<br />HIORItvAGE ~ ]Z "._" j.~ ~~ ~ ~ ~
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. T. 23 a 900
<br />RatO1Y ALL MEN BY THPSP. PRESENTS: That F4estern xeights Developtttent Cc. , a Nebraska corporation;
<br />De?hert D, 'I7tea.~yer and Lois A. Theastaeyer, his wife; and Gary F. Voecks and Jtxli A.
<br />Voecks, his wife; jointly and severallYr
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in satioo of the a® ~
<br />~; ffy-SPYE']7 'Phrvtaarvi and ttnJ t O(1 _ - -_-_ -- IIY3i3.AR8
<br />bard to said rrrmtgagor by The Equitable Building and Luau Asarrciation of C.rard Ittlwd, Nebradta, Mortgrtgoe, upon 570 ~ ~ task ~
<br />aria ASSOCIATION, Certifinte No. L 23 900 • d(t hereby grant, cmrvry and mortgtfge wto the toil AS30CIA17ON tha foBowfatg
<br />dtaaibed real estate, sittrtted in Hill County, Nebradta:
<br />IL7I' EI("arF1~7 (28), R & B s'tT)3DIVISION, EiHLI. COl]N'I'Y, i~,BRASKA
<br />together with all the tenetaentx, heredrtaments and appurtenances thereunto tretonging, Including at[at~red floor coxsrsnga, all tviadmr saeena, `--
<br />window shales, blinds, storm wwnlnws, awntnga, heaung, arc conditiunmg, sad plumbing and water equipment and acrxaotiri the[BtO,pumpa,rtorea, -- - -
<br />rcfrigeraton, acrd other fixtures and eyurprrrent now ut hereafter attached to or used ut cumteetron with Bard real estate. -
<br />And whereas the saxi rtnrtgagor has agreed attd doss hereby ogres that the rtwttgagor shall and wrB pay sil rases aril asaemaeati kYled o[ -
<br />ssasssed uprm said prerrtnn and upon this mortgage acrd the bwnl sccurcd thereby txfors the same sha[I become delingtrear to furnish approved _. _
<br />iawtancs trpua the buddwtgs rm Basil premises altratsd m the sum of 3 ~], G00.00 payable to Bard ASSOCIATION sail to detivar to raid - -
<br />ASSO('1AT10N the pulses fur Bawl iruurana; oral m+t to mmmrt oc pcrrtut any waste ua ur about saws prervuea;
<br />In casr of risfaull m the performance of any of !tic rectos amt tt>ndrirons ui thee rrrurtgage ur the [wad secured hereby, the ntOitgag0e shall,
<br />un dertuad, be entitled to rrnnrstlnts pussnsrun of the rrnutgaged prcmrses and the msrrtgagoc hereby assigns, tnasfers acrd sets Duet to the -
<br />rtwatgagee all the rents. revenues attd wwrrre ru be accrued from the nturtgagsd premcxs durng such tints as the mortgage mdebtedrtesa shall temaia
<br />unp»wi; and the rrtur[gagrx shall have tht power ur appume any agent ue agentx rt may desuc for the purpux of cepairirrg said premiaaa attd rmtirg
<br />the sarrre and colkcturg the rents, revenues and inwrm, and it may pay out ut Basil incuirie all expenses of repairing Said premises amt a0~[y
<br />commraruru acrd expenses utcwrcd m renting and ntarragurg the Borne and of cuiiectrctg rentals therefrom: the balance remaining, if soy, to be
<br />applkd toward the drsclracgt of sari rrxrrtgage indebtedness, Ihese rrghts u:' the mortgages may fie exercised at any time during the exatence of s»eh
<br />default, urespectrvr of any temporary warner of the same.
