<br />xt:a~a Nebraska 1'tablic Power Dietrirt
<br />KNbtY ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: '^' '~ '~ ~ lr 0 ~ ~
<br />That Kenneth H Flvr and Charlotte Ann Flvr. hus~~n~ ~~ wife .era
<br />(If Grantor is not married, add words "an unmarried peremt ~
<br />Nehrasks, in xrtsidaratiov o[ i .~-.-Q~-~ . *aoeiPt of r.hich is hereDY veknowlndeed. and tM further payment of a sea to m6ke total-pit7~taP -
<br />©~ ~ ~~ do(eaT busby grant and convey un4, Nebr»ke Pubtie Power 1)iietrict (hersinaRsr celled District!. ifs leaseu, enturswa aed aa~,the.
<br />tterrvartMrt right, prfvikge, and easement of rightofway to wnsttuet, aperau, maintain, inspect, repair, remove, akar, eelocate std eeeonatrud ib elsdektratu-
<br />mbssion lines, including all nsteeren• poles, wv~es. guys aed other equipment used in connection therewith, along a mule daaeAbed herein. The ceateeMneotths
<br />alertrie tranpni»ion litre r3tsll be eetsbliehed by the arras! location of theeletYrictrenamterion lineasnriginaliy cattatrtretedon sell t>vemiste.'YFteMeatba ofthe
<br />rightofway is deaeribed as folh+we:
<br />The South five (5) feet of: Easterly half (~) of Lot Two (2),
<br />all of Lots Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6) and Seven
<br />j7), and Westerly 35 feet of Lot Eight (8), in Block One (1),
<br />Riefts Addition to Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Ths Diai:icS shall hays the right of ing:eas and egress across end along the property within Lee easement aces fur anY Purpose in mvnection with tla survey.
<br />masbactioa, operatiov, maintenance, inspxtion, repair, removal, alteration. relocation and rsconatruetioa of the Dlstriet's elatric traasmisaioa littm err arty
<br />aseooatsd equpmmt seed in cnnnsction therewith.
<br />The Distriri shall aLo 6avs the right at avy timew trim or remove such tzep and mderbrsssh within the eeae~aevt area as map in any way endanger m intsrfeee
<br />with the anfr construction. operation, maintenance, aiteratloa or rr_!•!+~.ructinn of iu erenamission lines and egssipmevt used in connettion therewith, including
<br />but not limited to tapping ur removing any other trees which in falling wrould come within fifteen t 15{feet of the neerrat electric line conductor. All tefnse from
<br />ssch lass wttiag x trimming shall ba burned or removal by the District. and the Distrito shall have the right w metro! by chemicals all weeds, trees, and brush
<br />siong the dearsibad tightofway if said tighGaP-way is not being utitiud Far cultivatarl crops.
<br />The Diatritt agrees b pay the Gravwr or Irssee, as their interests may appear, fur any damage to personal property, fences, livestock, and w growing crops
<br />eased by the surrey and original mrtetrvitivn of said line. Final payment shall be made on err before fi0 days after completion of the construction stated herds
<br />The District agrera to PeY the Granor or Les.er. as their in:eratu maY appear, fur any daraagr w prrsonai property, frnm, livestock, and w 8rowirte taopa
<br />occurring aftez the initial construction and rrautting from the survey, eperetion, maintenance, inapettton, repair. xmoval, alteratwn, relocation sad zecoa-
<br />Mnxtiun of the Disitict'e electric transmission lines. It i8 further agreed that all dsims for such damage must be submittal W the 11is6rid in writing within
<br />9G days of such ocaacrtence; otherwise, it ;s agcead thsE said claim far damages shall hear berm waived-
<br />The District egress ten ales all esasuasble sups w rratore, as nearly as poavtble m the condition tt was m prior w mnstructian, all land in Lteatsemsnt area which
<br />is damaged as a rondt of said nurutrutaiotr.
<br />The Grtmtor maY radgvau, use, and enjuY the laud within Lee easement area, Provided that such use shall nM emlaryter ox be a harsrd w or interfem with tM
<br />~-exy, n:..o:.--.-..Rxs~-.::tioa, : e,.-ir. mai;.e~anaz, insw .ton. cw rtt_a.. a;t~o:u~s. rdocati~ and r:.~ovat aF its IkataicYs eIectrie uavamsas5oi lines.
<br />It a furtteer agrad that ills f.rsntor will not bs allowed w place and mscnum butidtngs, atrucYatea, hay or straw sucks within the easement area without Scat
<br />obtw:iag .y~ve written psrmuaion from the UistnM. far such placements.
<br />91ca Diauict agree that ahnuid said righwf-way cot be use far the outposts hsrsan etatrd, or should any tnmstaissioa one rom;ructad hereuadar be removed
<br />end trot rsplaced by moihrr transmission line, for a period of five years, Lhe; ightbfway and rasrment herby aecnred ahel! tFtea trees east terminate, and thin
<br />inatruraett shall b o[ nc farther force and eFfect.
<br />Tlve andersignad apoes and repreaenu that he has read and urdsrntends the €arrgceicng a ~ that tltis instrument contains all agresmenre and undsratandinga
<br />beiwsea the parties sad the und®aigned has cwt relied upon nny PrntaisaM inducemruu. mvenunu, oral siatsmevu, or agreemenu nCanY kind ar mature which
<br />acs sot ssPreasy set forth belle.
<br />Sigasd the ~_ day of __ , A.D., IS
<br />I' Ji y-E14IIgk:R
<br />NUlt18Lr!t
<br />8I'RTB t?p NFBRA.4RA ~ ~ ~ si
<br />Qa ilyia _.,.t dsY of - ~ ~~ 1j9~~' baton me Lie underaigueJ. a Notary Pgblie
<br />4,atd for said faam~p~ad titers. paswwtlY apparr~~-+ N/M d- r~l--dT • ~L ~,~
<br />Cwrrrs to a the tdaaaesi peeton(s} who signal the fnrsgcaag i»taamtat as Grsator s~ wlw arkauwbdgd tits a:ecutioe throes[ to be
<br />_ whmt«y .it sad dead far the porpa.. thMein espreasa~
<br />sr tr.ad .end aobrbl .sal are safe .boo. writtsn_ ~',~G~i~~s"- ~
<br />1b f:tamauasiaw sairtee oa the ~dey v[ ..w._, l9 !'Tiro ~_ ~,_,,,_
<br />