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<br />REAL. F:STATP; Mc)RTt7AGE - Nebraska f'.u .hand and [wife, <br />_ .~teremafter <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THF1:~E PRESENTS: That `Manley. r<s_ ~rondg.l and ttarlen.e L. 3ro del. <br />called mortgagor, of ____ _a ___._ .. _ _ __.. _ ._- ('aunty, :mrl State o(' :`'ebraska. m crmsideration <br />of the sum of ~+-r,~ ~.,-~~yo>~-~<„~ ,...^~trecl- ~nety-- sr~n~~~t~t~S in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, <br />~Amnunr Plnan!wd~ <br />sell, and convey unto vial Finance Company of"_._____ ~ ~+ r~taac>--- - -- hr't"Pinafter called mortgagee, <br />Hof __~__'_t~11 _.___ _ ___-_______-_.._ County. State crf ~;ebraska thr~ follmring [',YSCribed real estate situated <br />in rtal;-_-_ __.._ _ County. and State of Nebraska, in-ticii: <br />G <br />.^~ Lot eighteen C18) in 131ock one C1), in ~othman'^ ;ubdi^ision to <br />the City of Gran[, Island, ?fall Cour:t_-~, .+~hra~:I;a <br />~~ <br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appm•tenance~ to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, <br />dower, right of homestead, claims and demands whatsoever of the .aid Mortgagm•, in or to said premises or any part <br />thereof; and Mortgagor does hereby covenant that said Mortgagor is lawfulh• seized of said premises: that said <br />premises are free from all liens and encumbrances except as otherwise noted herein. and that iVtottgagor will <br />warrant and defend the title to said premises against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. <br />TO HAVE ANL TO HOLD unto the said mortgagee. provided always, and these presentee are upon the express <br />mndation that if the said mortgagor shall pay in full to ::aid mnrtgage[~ a promisor}• note dated r abruary 5 <br />19..~L_ for $ 7' F,t'ST _ 1' _- payable in instalments according to the terms thereof, the float instalment of <br />which is due nn Fenr'+~Tv S f+ _ 19 "~_ [chich includes interest at the rate of 2`.'r per month on <br />that part ofthe unpaid principal balance not in excess of 31.U(ht. P _': per month nn that part ofthe principal balance <br />in excess of ~1.t1~ and not in excess of a5.Ot1n, and 1'-~':% per month on :m}• remainder of such unpaid principal <br />balance, and shall pay all taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate. l:efore the same becomes delinquent, <br />then these presents to be void. othenvrse to be and remain m full force. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED that a failure ~o pay anp of paid money. erther onncipal ur interest, when the same <br />became due, or a failure to comply with am of the foregoing agreements. ;hall cause the whole sum oCmoney herein <br />secured to become due and collectible at once at the option r.f the mongagee. <br />NOTICE TO CON~L'~'IER: 1. Do not sign this paper before you read it. 1. You are entitled to a copy of <br />this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled to <br />receive a refund of unearned charges in accordance with law. <br />Signed this -~-----____-- day rJf __-?ahruat;:---.-------- =,) .tat). lu~L- n <br />\. rte- j ~ 7 <br />STATE OF Nebraska ~---`,~_ la'~,,~~~ ~~~-?--- <br />~//,~ ~~ sa. Q ~ <br />----~`~~ ~_ County ~ ~ ~- .L/zt~s!.i-art-e =~ __.. <br />- „~ <br />On this _---...~.--- -. _. say of -~~.~-~---- .:LD.. 19_,!"! .. txiore me, the urt{lersrgned a Notary <br />Public, duty a>mmissiuneu and yu~ttthed *for and residing rc: said county, pertionally tame ~" ' <br />f ~o me known ..n tre the idcrtti[ei pervm..,;._ whr~se name atTixed the foregoing <br />---`' ,, , <br />instru eat as mor•tgagur - _-- -- _ and atknowle[igtd thr .[[me to be - --__.__-- volun- <br />tary act and deed. sl~Mt~~~di <br />Wittrevs my hand and Nottir:ai Seal the day ,[r[d 'tar last :rtxrve untten. ~~~~ <br />:tilt' Commission exprres the._-..i's!. ;~a?' ;,J ~~y~a~ewsal,Hp <br />'Vntnn f ublic <br />_.._- _-____-__.-_-__, ._ ---- .. ._. __. ..- - f- -----.--._ _ __ __._.--__--._- <br />~ STATE OF__ _-____ _ - _- _ _-___.. ' <br />~.. <br />.__.__.--___..__.. .. _.. _._._ t~OtrRLV ; <br />Entered in Numerical Index rind tlleii fur record .n the otllce of the Register oC Defds of said county, the <br />-_----__._. day of _--- -_ _ .--_--- ____._. 1t+ --_ _ _ . at _ _ ..-_ -___--_-___. riclock and _-_- - <br />--- <br />minutes -.,..._ --,.__.-----__._._ '~1., and dull- rr,~crnded :n Book _ _- of .._-- - -- <br />Mortgages Page - _ _ _. _ - ._ .. _ . --- - ---.._ ... - -- ___--------- -- - ---- -- <br />Register ut Lk~er1-- <br />45r :wc wE <br />[~pu[y <br /> <br /> <br />1....1 <br />...,..! <br />