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.r..____ <br />AGREEMENT AWUSTING LOAN TF.ItMS <br />RE: FML No. X56945- -.-.... ~'~ '-` () ~1 ~ 5 r Q <br />.`Yhecm, t`ne ~~r. Y.aneo<~ ; v:rrd Lite lnsu:ancc^,c-opany, h<rr:n cW~ "F6 at °arty" ;s the holder of a certain Note ev3denaiag <br />an obli~tbn in the sum otf_-,ij~~9~IQ.QQ-•-•--------•------------- -secured by a mortgage, or deed of trust, herein called "Mortgage,,, <br />ae lkrcument X76-006428 <br />dated -~StY.ti}All?.45-.3-... x.9)6-------------°•--------and recoNe~llrlgeedc--•-•-------------•---- ps~e-°------ --------•----• in the of[ii~ of the <br />gICB~At.Bx -try.-IdxGdA.---•----- ot---H&J.k------------------•--County, and in book------ ----------------- WBe'--_-..--.'--.....-.-.. in the <br />office of tht-•---.._...-'--------•-------------•----•° °t---------------------•-•--------------County, and State ot---Nsk~elska--•-°-•----------... <br />~ Note and Mortgage given by___ Dennis_ J_e - Schlund--gnd-Kathryn-Schlund <br />AND WH~tEA5, the bsknce of principal eernaining unpaid on said Note isf-$~}Q00,00 _-_ <br />AN~WFIEREAS.-----__°RRAtlj,a-,7..--~ChluAd--Atld--$g>ShF1'i?-~ehlunds_h~tsband_-and crife <br />heratn e.Mkd "Seeotod Party" hereby warrant___________________ that they axe now the sole owner; of the real estate so eacnmbeted; <br />AND WHEREAS, Second Party also represent and warrant that there are no lien or encumbrances upon said teal estate junior <br />and inferior to the Mortgage actxpt: Overland National Bank and liulme Feed & Supply. <br />MOH, TIlEREFOBE, in consideration of the payment by the Second Party of the sum of $34,140.00 <br />($16,790.00 to be applied on account of principal due May 1, 1991, and $15,350.00 to be pro- <br />rated and applied on account of obligatory principal installments due May 1, 1981, and May~l <br />of each year thereafter, to and including May 1, 1990) and- the release by the First Party of <br />80 acres of the property described in said mortgage from the lien thereof, and <br />is cansideratioa of the mutual lxnetits to stsd the mutual promises of the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed <br />with ee~ect to the Note and Mortgage: <br />Thst from and after ]?~tyary__j,t_~ Qj;l__-_,___-- the principal remaining [corn d~unpaid shall bear interest at the rate <br />_,.,.-., <br />of- --- per annum instead of --__-•---1Q~,_------------------- per aaaa~as originally proaided. <br />Thai the Iron fa of o[ which is recited in the Note andlor J { ~*~ - <br />op - ptepaytue principa! Mos{ppa$aed to read u (oRows: <br />The privilege is reserved to pay $100.00 or any anrltiple thereof on account of the <br />psiacipal oa say iniesest paying date provided such payment does not exceed $4,886.00 <br />including obligatory principal payments in any one year, such privilege not to be <br />cumulaClve. <br />Tlaa defauit rotor of interest provided for in the above referred to note and/or mortgage <br />is hereby tacraa~t from 12% par annum to 14~ par annum. <br />The rata of Laterest provided far in the above referred to mortgage for advances try the <br />au<l~rtgagae far taxes, a*;esamenta or charges or procurement of insurance as stipulated in <br />said xmrrtgags, sad the rate of interest provided for in said mortgage for litigation <br />expeaaa advanced by the awrtpagee as atlpulated in said mortgage is hereby increased from <br />12'L to 14~ pet annum. <br />W Y~, SW ~/y oi- 5ee~-:+,a Z,$ ~l 2. - iZ <br />5 fit, S iJ ~4 . S S..e~ I «. ! ~( - r t .• } 2 <br />