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<br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L~"~RgA <br />iOtOR' ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Tbat I2.ichart3 L. P9ohxinaTt arsd Janice R. IdDhYSilclll, eaCYi in his <br />and hex' own right arsd as spouse of each other. Mortgagor, vvherlmr offs tx rnae, is dtha aet® d <br />ilO1:t.ARS <br />krarrad to aid ttsortgagor by Tht @quitabk $ui!Aing ate Loan Aa+ociftbn of Grams taVnd, Nebradca, Mortgagee, upon 13q ~laues of tiQOdt d - - <br />said ASROCIAl`{ON. Certif"uate No. L 23,899 , do hereby grasxt, convey and moRgage unto fire sold ASSOCIATION tIm foRnrrbas-- <br />dtxcarbsd real estate. dtuated in Ha0 County, Ntbradca: <br />'PHE i1~.ST NIFTY AND TfIl2t•~ TE~1'THS (99.3) FF~:P +~ TF~ EAST <br />IiAi:.~' (E'~) t~Y BIa]C.K SEVr~i (7? QF' iC0):1IIai•12 S[JBDIVISIgN, <br />13EL"dG A Pcti3T OF TF2E ~XTI°t~'AST ylUAl~lr'32 OF Till:: SOUPiiT <br />QLAT2:`$3t (SF.xZSt~7i6) QF ~I'it1N IS, IN '1CX~LSHIP li DIDi22H, <br />N,AiVGI:: NINii: (9) e +~ND PART OP LU1 14 s}F TiiE C~UNI'Y <br />SU5DIVISIf3A ()F' 'I1IE t+lES`I' tiALr Qr TrFc S9LfI'fiW'r'ST <br />(`vixS'i~) OF SL•t'TI~J I5, IN TtbdtISHIP 11 ;gC1f71ti, R7>z'VCi'E 9a <br />ivt'tai GF i'1i£ SL`CTH P.24. <br />ttt~ticer wth all stet teaerxnts, !>.<reditzments and apptutenanm thereunto belonging, including xttaciud tltwr meetings. aB window' ataeem, <br />window sharks, blinds, storm wuidaws, awnings, htatxng, axe wnditianing, and plumbing and water equipt[tent and acassotiq thereto,ptmspa,attstea, <br />r+efriganiors, artd othat fixtures and equiprtxm now or hereafter a[tac:ited to w txseei in connection wrth said real estate. <br />Arad wtteteas the said tnartgagor has agtced and does hereby agroe that tht mortgagor shall and wilt pay all texts and aaeaorteats levmd or <br />aase»esb txpun said premises and upm this rtsortgagc and the band secured thereby tsefore the mttxe shall bemtae delirtgtrenC; to furnish approved <br />uisurarxx upon the t:uiWings ur. said premises sttuaied ir, the Burn ref 513 r 4(}0,00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />A.SSLX'(AT10N itte policies for son! instuance; and not to aurmxit ur pertntt any waste on ur about said premises; <br />Ira .:ass ,..{ dtfauit m the performance of any ui the retina and cundi[ions ai this mortgage ar the bond secured hereby, me mortgagee shall, <br />an demasxl, t?e entetkd to :mmcd!att pusstssion of the mortgaged premises and tht mw[gagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />rtiatigagec ail tfR rents, ttv~surs ores :trc::me to be d"need from the mortgaged prrxmses dunng such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall amain <br />unpaid: and the rnurigagt< stsa!1 hour the power to appoint any agent ur agents tt may desue for the purptxse of repaving said premises and rcating <br />ttx erne arsd asUectmg the tints, revenues and incarrxr, and it may pay out of mid incuxne aR txpenus of repairing said premises and ntctasvy <br />cti.rrimisnms arsd ezpensea incurred m renting and rmitagmg the stmt snd of coikcting renuls therefrom; the balana romaettbng, if any. to be <br />applsrd toward the dtxharge of said mut[gage indtbtednest, these rights of the ttwrtgager may bt exercised ai any time daring the existana of stub <br />default, urtapec[irr u{ arsg terrxprxruy waiver at the mine. <br />Thtse Presents, iwa-zver. are upon tbcl undn;.rn, iTta! d the sarJ Mortgagor Jxati repay said roan on ar before [he rtratutiry of said shoes by <br />payr[xnt: psy rrtun!hiy to said ASSOC~1 ATlCIN of the sum