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<br />`=~` <br />8i~3~D4~~ <br />(ktt That in ilia event the nbrtgagors tail to pgy r!trert due arty taxes, liens, audenents, or assessments, or fail-t6 <br />eiafptafn knsnranee as herelnDefare provided, or fail to pay rents, fees, or charges under the terms of arty lease, <br />- Deslaft,-1fs/eltse;-or p€iviiege; o€ nortgageeis retgtlred-. to incur expenses for abstract fees, attorney fees, costs; <br />ezpetrsbd, Sedather allarges SIi cannectiob with litfgatian; Hprtgagae may make such payment orprdvlde such 3nsuraiiDe; <br />otz fnAtT obli~rtfrki, apd t3te aepietts paid therefor shai3-begone a part of -the indeDta4ness secured tier~ty--dtie <br />-pair3bl9 fe~ediately, Bad shall bear' ]ntereet from: Che date a2 -gavmerit at the- same rate as_ praY]Qe4- fot`-ridfault--- <br />ir] the- ate, - , .. _ - - - - _ - _. <br />{gj That In thin event arty awards era mHde to the t~x'tgegors--or their successors Sn interest for-taking ar damaging- <br />Dy the exef~ise of emtnent dowein the wrote or arlY pa7`t 0f the mortgaged premises or aqy easeix[1G Chei'e112, the Said <br />area pre hereby_ assigned to the pbrtgagee; the Hcrtgagee ]s hereby authorized to coil act, receive, aCi4_rBOBigt- <br />ttle€efrrr and to ~lY-the same fn pgyBkent o2 any-IhdeDtedn9ss; r~iaturan or unmatured, secured by-this mortgage. <br />{~)- That lr. LDe evert ~tirtgagors Cefault in the payment of-said prinei~sl. s!an, or of arty ]cistellment-ttiereaf, or' <br />-ai aqy interest thereari, a6 the time witch the same shall be due, or with respect to arlY covengnt or condition. here-~ <br />bf,-then, at tDe apLian of mortgagee, LDe entire indebtedness secured hereby shall forthwith become--due-and-:payable-.- <br />~ra21 bear interest at the default rate described in said note, and the Mortgagee may immedlatelp_foraci©s@ tiii8' <br />martgageor pursue any otDer available legal remedy. - - <br />!7} That Sa-tile event action is Draught to toreclasa this mortgage; the Mongegea shall be-ent_itled--to-Smmediate-- <br />possassian-o1 *=?s~-*_v±rtgagad ;eremises, and the court may appafnC a receiver to-*.ake gassassianof said pramisas;w_ith-- <br />CDe usual-powers of rece]vers !n Iike cases. ~ - _-- - -_ <br />-(S)---ihaU fa]I-,lre-ar delay Df n~sr-tgagae to exercise say of !.ts rigr.US cr privileges shall not be consti wed:as---a <br />waiver thereof; that aqy acC of MDrtgagee waiting arty specillc default of Mortgagors shall not 'be construed.-as~a <br />waiver a1 any future flefaults; that in case d2 GBfault In the payment of say amortization lnstailmehts orinterest;: <br />or fn case b3 payment by .:ortgagea of arty lien, .lodgment, Lax, insurance, cast or expense, or. rents-, Saes or_chargea;_ <br />said ndrt6agee sha1Z Nava the privilege, without daciarlrg Lhe whole indebtedness due aild payable-,- to foreclose-on <br />ahcount of such specific default Far such sums ?sure Sn d2 Lauit and such Sareclosure proceedings may be :had-and- <br />the Land describeG. harem may br: sold, subJect *.o the unpaid SudeDtedness hereby secured, and: this mortgage shall-. - <br />cont]ttue as a liar. For stty urtpalfl Dalanee. <br />r9) That the ttDrtgagee may axtenC anC defer the maturity uF and renew and reamDrt]ze sal d. indebtedness, reTease- <br />~rrxe lisDility arty party liable thereon. anC release From the lien hereof portions of the progeny covered hereby; <br />wiC.hout ailarting the prlcr2ty rkeraof 6r Lhe iiapillty Cf MorUgagara nr say o*.her party for the payment of-said <br />Slldebtedaess, al.l such eztenslons, date^ents, renewals, and resmartfzat ions to be secured hereby. - - <br />(ioi Transfer a2 Security. ;; Ss agreed between the parties here *.c, their ;teirs, legal representatives end-assigtts, <br />that the integrity anti raspons]Dility of the Mortgagors constitutes a dart of the consideration far the note secured <br />hereby. and that in the event the. Mortgagors shall sell, transfer, ~r convey the property described .herein, the. <br />tt~tgagee eA~y st its optlcn declare Che ant ire indebtedness immediately due and payable and may proeeedin the-en- <br />tort'-errant of 1*_s rights ss on arty ether default Sn the terms of the note and mortgage. <br />(Y < ,srtd phreses herein, :r+c~fudirsp she ac brawledpsent hR.••0~ shai2 6e cors':.aed os tin the sirspular or ~lurai <br />rs nrld ~s stssst'ssline, ,essnirw., d- Haut<r aerkdo~r", ;.sEfrd:ng ;c tkx c »:tezi.; <br />i <br />,;:EAL} ~~ ~- - {SEAL}- <br />3E'71I1~ I,. ~`~~ et <br />(;u.AL} ~~.~a~!~. _` -"r ~~~~~~'~- {SEAL} <br />:.ifida ,~. kziriget <br />,ucKL; (SEAL} <br />;SEAL; (;~EAL} <br />STATP CF ~~.%2"L3S~CB - . <br />i ~ fI JJ ~. <br />ColBiTY50f'~ a.-",{,.~~iLi -i.-t- ,,.i.. _~ ~ ~, ;;e, - .cLa <br />i j i'~bli ~' in `L=3u°4r 3fiid Coln ty and <br />state, par=orally sppeRreei "errti~-'. ~^linget and ~ir~ ~. 'vling~t, hlls'.~alid at><1 wife, <br />tc, me krloern to Da the ,~rsc.-,s seemed _:, grid ah~a ex>_c utee ' br 'ore,3o]r.M- i.,strument, and a,=knawledged that they executed <br />the Same as their volunta^y sCL cad Ceae:. r f' <br />~- r' ~ < <br />~~~illhrl~IA~ ~~ r ~ ~ /,- <br />ifv ctz<aralssion expi*_ws-_-1~~j `--.,-~ //.t~~L,t .r.%1 ~-l~C~~ <br />MFti1n~.~~l~ ~~~~ r^ti -~~ ' <br />fPf pr it*i name rifer sr~Ul.4/~' <br />t±atary AxD}!c `_n ;vnC Sor said ~'onntY and State <br /> <br /> <br /> ,- z <br />ri ~ ~ ~ i - - ~ y ~ ~ ~ s <br />'~ <br />~ - i ~ t " ~ s <br />, <br />~I i ~' 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ <br />~ x " w <br /> <br /> <br />~ ~ <br />i ~ <br /> <br />I _ <br />k <br /> <br />~ <br />- ~ <br />~ ~ a a <br />E <br />Fr <br />~ <br />~ ~ '' ~ <br />~ jIttt <br />-,.. <br />~ t <br /> ~_ -4a <br />1 Q <br />Y' w, 3 F <br />u ! ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ " I ~ <br />. w ~ i 3 ~ y <br />j r - <br />5 r _ ~ ~ t W <br />< ~ <br />i ( <br />~, ~ <br /> <br />- <br />- _- <br />. -. -.. , <br />- <br />- -- -.- ~ <br />- _ <br />- ~ ~ <br />` h vx._ <br />'++..wr:.wank. 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