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` ~.,. <br /> <br /> <br />~~ <br />the stmt secuesd by tlti. lhsd of Trust sbaU continau uaanpairsd. upon web payment sad curt br Borrower. this Recd of <br />Trent aed des ~ seruted 1 rhstl tetasin is full fora and eRea at if ao scat bad occurred. <br />2B. Awi~ar at BeaeK ~ ttaedrKl 6d Pwtaadse. N additional aestarety huaoede-, gareowfuB <br />to Leader ehs renal o[ rho Propsrry, provt Borrower sbatt, prior m auxktu~n undo' psta~rapb <br />h ar of the Ptoparty, bavs the r~tt to collect sad retain wets tetra as that' becae~e dos aed payaltie. <br />lTtaou ~. uatdu paattaph Y& hereof or abandanment of the Property. !.ender. is perwe. hr ayeat or hY <br />receiver, > ba antitted to enter upon, tafte pats of and iuao~ t . l.~t ~ <br />~++ t~ theca pau due. At- Hats collected by Etnder or dte receivm >haB bs ap~d3ad &u m pay!~t <br />of E the Peopsrty and eolkction ~ trata, iectudmq, but not limiter m. tecetva's fees. <br />0o aaive~t hoada aed raaeonaWt siwreey't fad:, and then m the nAw seeur+ed hY this Deal- of Tatx. Linder aed Hte <br />teetdver ~ be lialEda £9 a ~ for those tans a+CtwllY tttCeived. <br />21. FtASea Apse. [7poo ragtreat of Borrower. Lender; u Lender's option, prior to fuB ret:asveyaeee ad chit <br />by Ttttstoe ~ . esay ~ Ft>at~ kdva to Borr®wsr, Such Ftnure 1-dvaoeet. wi1# idtdr~ lhaem: bs <br />sswred fry dtis ~ o[ Truu when evidenced hr says uatiah that acid arras are aacured hereby. eke ao hees+ridt <br />the ! as of the ~ eeeured ~Cked of Trust, trot ittcludint wens a ~p ate` <br />m preee~t the soatrity of this Dead ai Truer. esceed the oriainaf auaauot of ttta Note plus 1JS~5.-~stSli.li3to~_-.~.~.-_... <br />~ lloaaaayaaa. Upon payaomt ~ all tuna sa.9tred hr this ~ aE True, Leader sbdl tsquwt Ttesgo m ettcatevey <br />tbs Pmpinty aed s6aB e>rrtendet tifit Dad ~ Truu and aN notes evideaci indebtdoaa secured hr this- Dead of That <br />tQ Tttsta. Teauae shall eaeoaveY the ProPerrY witbatt warranty sad without char's to tits paraaa or pataota taodty <br />anu.' `ad tl>eruo. paaon a perroas s6aB ppaay tB costa of rccordition. it any. <br />33. leltstYase Traslaa. Linder. u Linttkr°a option, may%from bade to tutu remavs Trusroe and aa~ a sueeeasor <br />trt~wes m ear Trussds ~p~tt binwada hr sa utdtruanmt aecordad is the county in which thM Deed t-f Teuu is teaedal. <br />Withodet wmeyaaat of thePrapm~ty. the oaeteslnr trouts shall wcceed to aU the title, pawn sad duties eonfarrsd opal <br />the Teuaa hernia sad M applieabk taw.. <br />21. der l~fatiess. Borrower tstptats tbu copies of the notice of ddauh and notice of ale !a scent to Barrovaer's <br />addax wbieb is the Property AdAraa. <br />Itt WtrItESS WrlEiHOF, Harow6r ht:a eaectatal this decd ~ Trost. <br />e <br />...~~--z- .~ .. ....,..... <br />Marv'p. i.. Smith -ec~+~ <br />-_.. <br />;.. a- r_ <br />.~ 1704ttt~`LL'SnSfiTi"..:--.. `... .....~,~„e, <br />fYl11T8 tX NBBBaSItJ-1 <br />~ 9S. <br />iX?l>>fl7i t~ tiAll d <br />ghe losegoiag inatrutradt race ackaorlsdgatd helots dace this 4th . .day o!. . <br />rehrw~ . . .. 19. ~~ ny .grin ~-. ~d Gac13 I~•. Smith : ~usb~ad end .safe . . . . . . <br />Mitneaa ay !rand sad mtaslal ate. at. Grath I;<iand . <br />is said t,vuAty. the date alorseaid. <br />~~~~ Notary Public <br />fey ~aeeiaaiaa eYpirea: <br />RBQQSST lt3R IPSCOStVBY11siC8 <br />Ttt tlWS'litt <br />3da tsa~.teigaad is t:~ ~1der nl the mte or inlet secured by thiat tt.ed o! ?runt. <br />s8#d Dose ~ solar. ta~at3tir riot all other iadebtedttesa secured by this Dead o! Trust, <br />hew races pall is lull. are bea:eby directed to caacai said mt.a or mtea sad this <br />tMwd of s~tenet. tahicA are tfelivwred hereby. sad to reccavey, rithout rasranty, x12 ttte <br />erAatse ttsatf geld by ytsu trades this Reed of Tsuet to Glut .parson oz pertwna legally entitled <br />~. <br />!aster . . . . . <br />