<br />These Presents, twwrver, ace upon [he Condition, I hat tf the card Mortgagor shall repay card loan un ur txfure the maturity of said shoos by
<br />pay nttnt; pay ntonthty to card ASS(x'IATiON of ttre suns spectfted to the ilOnd xcured hereby as interest and principal un said Foan, on or before
<br />the Twenttsth day of each and every nwnth, until nail loan is fully yard; pay all taxcx and asxssnieuts levied against said premises and oo this Mortgage
<br />end ties Bond secured thereby, bctorc deturyuency, tarnish approved tnsurancs upon the buildings thereon in the sum of; S], 000.00 payable
<br />io said ASSOCIATION; repay to card ASSOCIATION upon demand all murrey by n paid for such taxes, asseaemen[s anti insurance with interest ai
<br />the rtrartinrum legal rate thereon from dots of paymcm all of whicft Mortgagor hereby ageees to pay; permit no waste on sardpremiaes;keep and comply
<br />with art the agreements and wnditwns of the Bund lot S ~]a (} 0 00 true bay gtvrn by ttte said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIAT1ON, sad cotttldy
<br />with alt ttx requirecrrsms of the ('sxlstitutiaa and By-Laws u[ said ASSOCIATION; then these presents xhall become mill and void, otherwise they
<br />shaJi rutserrt m frill torts and may be forcdosed at the option of the card ASSOCIATION after tailors for three months to matte any of said
<br />payrtsents or tx three months m astsus m malting said monthly paymentx, ur to keep and comply with the agreerrrents aced rxiaditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwah m such furcciusure prus,eedings.
<br />if there rs any change m uwnersiup of «tc real estau mortgaged herein, by sale ur otherwise, then the entire rernauting indebtedness hereby
<br />xecure~ stall, at [Ire uptasit of The Equitable Building and Luan Assxx:ratrun oCftand taland,Nebraska,beuorne hmrtediately duo artdpayable wittrouY
<br />furihcr nutrce, amt the antuunr rerrrainutg dr!e under said bond, and say other Lwnd for any additittnil advaaas [Wade thereturder, shall, from the
<br />dots of exercise of sax! uptrun, bsu interest at the rraxintum kgat rate, and this rnurtgage tray then be toracloacd to satisfy the atrrouat dm oa aid
<br />borsd,arrd any Wher bond fur additional advanexa, together with all Bursts paid by said The Equitable Building sad Loan Araociat~rt of Grand lslaad,
<br />Nebraska for inswanx, taxes soil asusvttents, and abstracting extension :.barges, with interest thertoa, from date of payment at the rtttximtua
<br />{Q')il rile.
<br />As outdo! in the Bond scctued heseby, while true mortgage :cnuurs rn effect the mungaget rtuy hereafter savants additional soars to the
<br />rrukerx of taw! Bwaf, rhea assigns ur sua:rswrr; ire intetru, wroth sums strati tx wrtlun the security of thit mortgage the sartx u the funds oriiginailY
<br />sas-tueA thereby, the rota! atrtrrunt of principal rkbi nut to exceed at any tans the urigrnal amount of this mortgage. _
<br />i+wE'S 2nd 3a f Febn.taty A. B., !9 81 '
<br />eights D ~e}6~ ~ g Co. , a iVebras;:a ~~ozporation ` .
<br />I presi t '~ _ `~
<br />Delbert~~Tie > . ._
<br />settee r
<br />5T'ATF. <N NEBkASKA, ( ~. On thin t'.TSd day of Pty' rtlar'y 19 82 ,bt+faaeaae.
<br />CC)tr1VTY CND tIALL tr _ - -
<br />4tt trraleraigoed a Notary Pnblic is sad.fw - - - -.
<br />ISE, rL D ~:. c:r Pr~si ~ tt of Ives ~s tits p~tt Cb a
<br />auto xz~ :.~~ ~r~(ises; ~tsert D. ~~tee~~r at~ui°-A. '1*tc~r ~,:
<br />Cae3.ry ~'`. l~(7ex:K£i 3it+-1 ,3uC,i A. VL?('_cic5, )31.~s w7.fC;i jvli ria.y 3Fw'si sc"Ve^r`'u21`~,', .
<br />meta be the tdeatieai pexsong wftws rtiunc~ gee affcxsd to the about iri~rraneat as mosigagsrg ~ sail L!'f@~_ ~~; - -
<br />adcnvvrkdgod the cowl asstrurrrsnt to be flfelY voluntary act and ciasd. .. -.-.`"'~ rl'
<br />WTTNf*u5 rtay tsa:t oral Nutaria# Seal the dart afores~td. - f -~.) -
<br />MY Casrarrsaasixr rapuay r'," t ;,j,y , f~~ ~ ,gt~"
<br />~Ii1~IMt.gruiel "~"
<br />rarwmr ar 3EMi1ta11~ ~ ~~
<br />~- fMrt taR Ma IR 11M
<br />