NAOFt'Tt"sACvE g~°'°'f }~~~~1
<br />THIS INDISNTI1ttE, maw ~_ 4th -- -day of February ----`-_----• Ig_81 by and between
<br />Arnold H. Foss and Grace Foss, husband and wife, each in hie and hex awn-right and
<br />arz gnonwe o the other ~~.___._.._._ - -_.---
<br />~ Hal l cmrmy Nebraska, as mortgagor s ,and Grand Island Trust Coarpeny of Grand- Islatd, a corporation
<br />organized end exfetuig order tde Lwe of Nebneka with its principal otfice and place of business et Grand Island, Nebedeke, as martpgee;
<br />WI°fNESSBTH: Thai said mortpgor s , Ear smI in con+deratfon of tde zum ef~
<br />the reoefpt of wdied is hereby sekaowlsdged, do -. by theca presents mortgage and wtrt
<br />ftaevta•, all the fotbwing described Beal estate, aitwted in the County of _ .. _.. Ha 11
<br />- _ ---
<br />and Sate of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Seven (7} in Block F.i~hty Four (84) in lJheeler & Bennett's Four"th Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with all heating, air comlitioning, fighting, cad plumbing equipment and futures, including screens, awnings, storm windows end
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or is connxtion with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or hereeftor
<br />Placed thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AND'I'O HOLD THE SAME, toget}res with ell and siagufsr the teaenrente, hereditameats and appurtenances thereunto be•
<br />longing, or in anywise appertaiakrg, forever, and warren[ the [irk to the same. Said morgagor ~- hereby covenant _-._. with said
<br />mortgagee that-_ _t he v_ _____ are , at the delivery hereof, the kwfut owrcer. s. of the premises above conveyed and described,
<br />$_.... seised of a good and indefeaaibk estate of inharitmce therein, free and clear of all encumbrances, and that~he,~will
<br />warrant e~ detwd the tithe thereto forever ageiast the ciaima and demands o[ ail persons whomsoever. -
<br />PROVIDEDALWAYS, end this fasWment le executed and delivered to sewrc the payment of the sum of ~___
<br />Fanr Thnn tend Right Hnndreri Twentv--t~tC_-~{,i]'-ir~_sind (,ZQj3_QQ Doffars ig 4 822.00 _ _ ____
<br />- with inteeeat threon, with such c - I,
<br />together huger end advanoea ae map be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and rntditions
<br />of the pmmiesary Dote of even date herewith and secured hereby. executed by said mortgagors _-- to said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />in said note, sad to eeat:e the performance of sU the terms and conditions contained therein. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />dares by ~ .
<br />It i. ttw iataotien and agreement of Lhe parties hereto that this mortgeg®ehaU oleo aeutre aqy future advances made W said martgagor~
<br />by said nxatga®es, and any sod all indebtedn®a k addition to the amount above stated which said mortgagors, or any of Chem, nosy owe to
<br />said mortgages, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. Phis mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between
<br />the partiee hereW asd their heirs, personal represeatativea, successors and assigns, until all amounts sewrad hereunder, including future
<br />advaocee, are paid in fuL' with interest.
<br />The martgagor~_ busby assign --- to said mortgagee off rents and income arising at any and all times froru said property and
<br />hereby authoriso acid meuhgagee ar its agent, at its optaoa, upon default, W take charge of said property e~ collect all rents and income
<br />t0~tram and tde same ter the pgymt$t rd , prieegrni, ~ursoce psomiuma, tares, aeee>Fammta, repaita or impmvemanta
<br />neoeemry to keep said property in temptable cvadit'wrr. or to other charges or paym~ts provided for herein or in the note herebp secured. Tdis
<br />rent eaeignment shall continua in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. 7'he taking of possession becawrder shall in no manner
<br />Praraat-a r'stard aafd.mottgagee is the collection of said some 4y forerJosura or otherwise.
<br />The failurrof the mortgagee W assert any of its rights hereunder at any time shall tort be cooatnted as a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />acme at any Lear time, and to insist upon and enforce strict compliance wild all the terms and provisions of said Dote and of this mortgage.
<br />_ It acid mortgagor s adall caoae w 6e paid to said tnortgagce the entire amount due is hereunder. and usdes_ the terfirs apd pmvkiaas
<br />o[ said Hope hereby secured. including tature advances, cad any extenaioos ur removals [hereo[ in accordance with the teems and provsians
<br />thrcaof, and St stud moitaagar s shall rwmpty with ail the provisions of said rota and of this mortgage. rhea thane proaents.sdall ba void;
<br />at8tawiae W remain in dtpforoa and ether, and said mortgagee adall be entitled w the possession of ell of avid property, end orgy, et ire option,
<br />dee]ars the wAak+ot said note end all inda~edaees represented thereby eo be immedialcly due and payable, sad may foraclaae this mortgage
<br />a take any other kfsai. adios to protect its right. Apprarmment waived.
<br />Tdia mortgage ahsil be binding..' -•ad shalt enure to the bem~t of the heirs. extcuWra, ariministratoro, sutxessore end nssigna of the
<br />respective parties hereto.
<br />IN WI7Nffi8 WHEREOF, said MottQagorS____-. daY.~.-.-hereunto eat__._....i:hf_ls.-__-_ hand-S,Tthe day and ycec„first abava
<br />wrrtum, ~ y
<br />~'' Imo'
<br />.r ld H. Foss
<br />,x~..: 't'om`?-`'~
<br />.~...____~__.__.__._._.._._..-----~-------_ .___._._..----__ ,_.___ ,,,r~
<br />i;L3Ce ['455
<br />ER !$ms end assigns,
<br />i......
<br />