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"`'~° ~, Nebraska Pubtic Power District r.-~, <br />EASEMEi .: F®R ELECTRIC TRANSMIS:riON LTI+T~c <br />dCNOW ALL MSN &Y TifES>; PRESENTS: - <br />'~ Ci£~.orti 47 Eli 11i.8ma as~d Lts:~t~ a t?' > > tarots.. hushes ~ and ~~ ~d <br />fIf Grantor is not mwrried, ads wards "ae anmarrded petaeo") _. <br />ida~ 7 r rt*1 :r. <br />Netxaska, b ~naidaation oft 1 ~G , receipt of vvhic6 l hereby ndmowldged, and the fuettter payment of asum-ffi maketaW paymen4of . <br />~. ~.~}~ do(ea! laaeby great sad convey onto Nebiaeka Public Pavia liittttict (AereinttRa called flieta'iet3, ibdettsess, atxotNSo-t's and _ _ the- _ _ <br />~'. peivda~aad easement~rigktof-way to conairect. cepera~.maineria,inepdt, repair. rsmeve,after. relocate and recoaattstctftaeie~alrane~- <br />ta~ag aeaeaaary poles, wires. Bari and oMer egnipmerttt era! in cmtnection therewith. almg a rovtedeecribed Eierefa.lLe aentatlinsattke <br />daetric 6asaniwion tine shaft be tattabliahed hYtlfe actual lomdan of theelact+ictxanamieeion lineaaoriginatly coastructad on aaidpraraiaaa.Tneksatiaea(~- <br />mdr~AwaY is dtetsatbed r imilsrn: <br />The South five (5) feet of: The Easterly Fifteen (15) feet of <br />Lot Right (8), and x12 of Lots Nine {9), Ten (iQ), and Eleven- <br />(12) in Block One {1), in Riefts Addition to Doniphan, Ha21 <br />bounty, Nebraska <br />Tfu DietriR shall love the right of ingrcw and earns across and abng the property wtthin the eaetmmt area for any purpose in connection with the amvey, <br />t~~. aperatirKr, maintenance. inspection, repair, removal. alteration. tekcation and recnnr~ttetion of the District's electric haNtnleietr lima or arts <br />te®oriated atttiptruret treed in cmrrteetion therewith. <br />Thr 17istrict shaft alo here rite eight at any time w trim ar remove such trees and nttderlxu ~ wtthin tine ensetnent area ae may is say rfeyand=ogee ar int-f-x <br />watt the safe c-~natraetion. operaion, tneinteoasxe, alteraion or rec»natructian of its transmisaton lines and rquiymmt need in connection therewith, including <br />bat trot Goofed to topping w evnuvtng aoY outer rtes. which in Calling would come wttititr fifteen t 15} !set of the nearest electric line cotductor. Aif reface tram <br />arch tees totting w tevaming aftatt be burned yr removed by the D'utrict, and the t>;sznet tdrali ham the tight w <arntrol Sy chemical all weeds, trees, sad brash <br />abng the dtrcriitsd rigbtot--way if said right-of-way u rat 6gng ntitiud tw cattivaz~ crape. <br />Tfu Distr~t agrees to paY the Grantor w Lessee, as their interentr maY appear. for enY damage to oersvaai properly. frncxs. liveatack, and !a growing cope <br />caused hY the aurvry and original avtntrnction r:f entd hoe. F ins} paymen t shall Ge made on or Getwe 6fl days after eomplehoa of the oonstrxtion efaLd hardn. <br />The DnrtriM ogress m paY the Granwr or (asses, ae tnetr intereetr may appear, for any damage w personal pxfperty, fences, Gveabdt, attd m gtowiIDg ttrapy <br />oaeatefrtg after the initial conaruttion and resulting ftam the survey, operation, meintenener, inspection, repair, removal, tilteratim, tebtytiotr atal reoon• <br />sttvction of the DietriR'a elrctrie trsnsausrion latex. It u further agreed that all claims fm stab damages moat fie submitted to ;ha District to wT+beS w•.t.~^ <br />ftD days of sttcir t>t:~zmce; viherwiae, it is agreed Wet said claim tw damages aitali have been wooed.. <br />The lXatrieteg:eta b take ail teaeonable steps w reswrr, as aearlY as possible w _ke ~nditioa it was in prior w cotrtrtroction, all lead is tll~esaomsetaeae which <br />is damaged o a rattnh of said coetstruvuaa. <br />The Granter racy tdttrrta, use, and enjoy the land within the emetetrnt area, provided that aunt use shall rtot endaoga or be s Gazaed to or interAtre with fire <br />strrveY, tvttatattction, reeonstructiwt, repair, meintenrnoa, innpection, apwaaon, aluration, refvicetiaa and removal of the I}iafrict's elestric trmsmisaon titres. <br />It is furdret agreed that the Grsatar vii!] trot 64 a t1aw~ ken s w~'• <br />obtaining eztaass trrrtuen parmiseion fmm the Ilistrics for such plncatnema,n ....ndtnHS, attsaaares, Gay ae s4sw erects within the easemvrt eras without first <br />TM District K+sss that stteuld said rightof-way »et be treed for the purpoeaa }ttretw stated, or should any tranamiaaion Gee a}mtrtteted hereuodsr be removed <br />atxl trot rsplaood by swt}ta tranemisaton Gne. for a period of 5va Years, ttx nghtof-waY and easement hereby atcured shat} thm cease sad termittata, and this <br />tastrumeaE shall lu aft m fmLhex force and effect. <br />"ilea tu+dertngtud agrees and rcpetsenu that ha her read and ordertaasds the foregoing and that this ttutrument contains a1! agmmenl end uodeestandiogs <br />bdnaar flu partnu tsstd the tmdaRaigned ltae rat relitsl app any prtatuara, indu rmmta, covenaals, oral atetetneata, w agraementr of anY kind w restore which <br />ttra rat eaptexdy set forth berets. <br />J ~-A ,. SOCfAL SECURITY SIGNATURE SOCIAL. SECURITY <br />..-, t ~ ~ f .- r ~4AiBl;R .` .. - NUMBER <br />~' `-' <br />8TaItT13 CNf Nl3 <br />fL%]ifif+tlY OF ~.!~ald f S t`'SLN ~ ss. <br />~ f day tt t~ y / <br />GR ~ ~~/1•wlc'A' 19~i._~, bettne the the undaeaigtu~L a Noeary Public <br />tut card Aar said Caagsy atsd Strtts, peraanaUY appntad..-~!L.l.~~fll~~ ~~,i(1S~( ~ ~~sN~ <br />P~htttftffis m au icaovst to tta 'du te~atjeal tst»aataj who trigtata thefertngaiog ituzzameat u OranWx and who sektwwldgted ttu taectttiua ttttvwt w be <br />..,N...--..-.-...~_ +gMatps act as4 deed far tAs wtrpuasa eistradn rtprtaaed. <br />liil'RAlfii~ a, kaaA ~ taaarfwl seat tke data shore writton „ <br />hIS ~~ eat;.lr/a ea t171...,L.•..t2....etay of ,.,.,a~. ?9 -,.*r4 .._._...--.-._,~~"..,.,Il.-~__L'_.~!_.G. ~ ! <br />t.. <br />4 ter <br />