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r <br />~A~RTGAE3E ~1.~-- ~0t)4~;CD <br />YftiS IAiDEPPI'tJEE, mods t1aL 27 ~~..._.. daq of January •_-____-~_ , 19 $t..._, by end betwedt <br />Larry L. Ki~lle anyd,~Deborah'L. Kitrtble, husband and wife, each in his-and her owtt right` <br />~_y3yQ L(Sn G~_1!1___~.ilc.__~_________._-..._-._--~_~__-_ __~.- <br />ai iial l Gauaty, lhabrasks, as _S._.,_. ,and Grand Island Tntst-Cornpsity of_Gestd falasd,-a coep~tiaa- <br />~aalsed sad es.ffitieg tmdt the laws of Nehnake with its principal of£tee and pLoe of buemeea at Grsad-Island, Nebraska; an m~tgagge; <br />WiTN£9Sk;fif: That acid meet.. ~ . , for and is of the aumtif <br />Ten Thousand Six dollars and 25/100 *********************#a4R~s. r ,.,;1Q~~}6.26'' <br />the of which is heeebp ae~awkdged, do _-.,- bq Gtme presents moetgage end warralldiirntaagagaaa iRS aodp end assigns, <br />forever, all ihe+loflavnsg described real estate, aitaated in the County of -_ -_.__Eial~._~~~ ~ ... - ~.. <br />sad Stare of Nebnaka, Lo•wft: <br />Lot Twenty (201, in 81oc[c "Pwa (2), in Bel-Air Addition to the City of <br />Grand island, Hall County, tiebraska. <br />T'ogather with all heating, air cnwditioruag, lighting, and plumbing eyuipmant and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />daora, sad window ehaden ar blinds, used Door in canneetion with said atrtperty, whether the same are w5w !orated on said property or hereafter <br />Placed thereon. <br />TO HAYS AND TO HOLQ THE SAAB€, toget}oar with all erd singular the tenements, heredilaments and appurtanancee thersuntn be- <br />bnging, or in anywise appatiafaisg, faeav~, and warrant the title w the seam. Said morgegars_ hereby mveasnt____with said <br />tortgagee that _-__.._. the. y~_... _ _ ~~... _.. , et the delivery heraot, the lawful owner 3 _ _. of the premises above conveyed and described, <br />sad are__.__ seined of a good sad indefeasible estate of inheritsauoe thereie, free er>d clear at aI: encumbrartcea. and that _. ILe~' will <br />wemrtt sad de3end the title therew forever agaittat the claims and dematds of ay persons whomsoever. <br />- P~t?YII3l3t7 ALi!'AYS, sad thin ineteuafnst is executed sad deSivered w secure the payment of the sum of _ --_ _ ._ _--------_----.--.-.-.. <br />Ten 'thousand Six l3ollats and 27/100 ~x***'r*************** '0 006.25 <br />_"--'--._._~___..._.__..... ._-..__, . __.,_ _ ---'- --._.... _ .------------ Dallas to __'_ ~-_----------f. <br />wHh inteaaat }harem, togetbar with such charges artd advaacea as map be due sad paysb~ to said mortgagor undue the terms and conditmns <br />of the ptemiaeaEy note of area data herewith and assured hereby. a:eluted by said mortgagor _. `' _ _ co said mortgagee, payable ae expressed <br />~ qid cols, sad to aaatre the parfwmaaae of oll the Lerrna sad ttraditioas watained therein. The terms of said noW are hereby incorporated <br />hsra~a by this ir5aeaaea. <br />It is the iattatioa sad agrsamaat of the pertaes hereto that thin mortgage obeli also accuse any fuwre advaaa+a made w said mortgagor6 <br />by said atortga®es. and any and all mdeWgdaesa is additiam w the amount above stated whit}, said mortgagors. or any of them. may owe to <br />said atoe~a, htrswvae evidtaxed, xhether by wnx. book scawnt ar othtrwise. This mortgage shall remain in full farce sad efieci between <br />the parties harew sad t6dr heirs. Persona! repetwentatives, sun~saeors sad ensigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including future <br />atlvanasr, era paid in full with internat. <br />Tb mari.:i._._ ~Y saaigo --___ w said mortgagee ail rants sad income arising at any and all times from sad property and <br />htaaby sutiwries said tnortgagsa ar its ae~t. at its option, upon default. w take charge of said Property sad coliact aq rents and income <br />sad app~r' the same w the petymrot ~ rsitsreat, priot~al, insitraaCtt preoritims, Lassa, acou~ota, tepaira a iatProv~oaats <br />oaeaarey w kaap said property m taoaatabia rnadiooa, or w other charges err p:ymants provided Eor hernein or W the t»te hereby secured. This <br />teat aaaigoutt®k shad eantitttat err kaw until the unpaid balance of said role is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder siwd in iw menrnr <br />Pmt er ictatd said a+s in fAa ca3latr-. _ sf saw soma by Etesclesttre err otherwise. <br />The Ififtaso[ the taort~ee to smart say of its rights harouaaier at any tine shall cwt be construed as a wriver of its riglu w asuert the <br />soma at WY kt4r rims, and w 1»siet upon sad enforce strict atimpiiauoe with ail Gut terms sad provisions of said note sad of this mortgage. <br />It said tmrt~DrB shale' attase w 6e Paid w said aw#tgsgee the wtiro amount due it hereunder. and u~ the terms sad provsions <br />of said ants ksraby astvtnd, iochrdtog future advsaoas, and any e:teoaioae or renewals therooi m accordrnes with the tarrrat and provisions <br />Ghneol> staff. ~r~aitl . v _. •It71ll ` with all the provisona of said note and of this marLgag~e, then these pmts shall he void: <br />tthwsxa to tstln ~ ~L. aid raid ~" alto!! be entitled w Lhe possession at a!l of said proPwiy, and ;ray, at its option. <br />daRFa[tt the w>tola tt! ardd app- and ~ iadabaa~aaa repreraotad t>s.reby W ba lmmedidelY due a~ payabYs, and tray fareckste this mortgage <br />err take-rutY etlmt ipgsf.ietkg w pastes} itf rift. APpesisamsnt waived. <br />'I ~ shoo ha upw sod shall saws w cite heaeSt of the hairs, executors. admioiatrsuxa, sucoeraura std essigaa of the <br />raysWve patiatr Asrste~- <br />Ifi WiStils~` tY!'~iiBxll'. rand Aloetyprgur S_ - he~fg .. hereunto set_._kltB' __ .._._- hard5____ _ the dqv and dear f t above <br />. _ _. .._ _.._.. ......__. r _.... _._ <br />~, r ~., <br />e~r~boralt ? . Kl~f~le <br /> <br /> <br />