~~- ~)(-Q45E
<br />- - _ _ ~ MORTGAGE LOAN NO. i. 2't a 89& ~ _ _
<br />K[dOH ALL ML%Tl BY TIiESE PRESEN75: That Jalstes C. Cook and A.rlt~ A. Caok, =...ach in his and her
<br />own right and as spcxt~se of each other,
<br />Mortgapr, whether one or tire, in wesderttNutrrsf the o~ of
<br />r'arty~tt>~ T~ae~usand and Noi lOQ Dot~lrcas
<br />barred to said mortgagor by The Equitable Bea'Iditig and Loan Aaaoaation of Grand IaLnd, Nebraska, Mortgtigee, upon Q2Q ahateanf atedt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, CMifisate No. L 23 898 . do hereby gtwit, convey and tnottgs~e tmto the said ASSOCIATIONV Ehe fob
<br />deariba~S ra! estate, $tiatrd in NaB Count, Nsbnslca:
<br />I,ot Seven (7), Block Ore (1) in Pleasant View Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />together with aB €hs terrrrrxnts, hercditarrxr:ts and appurterrances thereunto belonging, including astarhed floor wveriags,.all window acrttm, -
<br />window shales, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air canditioning,and plrrmbmg and waterequipment grid accessories ihertto,pttmpa,stova,
<br />rafri~:ato:r, astd e:hsr fizz ores and equiprrxnt now or hereafter attached to tie used is amreection with said real estate. --
<br />Arid whereu [he said mortgagor has agrad and does hereby agree that the nortgagor shag and will pay aB taxes and asaemnenta levied or _-
<br />asaesred upon ssid premms and upon this nwregage and the bond secured thereby before the satru shall bewttie delinquent; to fattish approved
<br />irtwran~r upon the bruiditrgs an sod premises situattd in the sum of 3 Q2 Q(}Q,QQ payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to acid -
<br />ASSOC1ATi0N the puhetes for said insurance: and not !u :ommet of permr~ any waste an or about said prenases:
<br />In case of default m the perfurnsance ~f ary of the terms and wndrtians of thrs murlGage ur the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />tin dtmaad, b< rn:rt?ed :a tmnxdtate passessiun of the srartgagrd premises and the rwrtgagur hereby assigns, transfers sail sets over to the -
<br />mongagee ail the rents, aevtntrts and tncarrte u± be drr:ved from the mortgaged premises during such hint as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br />unpaid: and !hc «xrtgsgu sha13 have the power to appoint any agent or agents n may dtsue far the purpose of repairing raid premises and renting
<br />tN sa:rx a..., r.;.i `tittg € a rsn€s. te:::nas ~ in.3:r», acd tt may ray cut , s:ist erti-umr a!t ex~r.~s of re~S.~tetg sa~~ prsnt~a _"d r.~=+y
<br />corrtnussiorusand expenses urcureed in renting arni managurg the sacra and uC calkcting rentals thettfrom; the balance retraining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the discharge of seed ~itgage mdsbtedrass: these nghts of the nrortgagee may be exercised at any time dtuing the existence of NSCIr
<br />default, irrrsprctive of any [emporary waiter of the saint.
<br />These !'resents, however, are upon the Cundntun. That .f the sa,d Mortgagor .hail rzpay ~:rrt# loan on or before the mattuity of said shares by
<br />payment: pay month?y to said ASSOCIATIOti of the sum spea:ied !n the $and secured %tsreby as interest and principal on card loan, on or before
<br />the Twentieth day of each and error nwn[h, untr3 card loan is fully paid. pay ski taxes aril assessments levied agarnst said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before dehnyusnc<; furnish approved msurancs upim the butidi.^.gs thtrtun rn the sum of 5 QZ r QQQ, QQ payable
<br />to said ASS(X'IAT10N: repay w card ASSOCIATION upon denund a!t ms>ney by ~! peed for such texts, assessments and insurarce with interest at
<br />the rnaxrmurn itga3 exit thereon [rum date of payment aU of winch Murtgngat herrhp egress to pay; permri nu waste tin aid prertuses;keep and comply
<br />with a$ the agrsrrrrsnts and candueons of the Bond far 3 42 i Qt]~(]p this day given by the aril Mortgagor to said ASSOCtAT10N, and comply
<br />with all the requucrrsents of the Constitution and $y-Laws a sae IATtON: then three pressnu shall became nu}; and void, utherwiae they
<br />shalt remain rn EuB force and Wray br iureclused at the uptron of the >srd ASSCX iAT10N after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />itayments w br three months m arrears m [Waking said nrunth3y paynxnu, ar to keep and compty with the ageeements and arondi[mns of said Bond;
<br />art:r !lartp,°got agree to ?rave a ;rcetvtr appurWtsd farihwith :n su::h forsck:su€s prsxeedings.
<br />If there is any change in owrarsh:p of the real estate rrnxtgaged herein, by sale ur otherwise, then the entire rertaaining uidebtedness hereby
<br />ssetued shall, at the aptian of The Equitable Bruidiag and Loan Axwe:tatar. of Grand !stand, Nebraska, become immediately due and payable without
<br />fwthtr nWice. and the amount remaining due under card bond, and any other bond for any additional advartas made thereunder, shall, from the
<br />date of rxucrx of rod option, bear interest at the sraxnnum legal exit, and this mortgage nay then bt foreclosed to satisfy the artwunt due on aid
<br />bond,and any other bond far additrorat advances, together with ail sums peed by said The Equiubk Builtiiug and LoaW Asaociatwn of Grind Island,
<br />Nebraska fvr insurance, taxes and asetumsnts, end abstracting extensiotr chnrgss, with interest thereon, from Bats of payment at the maximum
<br />legal rate.
<br />,ls prosided in the Budd secured 3ursby, while ttus m::rtgnge rrr•,sartts vi ttftct the rtwrtgagce tray hersal ter adranaro additional sums to the
<br />maktns of sakt Bond, their assigns er srsecsssats m urrerest. which sums shall +x w:thm the srcurrty of this mortgage the sanx as the t'unds „riginaity
<br />secured thersiry, t:a total arpitunt of pnncipal debt [tat to exceed at any t,rrrr !ar ur:grnai amount of this mortgage.
<br />Dated thh .' "'ra'm day of f? r x l' t - ~,. k D l y. !
<br />,mow _~~ ~%~d? ---- r
<br />/1 Gtr
<br />e3'1~ '"
<br />sa. Ost t?us ~ rf`- lap of .. , . .. : e~.. 39. -{ -' .before ¢a,
<br />CtWNTY OE~ )~ ~ . , . '+
<br />1~,NC`~"lY~t tltc undcrsigmd, a Notary i'~ublic in and far sage Cutmty, personally cadre
<br />Jacaas L. t:t;x'~Ic afxl ~t lt~ ~. Cook, rich i.n his anti Yter own. right arcs sPO1is~pe~naaw~~r•
<br />are
<br />else u, be the x.'kotit'art persort5 whose naxrxS seta af?ixed tc the above rtutrtursent as mortgagors ~ a..d they severally
<br />at-mtivbd~d the said w*vr:rv~•mr ro bt ~,.~.r s<~itutsary art and deed.
<br />WIT?vt;S,e. ray hand cad Naurvd Seal the Bats afuresatd.
<br />ay t +at~Wrs sxpi:ta ~- '' ~; ~: r
<br />sate~r. _~i +~_ . ,
<br />xartstat at ~~~'~ _ Nolarv €'Nbiic __,._
<br />