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1 _.._. <br />~? <br />~~- QC~Q54S 1~+IQ~tTG~GE <br />, <br />' 'PI~I8~841~i`l3~GE3ometts~a.........4th ...............dagof.....F.ebcuary............. , <br />5 ~ __~ t- ,+- NAf3FtY 4Y,.. ,~M~TH. RNI?. €s-w!~ERLY. J....SM!?H.,..bustsand .asd. a:ife..... . <br />t --, _ ~.. nE~weati~~, .. <br />t ~ _ ............. ................ .......{betels "Borrower'>~, and the Mortgagee, Flame Federal <br />ggvia~ end laws ~iseociatioa, a etaprmtion otgAaiaed sad existing wader the laws of The Ualted States of <br />_ -,_ Rmsrica, whose ede&eee b 22i 3omEh I.acust Street, Cira~ Island, N®braeka {herein •'I.eader") <br />lYrtettras, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the prinsipat sum of.ELEVEN. 7HOUSFIMD. F.I.KE .F~UDIDREd . <br />AND NO/ ! 00-°----------------------------.: Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Florrower's note <br />. ~. , . _ February, 4,_ .I 4& 1.... therein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal ars! interest, <br />with tits balance of the indebtedness, if sot sooner paid, due and payable on.......Macch..1.,..200b......... <br />To Sr?eurzB to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payraertt of all outer stmss, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protest the security of tills <br />Mortgt~, and the ~f'ortnanse of the Covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contaitxd, and {b) the rt~tayt>xnt <br />~ any futart: advances, with interest thereon, made to Borcower by Lender puesuant to paragraph 21 hereof {herein <br />"Fuaare AdvsacYS"),Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Letu~r the following deacn`hed property <br />located is the County of............NQ~.1- ........................... State of Nebraaks: <br />LOT NINE {9}, BLOCIf TWO {2}, IN LAKE DAVIS ACRES SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY; NEBRASKA. <br />which Ip~a the addrdss txf ......... ,327, C~ !vin , Fir j,,r,~ .............. . ... . .Grand . l s1 and .....:..., <br /> tt:tm <br />„~brastca , &6t3i~ t ....... (heren "Propetty Address"); <br />t am ztn r.~ <br />Tos~t+stax. wits all tie iteprovements naw OF hereafter erected on the property, and aU easements, rights, <br />, rea#s, royalties, mitterat, wit and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and all <br />Ctttrtnrsmnr a he~Eder attaeired to the property. alt of which, isicluding rt:ptacertsertts and additions thereW, shalt be <br />domed tra be sad rotrtaitt-apart ol! the property covered by this Mortgage. and alt of tic doregtting, together wits said <br />prsspgtly fps the i~asraiwid estate if tisn Mortgage is on a teaseltoid) are herein referred to as the "Property" <br />Nortwr~r tbett Bnrrrrwer h }surfs{ly seiwd of the estate lureby conveyed sad has the rigit to t>xictgage, <br />geasH ttnd '- tic Pr+t~tttty, shat life Property is unensnrrttrer~, am! that Borrower wilt warrant sad defend <br />the tole ttr ibe Ystopatilp agaiirsa all slaitra and dearttrtds, subjcgct to any deslaratiotxi, easements or rmtrictions <br />trl in a ~ cf aaceptiarss to s~verage in any title itrsurarux paiiey irtsuring l.etsder's interest in the Property. <br />~+.-t s-A f-3 1$--Itf~€#iltt~ t lR~ft <br />