speafxed in the Rand se vred hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before <br />tht Twentieth day of each and every month, unfit wd loan is fwly paid, pay ail taxes slid assessments levied against said premises and on [his Mortgage <br />and the Bund secured [hereby, bCturc detuxqutncy , iurnxs;: approved :nsurancr upon ttxe bindings the:eun in tfie sum of 5 13, 400,00 payabk <br />to said AS'SOCIATiO'v. tapay to sail ~SSOCIAl'tQti upur. demand sit money by a peed for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at <br />tM nxaxtmum legal sate there=.xn trurn date ut paynxrnt all ul whutt Mottgagur bertha agrtts tv pay, gemrit no waste on said premixs; ktep and comply <br />with alt the agtremcnts axu3 ~anduiuns of the Bund fssr 513 $Q -~}p thss Say given by the mid Mottgagur to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with aU tht requuerrstnts u[ the Lonstxtutxan and By~Laws sSf Q ASSOCIATION, then these presents shall become null and void, otherwise they <br />snail rtnsain in faJ forte and :.3y ti. tures:!ised at the uguun „t the said ASSOt:lAT1ON at ter failurt for three ttionths [o make any of said <br />payments ar be tnm trtsrrtehs ,n areas m rnaWng said ttsunthly psyments, ur to keep and comply with the sgrcements and caxiditions of said Bond; <br />ansi Mortgagor agtnts to tnvr a rccener appuinttd forthwith to sixfi tureetusure pnrceedingx. <br />If there ss any ctsatige m ownership of the rtal elute mungagtd herein, by sak or otherwise, then the entire rttrwining indebietinea hereby <br />tectued shall, at the option of The fqutubk Bttiloing and f.uan Asasnratwn of Grand island, Nebraska, 6emrne immcdiatdy due and paysbk without <br />flushes rNnia, and else amount rcmauting due undex said twnd, and any other bond far any additional advances made thtrettnder, shall, Crom tht <br />daft of exercise of sad opliwt, bear interest at tn< maxunum sego! rate, vxd this awrtgagt xnay then be forccloxd to satisfy the atnottnt due on said <br />hood, and wry other botssi fus atidrtiastsi advatisxs, togtther with aL' srxms pmd 6y said The Pquitabk Building and l.oao Association of Cratsd Island, <br />Nttbratika far mstuatur, sues and aasesurxenu, oral aburactxttg exunssoa ctiargts, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximum <br />bagel eau. <br />As providtd m tilt Bead secured hexby, while this ttrortgage rentams ux efftct the trwrtgagee may hertafter advance additional sutra sa the <br />t+aaksts ut said Borxd, rhea assigns r.r in interest. which sums shall be wtthtn the security of this triortga~ tht same as Iht ftmds ortgutaBy <br />sectutd ttxreby, the total arnavrst of prurt::pa: aiebt :x:t t+r ezcxtd at any t:txx ttae original amount of this rnortgagt. <br />tAted this ~ilCl day of t'P33Zlk~L}` A. D.. 19 81 <br />~_~erd Lh .~- - -- ----' <br />r+rsatic.~st. i-an,it8:r <br />37ATE: OF !dE ° ttA, ~ t Ft'.iZxltar~ i 4 81 , beFass ms. <br />o. 6tt the [';t[. day of <br />COtDNTY t~ iuLi. <br />the utxtersigtxed, a Notary Public in sad lot usd County, patttona9y nee - <br />^tnax~i L. ?~;t~~t: a.~3 Jarr.i~ it. ~`iotxxs!tarta each izt sus azxi her oWti rwq~ht~ as~s~poutseofn~ <br />citt !~~'Y, <br />the to ix the idtntitai para~~ wMae nansity ~'e arfited [a tilt above ms[rimxtai as niutY$a~iii ~ ~+~~ _ <br />ar3ctmwiesigtd !ire wsd tntarut[tent to bt *..1~F:iY wrluntary act and deed. .~.'} <br />~IT?4ES5 tssy iaaad tmd,No~tai HeaYt~the daujyatot~tid. ~ <br />My Coarurasa+an dxpitaa~/{' l %'if .' /ff ,~ t3'.!' 3 '` <br />i~~°t~~ - t'YB®G <br />i~tiaait ~~ <br />~~4~~~ <br />rte. <br />