoumrs~enCSprrCa f.2 /-rJ ,~~~~,.._~.._:~~r~~_ <br />y <br />rata:av su y liublie <br />