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r- <br />gDTQW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 't'hat John Hanaaek Mutual Life Inaureaace Company, <br />s eprparation duly ~ tmder the lows of The Caromonweatth of Massachusetts, and having its principal <br />office is is the County of Suffolk, the holder of the note secured by the _ _ _ _ ?~TtBe~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />h~sO€t~,heetibed;ineo~~atioa~thesumaf__~g D?11ar_and ath~_lto~uabl~------------- <br />___._~tiarstus ------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------- <br />to~Faidi~ ----.__Tiw6_~.._:rC2tlt.~$=~t'~"~x'-Sthluts~'.,_h•ad:~Ead_gi------_. __ <br />.. <br />the reoeiipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said <br />_ ----------Dpsgi~_J__~hI_und aad_Katltry_n_Schlund~, husband_an¢_wffe~-------___ <br />~ Llre right, title ate inteecet acquir+xl by said Jahn Hancock h3utua! Life Insurance Company uncles a <br />-----I~ortgage__________________g„,~ by_Denn3s,I._Schlund_attd x~rhrv., Sch2utul> <br />ipl__~?IiAd_~i_~#.~e._- 4~_,Tgduf.k~stCQCk I~Lw~.l_I.i.£e_Inaurance_ra~s`-----°-------- <br />datgl------~e.7C_3~_~.2I4-----------and recorded in the o45ce of they _lisli~$CQT_ 4~_D&gd9----- <br />€or. _ _ -- _ _ _.~@L1,. --- ----- - - - -- -- - ------County, in the State of Nebraska, _ as_ ARCtagPAt_ NA... _ 76-04642$, <br />_ --- _---------__, in or to that portion of the premises therein conveyed, which <br />iq desenbed ce toll©ws, aametp: <br />The West Half (W~1) of the Horthvest Quarter (Nf?Z) of Section 28, <br />ry Towship 12 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />T~ <br />.~ Nebraska, and containing 84 acres. <br />v <br />^. <br />p~ <br />0` <br />r+.a <br />'IY) HAt'): A:~ D TO Hf3I.,D the same to the said _ . _ ~eunis _ J-~ _Schlund_ and _ Kathryn _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ <br />_S.Cli3.lti-d----- ---------- --- - - -°-- - - - ------ -- ---[heJs_helxe-----a°d~ <br />to their own. use aad behoof forever. But this relea~ shall ttot is any way affect or impair the right of said <br />John Ilsacoek:tiutuat Life lnsttrance Company to hold under the said------?Ysrtgage__________________ <br />so security for the sum remaining unpaid thererut, to wit: the principal sum ~.~{ t_ Thousand, <br />_P~gl:+t.ed-~iatty--~$48&50)----~..--------------~° s~e~a~~'prem~aea <br />thereby cont~ved and not-heretofore or--hereby releveed. <br />IN ti'ITI~iES3 PIHEREI?F, the said John Hancock tiutual Lifer`ittsarso~e-CompaXty has caused its <br />oorparate seal to be hereto affixed, aad these presents to be subscribed bge -~...$~-#3f#)T ---,----- <br />ane of ire As~atsrtt Treas+tress, this- _ .. - _ _ _ ~Ith ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _day o€-_,_ -- ----~;1. r ,.-.-, IB.BL- <br />(y) In prraeace o~ L ~j JCtHti~j~Gi'it,A 1ILt'I'II LIFE Ir~~CC?142f'ANY, <br />tirL^".' ~-y~,~'4- ( By. f'l?~G_ =r...~~!~ ~ ~u, :• -`-:1" -=-' -°`-"S'/` <br />'-- J <br />---- - Sttsaa Litaat Dapca3,d A. Plorvay '' _' ~,~ut;ptTn~,ser <br />:~,~ t <br />C34I~IMQP1Vl~F~1,LT13 DF ~n~~~cxll7s~°rrr~; - <br />Cauaty of SuSalk ~aa. <br />~ ~._____-___-7,a~t6______-__-_---day of_-_._-. _..______,Jauuas~t__._-_--, Iff.., before toe, <br />_ __ -, a Plata Public, duly qualified for and residing in <br />___.BLhs%_1't~.Ltibar~_-°----__.-_ ry <br />ceid Cacastanwealth, persuaally came. _ - _ _ .. -- . _ - _ ~ ~ _ I'ktt:t~ _> .. ; _ J sn Aa~stsnt Treasttrer of <br />J~ Imndt, ~uttxal Li€e Itranee C:umpany, to me pexsonallg he s>ie d@ntesal parson whose <br />nat~ is rued W the obeys irttmanf ae as As~tant Tmaeur*x of=mil 4#ata~r:, au-d sal~Otrledgsd tbs <br />atw~! t to his trite volttttE~atg act and deed ~ eaicl i~ayang. .: ~ ~; ~ . <br />W mp hood aid e#lieial seal. ttt Hotdort,'t4assacltuprtta, in f oupty, she risky anal Year` last akwve <br />Rt#usl. 2t. Labarg '1 <br />