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8.~~-- ~}C~05~~ <br />3. The mortgagor eovenanu wd agrees thu if he shall fail to pay said iadebtednees or any part tliereo[ w6ert <br />dtte, ar shall fail to perform say coven:nt or agreement of this inrirumeot or the promissory note eecnre+l6etieby, the <br />ewtire indebtedness hereby enwred shalt imtriediatefy beeoete dos, payable, and collectible without palit~' at'the <br />of the mortgagee ar assigns, regardless ~ muurity, and the rnorigagee or his assigns maq before or ~Etet entry <br />acid propety withal appzaieo-atEat (flee ~rtgaas: boor g wa6vxd and a osgsetd to tf:a :rortga~ aFl r'egl~ of <br />t>~y~taeatt) ; <br />(r l u jtrdieia) rle pnrsetant to she provisions of 28 U.S.C. 2001(x) : or <br />(tt) at the option ~ the mortgagee, either b7 auetioa or by solieibtioo of seam bads,'for flee higbe~Eand <br />beet had eataplying with the terms of oak and manner of payment specified is the puhliahei trotiee of fale;fieu <br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such sale, by advertiseaneot ~t ler thatconce <br />daring each of said four wceka in a newspaper published or distributed in the counq in which-said property <br />as dtoated, all other notice being hereby wsived by the mortgagor (and said mortgagee, or say psesoa as <br />!,shoo of said mortgagee, may bid with the tmpaid indebtedness e»dettced b7 said note). Said sak shall Le <br />lte~ itt es• on the Property to be sold or at the Federal, county. or city murtbooae for the toasty itt w6irlm tba <br />property as located. The mortgagee is hereby aothorised to ezecote for and oa behalf of Lhe mortgagor sad to <br />deTner to efts psncharr u such rk a snieieat eanveyanee of acid property, which eoaveyance shall contain <br />teeitaL r to the happening o[ the default open which the ezecntion of tha power of oak herein gloated <br />depmdo; sad the said mortgagor hereby rnoatitntn and appoints rho taartgagee or an7 agent or attorney of the <br />mostgagee, the agent and attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make sae6 recitals sad to exeettte said <br />e~veyaax a~ 6exby eoveaaaL sad agrees that the recitab so made shall be eSeetnal to lmr all eWu+ty or <br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby <br />expressly waived and cmveyed to the mortgagee; or <br />(nt} take my other appropriate aeries parsnant to state or Federal etamte either in elate or Federal <br />cot:ri or otberwir faa the diapositioa of the property. <br />In the event of a sale as hereinabove provided, the mortgagor or any person in possession ender the mortgagor shall <br />then become and be tenants bolding over and shall forthwith deliver poeseesion to the purchaser at such sak or be <br />Wmmarily dasporeaeed, in acrordaace wish the provisions of law applicable to tenants bolding over. The-power <br />sad agency hereby granted arc coupled with an interest and are irrevocable by death or otherwix, and sre granted <br />a cumulative m the remedies for collection of said indebtedaese provided by law. <br />4 The proceeds of any sak of acid peeperty in aecetiance with the preceding parsgraphs shall be applied fist <br />to pay the sous and ezpensr of said sale, the ezpewr incurred by the mortgagee for the purpose of protecting ~ main} <br />raining said property, and reasonable attorneys' fees; secondly, to pay the indebtedness secured hereby; and thirdly, <br />3o pay any mrptua or e=_e~ to ±he pereoa or perfom laally eniitlcd thereto. <br />3. le ttts event said property is soW at a jndieiai toreelosnrc rk or pttrauaot to the pews: of oak ltmeiaabove <br />granted, and the proeeerfa are sot suieient to pay the total iadebtedaeas secured fry thin iasrtrnmest and evideatoed by <br />rid promiarry note, the mortgagee will 6e entitled to s defieiestcy judgment for the amount of the deFcidscy witFoat <br />r+Ird to apprairatstrt. <br />6. to the event. the mortgagor faib to pay any Federal, state, or local tax aaeesenrent, income tax or other tax lien, <br />charge, fee, or other expe~e charged agaimi the property, the mortgagee is hereby authorised at hie option to pay <br />the name. Any sums so paid by the mortgagee shall be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the <br />iadebtednese evidenced by said note, subject to the same terms and cosditiorta I[ the mortgagor shall pay and <br />discharge the indebtedneae evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such soma and shall discharge all toes <br />and liens and the costs, [sea, and e:peraea of making, enforcing, and ezecuting this mortgage, then this mortgage <br />smwff ba cancefeai and surrendered. <br />7. The oovetuata herein watai~d shelf bind and the benefits sad advaatsltd shall mare to the respective we- <br />eawon and aasigw of the parties hereto. lt+hmever used, the singular number shall ioelode ebe pineal, tba pineal the <br />sietgslar, and the use of say geode: shall isulnde all geatkre. <br />& No waivm of soy coveoaot Seeein or of the obligatiotr eaeured hereby shall u soy limo tbbreafter he bald <br />tc !ta a waiver of the tortes hereof or of the sole secured hereby. <br />la eompiiaaee with section 201.1(d) of rite Rnka sad RegnLtions of the Small Business Admiaiunti~ (IS <br />GF.R: 201.1(d)), this ioasaaeat is to be coastrtted and enforced in accordance with applicable Federal Lw. <br />!~ A jwltcia! dseree, order, or judgment holding soy provieioa or portion of this imtrumaat invalid or tts- <br />e~iweesbk shall-ant in soy way impair or precladt the mforoemeat of the reotainiag ptovisiwne or porliooa of <br />tirkr iaatrameatr <br />car a~a-cis <br />rite r... ssr tars) <br />