<br />;,~~ ~ ,~ U (~ 0 4 5 €?
<br />3. The aroetpr{gor eovanaata and agtraea that if 6e rhail fail to pay said indebttilttea or soy part thereat when
<br />dean, or rhdf fail to perform ~y eovenaat or agreetttent of the iaultrument or tl.e promissory note seenredt t~lte
<br />ire iadebtea'nes hereby aecored shaft itneaaddaYefy hetsnme dne, paymbk, ar~.d collectible witbattt o siita~
<br />~ sl.. s~...r_~s~sda ~ a'a'~ _ ~.dla .,F .....~•ily, •~ t_t...... lt.a®M» er hit a~i ~q 1~6*.re aF =~...:...r~,
<br />std said propeY_y wdthov appraiaetnmt (she tnortga~or having waived arm aaeigned to Ilte mortgagee aH`figh`ta of
<br />tl:
<br />{ t) at jndit6el ale pttreasnt to the proviriana of ffi U.S. C. ~l ~ a } : or
<br />(u) u the nptiaa of ttv mortgagey either by anetion or by eolteitation of sealed bids,'.far tltahigieKari
<br />beat bid as®plyiag with the teta» ~' ale seed meaner of pspmratt specived u the pnbliabed aotioe at aaftfi!
<br />giving font weeks' notice of the thew, tetrna, and place of sneh ale, by advertiaptteat trot let thaaartae`s
<br />dm7etg cacti of said tone weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which paid prate
<br />is sitwxed, all other tmtise 6eittg herdty waived by the mortgagor (need said mastgagea, ~ ang=petsae! as
<br />behalf of said martgagae, may hid with the unpaid iadebtedoea evidet+eed by said tttge'). Said eve sit~l he
<br />hem u as m the property to 6e sold or at the Federal, county. os city ewtthonee for the artnnly ia'whie6-the
<br />property io located. The asortgageeu hereby anthoriud to e:esutt for and m Isehalf of the mort~igar a~ to
<br />delver to tbt parehaaer at each ate a saiieienYwnveyattee of said property. which conreyattce sl[ell contour
<br />rterStah oo to the happening of the defsnlt upon which the eaeention of the power ~ sale herein granted
<br />deptads: need the said mortgagor hereby coaatitutes and appiuan the oa arty agent or attoemly of the
<br />ttoostgager, the meat and attorney in [net o[ aid mortgagor to malty such recital and to ezttvte said
<br />oaareyaate a~ hereby oaveaaata and agrees that the reciulr so made shall be ef[eetnrl to bar all etp»ty or
<br />right of redemption, 6amestead, dower, said all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are htrehy
<br />etcptesaly waived and emtvged to the toortgagee; or
<br />(nt) tale any ether appropriate action pnranant to state or Federal rtatmr either in state or Federal
<br />~rt or otherwise for the d»positioa of the propertr.
<br />In the event of a sale y hereinabove provided, the mortgagor or am person in possession under the mortgagor shall
<br />t}teat beemtte and Ix tsstaets bolding over and shall Porthaith deliver poeseasion to the purchaser at such sale or Ise
<br />sttatmarily diapoasesrrd, is accordance with the provirions of law applicable to tenants hoidietg oyes. The power
<br />a~ a/geacy hereby granted are coupled with an intermt and are irreroc:hie by death or otherwise, and are granted
<br />m etsvelative to the remedy for collection of said Indebtedness provided by law.
<br />4. 'IRae prod o! any ale of aid property in accardatttx with the preceding paragraphs aball be applied Pint
<br />q pay the oasts sad etpemes of asitf ak, abe eapettses inenrnd br the nrortgagce for the pttrpoae of ptoteeting ar maim
<br />t~airrg aid property, and reasotnable attorneys' fees: secondly, to pay the indebtedtrese secured hereby: and thirdly,
<br />to par nay wrPlm ar e:uxss to tix person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br />S. Ia tbs event aid property is sold u a judicial tereclostue nit or pursuant to the power of sale heeaiaabore
<br />graamd, sad tLe preceads m trot stt5eieat to par the tool indehaedaess secured by this iartra>aene a~ evideatced by
<br />stud wary note, the ®ortgaget will be entitled to a deScietecy judgment for the as~uat of the defGcierrry tairisottt
<br />reed to sppra@asaewa.
<br />6. to the event the mortgagor tail to pay any Federal, state, or local taz assessment, income taz or other ta: lien,
<br />charge, fee, or outer e:perae chanted against the property, the mortgagee is hereby authorised at hie option to pay
<br />the save.. Anp ernes se paid by the mortgagee shall be added to and became a part oS the principal amount of the
<br />iadebaeaaess evidenced by aid note, subject to she same. terms and ~ronditions. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />d'nchat~ the inttebttdttees evidenceli by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all tarts
<br />sad lines and the costa, fete, and cxpenees of making, enforcing, sad executing this mortgage, then this mortgage
<br />abdt ba osncaled aml attrrendexed.
<br />7. Tim oovenmes betersa eastaiaed shall hied atxl the btmehta and adrstttatpes shat! inure to the reapeetive suo-
<br />ea~nra sad twipta eI tbn portico Ltrata Whenever need, the singular number shalt include the plarad, the plttra! t~
<br />sad the erne aP nary gaadar shalt iaelode all
<br />g. I+lo waiter of my aoreeaat heseia or of the obligation recured beeeby dsall u nay rive thereafter he 6dd
<br />to ba a waiter of the tortes hereof or of the sate encored hereby.
<br />R ba e.vp~aatea wilh sediea I®l.l (d} o[ the Role. sad Regulatiems of sere Soatf Br.iae.s Adtaiairtntim [l;t
<br />F~.$. l~-r=liai;, thin iaatrotreat h is he canatrtced and enfateed in aceaadaak+e with applicable Fsdera! law.
<br />l~' ~ ~ art-er} v jet hafdisg nay provision or portico of this iaatrttveat invalid ar eta-
<br />sbaN not is any way iaspair or pmhtsle the ~i oC the rdstainmq proriaiooa or portions of
<br />gilt fia~tawrsat,
<br />ova ¢rrvys
<br />ass rsA 7aY ta-»t
<br />