<br />52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (With 'Tax Claure) Rev 7$rwr.~ ~ ~ (~ ~ rf Huffman sod Felton 8 WoH, Walton, He. 68461
<br />i.
<br />E
<br />€-
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That The Four C' s, a p a r t n e r s h i p
<br />1
<br />~ of County. and State of Nebraska , is consderatiarf ~ tLe r~ d
<br />~ 67 a 1 2
<br />Forty thousand and 00/100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D0LLARB1
<br />.rs hmtd p._sd, do Iu~r~by SELL :u~ C4NlfEY unto FIvE POINTS BANK
<br />i
<br />of Hatl County, State of Nebraska the[ollow,~gdesrribedpretdtnmtst-'.
<br />'' ~ Hal I County. and State of Nebraska .to-wdt:
<br />The North Forty-Seven and eight tenths (N 47.$1 feet of lot two (2}, Block
<br />Block Five (5) in College Addition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The intention being to rnnvey hereby an ats;aiute title in tee simple, iaduding all the rights of homestead and dower.- -
<br />TO HAVF. AND TO HQLD the premises atwve described, with atl the appurtenances thereunto belortgutg, vats the said
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the espze+e
<br />::ondition that it the said mortgagoe(s!, his, her or there heirs, executors, administrators or asrigns shall pay or aattse to br
<br />paid to the said mortgagee{s), his, her or their hears, executors, adrniniatrators or assigns, the principal sum of '~ 40, 000.00
<br />payable as follows, tq wit:
<br />Due and payable or. or before February i, 19$3
<br />with interest according to the tenor and ot3ect of the ms,rtt;agors written promissory note ftQtelrntltifBtferFSil0.iXdititg4hlfaf2 presents
<br />and shalt Pay alt fazes and :ivv-ssments isvred utx,n Sant ;sal es fate. and al! ether rases, levies and asaessmenta levied upon this
<br />mortgage or the nose -which this mortgage tx given to secure. before the same txrromes delinquent, and keep the buildiags on
<br />said premises insured fvr the sum o£ 5 »O, UOO.i)0 loss, if any, payable to the said mortgagee, then these presents
<br />to be void, otherwise to he and rensain m full force.
<br />I'I` IS F CTR`I'HER :1C;RI;ED (i r 'that rf the void mortgagor shat) fail to pay such fazes or procure ewch insurance, the
<br />- i said mortgagee maY pay such taws and pnx~ure such ~n5urance, and the sum so advanced, with interest at l b z per
<br />__ ~ cent, shill he repnM by wed mortgagee, and this mortgage hall stand as security tot the same. (2) That a failure to pay any
<br />! ut said money, either pnnnt>al ur mterest. when the same br'cornes due, yr a Failure in crornply with any of the foregoing
<br />- agreeteu•nis. xhsil cause the whole sum of money herein srxv red to become doe and coHertibie of once at the option of the
<br />mortgagee.
<br />- Signedthia 30th dayvE .ianuary Ig 81 _
<br />lu::,,a"-t5~u r C~ ,.G~l~,a r t n e r s h i p
<br />In preseem~e of _ _~,..~-.-.:.- ~"r
<br />j
<br />SPATE OF . ?!ebFaaka ................. Cnuaty of ... )ia l ? ....................
<br />'Che foregoing ifuttrutnent was ackncw•letlged before me .. _;anuacv. 3t: .....................19..81.
<br />'' hy,.Ire..tQp::.,.'S...d.F,d>it,rership
<br />~¢
<br />~`4tipti~ttilM Signet Person v t
<br />v
<br />itle :+ctary Public
<br />S'PATF. t39...... ... - i Emend on numerics! irtrlex and flied for record
<br />ss.
<br />Ceatntp - .. . ... . ........ .. a in the Register of Deeds Offfoe of said Cotmty the
<br />_ ...... ....... dt1i' of._......_ . _. _. 18,........... et -. ,.. ....-_._...-__ti dock aai_--.-._ _.. _. -..min,ttes .._ _......1L1„ j
<br />r
<br />sad reed is ,init.. _ -_ . of...._. _ _ _ -, . - .. - st lrrge~.. _ - .-... _ _ _. }
<br />d
<br />_. - _ . - - _ - __ ._ _ Reg. of herds
<br />By.. tkt,aKy -
<br />-- _ }
<br />