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g .R --0 (10 5 U ~ MORTGAGE <br />,vtc una,•c.rtE 3l ......say of..3atlu.FSr,'t ...................19... al........, byl~o7121d.-~!.-'~-~.....htdT3i ~s. <br />maele this ........................ ........... <br />of...._GY',831ti Island ...............County Seale of Nebraska, Iteseaftd#"/'at'fd' <br />n "Mortgagors." snd IfENEFK[AL FINANCE CO. OF N BRASKA, a catpontbn otgwized sad exiatlt~ under tlx laws oC the State of <br />Nebmta snd having an office and piste of budttess at....22.. ..... iTOTt$ s'rebh, ~d. Grr';s2.fl-, Y81aA4y..~;~,.. ¢~~Q,~,' ................-. , <br />neearier tafatrsd tom "M.-,:ga-~." <br />47TNESSE7'H That the Mortgagors. in ordu to secure the payment of a Bergin promirory note of even date heretvitls in the Aemd Atnotmt <br />of Lon of s...-.?s~~9.+.~.2 ......................... togethu wfttt lnt«eat on,trtpde pdr~ipd ad.naa. ttedpt or nta praceaa: thebof eefngaeKer <br />aetnawtedged, her hY mortgage to the Mortgagee the foBoaMg described fed estate sfttuted in the County oL.....i'~&~~,........-.._....-......,... , <br />Stan of NeMulca, molt partkularly described as follows: <br />;.,ot 7, i-n Block 123, c,nion Yaoific ,'iailr03d Com~->yts Second addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, Sall County, i+eUraska.. <br />Suefiect'T'o: ~ iiortgage to ..ortu~fe Plus Lncorri„orated, dated idavembar 1, 1978 <br />First .~:ort~~ :fielder filed :uove>aber 3, 197 ~ Boc-,:..~ent ido. 7$007254 in <br />the original :~otant of y30,000.00 <br />[ogethe vMh atl the terxmrnts, hereditamrnts and appsnKemnea to the sanx belortgotg, sad aB the ertKe, tine dower right of httasab+ed. <br />elahns and demands whatsoever of the mostgagon ot, in or to raid premiss or any part thereof. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLE the aMrre described premiss, vit6 a6 the pevileges and appvrbnutcea to the said Mortpgee, fib etrtzssasa sad <br />asepss. forevu: <br />AND the Mortgagor da COVENANT with the saw Mortgagee, its mccsswn and assigns, that they see lawfaBy seked is fee of the praaaiass; <br />riot said premises are free of all encumbrances, except es afotesdd; that they have good right to sell and convey the sane a afisradd; ~ that <br />they and their heirs ahaU and wH1 forever WARRANT AND DEFEND tde same to the said Mortgagee, fib pcceson and aadgaa forever, agaiaat <br />the lawful dawns and demsods of aft persons. <br />The agmd rate of charge on the aforesaid promasory note fie 24% per annttm: (:% pu monUt) on that part of the unpaid principal balatxe not <br />m exceu of S 1,000: 1 g% pu annum ! ('h% per months on that part of the unpaid principal balance exceeding f 1,000 but not exe~q ff,000: <br />aad t6%per anon 11 i(3%pu month) an any rr:mairtdu of such unpaid tatlartce. <br />Unn7 Ore payment in fuB of the pmmiswry Hots evWent.'iog this Foss, aocozdhtg to the tarns thereof. the Nonagon hereby COVENANT AND <br />AGREE: (I) To pay dl taxis and uaetsmrnb on the premises descabed teereta to whottuxtevu levkd and asaeasd: (2) To keep the btrddinga <br />astd "onproremtnb strafes thueon insured >saenst fire sad oNu hazards in such amount and with such ensuran« carriu u shag be aaxpbbk <br />to the Mortgages; (3) To maintain the premises sub+tantially ro u stood condition and repair u Wey are on the date hereof, ant neither to <br />commit nos to suffer soy strip cn waste thereof; and, {4) To commit rto 6seach of any covenant hereht contained. <br />PROVIDED, NEVERTHELESS, that if Mortgagors shall pay the full amount of the town to the Mortgagee, sccordirrg tv the terms of the note, <br />aged shad perfomt >U at the terms and condition of this mortgage, this martgege, togethu with the said promissory note, sha0 teas and be <br />voW. Otherwise it shat( remain b effect. to the evens of any default in the payment of the monthly intalmente on the loan, Mortgagx, fib suc- <br />osaaors or soigne, may maintain an action at law or equity to rocover the unpaid principal balance of said loan plus any accrued and unpaid <br />dsuges. <br />t! otdy oaa taortgagot be a party to this ittsirument, all plural words herein referrirb to Mortgagors shell be construed in the singular. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagors have hereunto set their hands and seals on the date above written. <br />Sigaiad, sealed and ddirerad by Mortgagor <br />at the ptaeace of: f~ , t _r <br />IYfnrest <br />Wiraesr <br />at'"~....~"L /{ ~.u/t~,~,..~..L (SEAL) <br />Print or Type Name of Morrgq... <br />Ona, :. =,SZIL~v <br />.SEAL) <br />_... ~v . 1[, .~ i~t or Typt Nmwa of Morgasw <br />STATE OF NEBRASIU t ) <br />) sa. a. <br />COUNTY OF....33.11 .......................... ) <br />-,.. ,.........'fi a <br />On thee....-.~~..___dsY of__sf.4'~4~...~.::~........._.....__. 19.s?1......., before"'_-`~ .:.LiGQ ...................._. <br />Notuy ~~. dub appoented and aualiftad for and reading is sai6 a~uaty, Pusooallr appeared.-.:A4 :8171..~~.a..',"" 1 ; n i ~r » ..............r. <br />`1....i131.7.T33 X ........................... ,his wife, to me o tire! penow described fn and who axawttd the within <br />mortgage, acrd they severally actaowbdged the same to ba thee , ~+W. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. i have hereunto set my hand and sed ~ ..J.iris.e•-.Jwi .................................._..,.............,..._.... <br />~''. - . <br />is trb rauaty. the day sad Year tut above writtfg., O ~ ;~ i/R~a;,3r~et7 A <br />Notary Ashtic in a~ far add Caaaq+ <br />KY Coatm3sd~ F,xplrsa ~ctatx~r tb `~ <br />is N4E Td, fc6. Apr. '94 <br />