<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. _ T~~~9?
<br />KPIOM ALt MEN BY THESE PRESENTS- Tint Clifford E. Steele atxl Meta L. Steele, each In hir r~
<br />}u?r n.2; *? 3ht ~v~l ~.° S~"'"_.3~°° Cf :; ^~~r,
<br />Mortgagor. whether one or rttore, in entmtit~atbtt of tGe ttatau ~
<br />hsan„d to aid r by The ~ Sudditig and lean Astaeiation of Grand [shod, NebrasCa, Mortgagoa, upon 150 stores oPttttcdC of
<br />nid ASSOC[AT[tNI, Certifiate No. L 23,897 , do hereby grant, convey and ntorlpge unto the sold AffiOCIATit?N the fo8oertag
<br />deaafbod «at esutc, situated in Hat} County, Nebraalu:
<br />IdYP SEVEN { 7 } . IN F3IfJQC E:IGEfT { 8 } , IN 1~~1DEiA:"7 AMID DE)C~C232' S ADDITYt~l TO THE CI`t'Y OF CraiAttID
<br />ISLAND, N ", AS Sf7f2VEYcI~, PLA7TEID, AND l2ECr:1RDF~
<br />ttsgettter wish ati the tenements, hsredi[aments and appcrtenances thereunto belonging, indudmg attached floor eeverirtgs,.alt witedow staeem,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm witidowa, awnings, heating, err ceeditioning, a~.d plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, ptmips, stoves,
<br />rcfrig~erators, and other fixtturs and equipment now ar Y,ereafter attached to or treed in connection wnh said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and wiU pay all taxes and asaemaents kvkd- ar
<br />asussed upon said prempes and upon this tnortga~ge and the 6oml secured thereby before the same shat} become delinquent; to fiurtiah approved
<br />irtauratcs upon the btaidvtgs on Baal preaiuea situated in the sum of 3 15 000. QO Fayabk to said ASSOCtAT10N grid to deliver to asid
<br />ASSOCIATION the potteks for sN insttrantx; and not to i~ammit or prrmi~ any waste on or shoot said ptetrises:
<br />to cau of defatdt in the performance of any of the terms xrtd conditions ui t}us mortgage ar the band secured hereby, the martg~ee shah,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate pasarssicn of the mortgaged premises and ihr mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets aver to the
<br />mortgstgee all the rents, revenues and meorrae to be derired from the rnortgagzd prenusss dureng such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall rcnuirt
<br />unpaid; and the mortgage shall hays thr power to appoint any agent cr agsrrts rt may desur for the purpose of repairing said p«titius and renting
<br />the Batter and t:oUeciing the rents, reranues and introrrx, and it may pay out of said inttrtrx all expenses of repairing said premises std neceaary
<br />commissions artd expertsss incurred m renting and [ttanagirig the Barns and of co}kcting rentals the«trom; the balance «tnairdng, if any, to be
<br />applkd toward the discharge of said mortgage indsbtedrtrss; there tights of the murtgagce may be exercised a[ any tine durisig the existence of stxdt
<br />de Ault, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />These Presents, however, ate upon thz C.ondttion, Tha[ tf the Bard Mortgagor shall repay yid loan on ur befuro the maturity of said shares by
<br />payment; pay ntomhly to said ASSOCIATION ut the sum speafied in the Bond secured hrreby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />the Twentieth day oC each xrtd every tnanth, uiui} said loan rs !ul(y paid; pay all taxes and auessrnents levied against said premdes and an This Mostga~
<br />snd the Bald xcured thereby, before de!iru}usncy; furnish approved insutancY upon the bw}dings thereon in the sum of 515, 000.00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; rejuy to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by tt patd Yar such taxes, assesmisnts and insurance with intereri ae
<br />the tnaxunum legs} ra[e thereon from date at payrtxm a!1 of wtuch Mortgagor hrreby ogress to pay; permit na waste on said premises;kcep and comply
<br />with a!t the agrsemerts and ro~daions of t}te tbnd for 515 OQp ~ ~Q ctris daY yven by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and wmply
<br />with a0 the rsquiasments of the Constitution and By-Laws o~'satd ASSO(;tAT10N; then these presents s+uil b¢came null and void, otherwise they
<br />shalt retttain in full faro and rosy br forec}osed at the uptton of the Bald AS50CIATtON afcer faIlure for throe rrwnihs to intake any of said
<br />payr[cenis or be three mwnihs in xasars in mailing said monthly payrnrnu, ur to keep and comply with the agreements and conditans of said Bond;
<br />and tdrxtgagor agrees [a have a receiver appointed forthwtth in stxh foreclosure proceedings.
<br />if there is any chance in owtcersltxp of the real estate ^wrtgs~ged herein, by Bak ur othstwire, theo the entire remaining iridebtadneu hereby
<br />sxursd dial, at the option of The Equitable Buiidiog and Lawn Association of Grand (stand, Nebreska, bawrne imntediateely due and payable without
<br />fuithsr notice, and the arriotint remaining dice muter said bond, slid any a[her bond for any additional advances made thereunder, stun, From the
<br />dots of exemis: of said option, bear incest at tfse rruximrrm legal rate, and this trrartgage may then b: foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on wid
<br />band, and any slicer bond far additianai advuiees, tuget}^a;t with all sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand talarid,
<br />Nebraska for }nweana, taxes and assssunenis, sort absitaciing extension charges, with interest ths«oa, from date oC paytrtent a[ the rtuximum
<br />race.
<br />As Deleted k the Boad secured hereby, +~itils this mortgage re[nains in effect ttce mortgages may hereafter advanu additional sums to [he
<br />tinkers of said Bond, thctr asvgrta at suuxswrs nt inters[, w;'t[~h sums shall br within the security of tttis mortgage the same as ttta Funds orsginaltY
<br />tecured 4heteby, the total amtwnt of princspat debt nut to zxceed st any ums the arigirial amount of this mortgage.
<br />flared this o't.3xa d,y a JAAeteA,ey A. }3., , 9 ~ ~
<br />x
<br />o reel
<br />.~ -
<br />.-~-=~.
<br />day of JignlU9tL 19 [~/ ,before rtte,
<br />CCH;NTYOF t.O,S ~ ss. On this a~~RO t/
<br />ar,D~s.s3 the ui;dcrstgned, a Notary Public ir[ and fir said Cauaty, perrartsally Sawa
<br />Co~ord ~;. 5t~le ate t`-Y:ta L. Stc~:le, each in his and YiE:r am rigk~~ta as st'9~
<br />~ are
<br />rue to 4a the idaotiatt peraasrb whcns namxg ~~ atfixrd to the shots instrurumt ax mtartSagaeg and t jyt;y srraralty
<br />aowks~ed the vaad h7axrt~SBmt to ba tltelY voluntary u:t sad dead.
<br />tiYIS~-S rsry ttand xrtd Nirtaxsid Ssaf tfce data aforesaid, _
<br />Ott ex~tts~ ~`u~.y 1. t ~ ~ f -~ l ~ G,
<br />C~FiCOAL SEAL !?` .~ ~ - . ''~~'~-~--°'.
<br />+a~taw ~~ tlCrRtS ~ MEYER ^n~f~, t~ r-s ,F ~~ `Vi'i;;: , .
<br />tt{ttaa~'. avt+a.rc tat,rt7o:r,,~ .
<br />txlwtfr
<br />~.~t.ff~
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