<br />
<br />Ala. sad et~ea ~ the .;fv d.y of ~u ~u.u.-s-
<br />l9 P'l , i~_sad betwe® Wayne. C. Wilcoxson and Ana M. Wilcoxaon, Husband and Wife.
<br />iheseiaaltes teteered to as atextgagor) sad the Administrator of the Small Btedoess Ad.saaa sa agency of the
<br />Ganermt-eet of iBee United Statq of Aneeriq (hereinafter referred to as mort6agecj, who aeaiataiar m aide and
<br />plaeaatbtriaatsat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, .Nebraska 68102.
<br />~-tettt~sea. flat far the aoesideaarian hereiwfter stated, raeeipt of which is hettiby ardsaowledssd, tie
<br />rises hey . ~+ ftrmt. assign, sad convey ttato the maetgagee, his sazesrass sttd aatigas, all.
<br />of the folbwiog desrtihed peoptxty sitaatad std Kann in lien Comely of ga],1
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />.Lot Nitre (9), Coach Place Subdivision in the Gity of Grand Island,
<br />being a replat of a tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW1/4) of Section 28, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th
<br />P.M., Hall County, Nebrasic=, containing a fractional portion of
<br />Riverside Estates Unit I, and Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Regency
<br />By the Green Subdivision, more particularly described on Plat
<br />recorded as Document X80-000444, plat records of Hall County-,-
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Together with and laeheding al! buildings, sl! 6atuees including beet nee limited to all plnenbiag, heating, light-
<br />ing, veatiiatiag,, refrigaratLtg, i~lneratiag, air conditioning apparatus, and- elevators (the mortgagor herelty
<br />declaring that iE is intended chat the items betw3a smett~rated shalt be deemed- to nape been permaaeaUy ia-
<br />statted as part, of the realty), at«I all imprevementa new or hereafter existing t~reon; the hereditaments-and
<br />appurteetances and-atl-other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertalaing, and the reversion and re-
<br />versions, remainder and remainders, a!I rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the above
<br />described pr+aperty (provided, however, Sitar the mortgagor shall be entitled io the poasessiofi of said ProPa~Y
<br />and to collect and retain the rents, issues, and profits ant!! default hereatt~ler). To have and to hold the same
<br />unto the mortgagee sad the successors in interest of the mortgagce forever in fee simple or such other estate,
<br />!f any, as is rutted herein.
<br />'i'ha tmesl~tifiar awa_aaats that he is itw[aily seised sad. paa~essed of and -has tIb right to sail sad. emtnray said
<br />ptgp>rty: t&at the same is free from rll enemoobrabces eatxpt :. hereiaabove recited; and tha6 be herahy biteds
<br />hitsr~f asd kwt snceeasasa is iaterret,w warraat and defend the title aforwid eherato sad every part tbereo[ againrt
<br />• the a4iasit of •It i xYex, /th .
<br />gi re~t~eee ~uwr~aa~y pb~Wta &~An~ W~.2.coxson of _,J:~ -1 i `--"~""
<br />T1sis. insttttmaet is von to seat Paym a t
<br />itt the principal iwpt of ! 42:t)00.00 , sipted by David K. Brison, President attd Wayne C. Wilcoxaon,
<br />eatlr'lul#nf Aceoutatin$ Systests, Inc. Vice President
<br />w -..~. mr ~ -as, v...ae. tsw.. m o-,.t«..
<br />