<br />"'~;°' j 1Vebraaka Public Power District
<br />EA3EME~ . t'~R, ELECTRIC TR1~1viSMISu~~`!N LI ~E~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ `~ O
<br />If'rtt1W ALL MEN aY THESE PfiE3ENT5:
<br />Carl G__~ "°'' m a,,.a tf~ ~Iri L~ ~taWiB; 'Z+•,ai,nnd anr~ WifC? tmd
<br />That - tat Grantor l Hai married, add words "an unmarried pereori 7
<br />Nef~ka. ht wttRelwatiat of $ 1.00 ,receipt of whidt l hereby ~•~}ad3~• amt the farther payment ed a ama to matte last pammmt d
<br />$ !lh _ (10 d~ea! hereto grant and iwtceY unto Nebraska Pnbfic Power ITiatritt tt+maiaa[tx.~li~t fAstiriet), its leases. attoaxaotea~ sttei~m, the
<br />Demtsaantrigttt, PrtvikRe, and maeraeret of rightedwaY to cortatraM, opstate, maintain. iteslrect ~. remove, sixr, reloaafa-std t6:0ftiSraetila edsexrssttaae•
<br />mniisiate lines, iactuding a{I eteceasary poles-.rites. guys sad other egaipenent used is cottttet-tiat thtyerrith, along a route dasai6ad herds. The t~taelinaoftha
<br />desXric tsstiwrrissiat tine ahaA baesublished by the actual keestiwt of the edaxirietransmisdon line as originaltY maatr+~ebedonaaid+~remiaea.Thelocationo[~r
<br />tigti4otwar is datspibed ere fdbwa:
<br />The South five (5) feet of: Al:!. of Lot One (1) and Westerly
<br />half (~) of Lot Two (2) in Block One (1) in Ri.efts Addition
<br />to Doniphan, Hall bounty, Nebteasira.
<br />ilu t3esstiet shall base the right of itegreas and eiresa acresa std alert-C rtes ProPatY within flte eeaeffiant errs fx any porP~ ~ with the amve7.
<br />a~rsctimt, opentiab maitttenasre. intgrsRioa, reDatr, xemovai, sltaranon, relxatian and tart nsvtutien of Lt:r Dltrict's etaevie traTla@ifda6 Hasa or etn7
<br />aasaciatvl equipment used in ~nataroure thsreadth.
<br />Tha Cisaitt shalt arse bare the right a[ snY rime to trim or remove such trees and underbrush within the eeaetornt razes as may in snY taY rv~dsryr-~rtx ir1.~.ere
<br />wish the safe mstrat0on. opeestion, maintenatera. aitrradon or rerenetrurntun of ttr tranamiwton titua and equitt~+i une3 in .mnattion therewith, ineloding
<br />bat not limited is "*w~aK or ramming arc athu tttn wh tii ~n failinK +mu3d vnte within fifluen = t:.i fan of rile nmrat eSeiznc lice v~uuet~. All rduse from
<br />Both cite wttiag cs tnmmena shall 6e burnevi .x removal F.y the [h:tract, and the Distils shall have the riKht w cvntrc! by chemical all weeds, trees. and bntah
<br />along the detribsd rightof-way if afid ryta4ut-way l tnrt bain6 aCiisad [ar cnissvaud empe.
<br />~ Desireet agssea m WY the L"itrntnr ar Treats ere then interests meY appear, fru` aaY dsmaKe to petaonw' Property. fence, hveaeoek, sad b gteatttg eoW
<br />grnaa. hY the rasr'vey and ongenai roeatrurtion of eatti !iae. final pa}want shall he made o0 or bdnee t>lh days attar ramPhenon of the ematractiat Rated hetmn
<br />ibt DiRSict egxes w pal the Granter or '.suasa. as t:.li: enzereau may appear, for ea5 =%~a+'R to- peraonat Property. fenws. livesmtk. sad to gtowtng stops
<br />acnurin¢ attar the iniuai cvnsvarrion and remlting from the rsrCey, uperarioa maintenance, iarpection, reDatr, removal. alteration. rekrcatiwt std reeo°'
<br />RiacTiort of the tRRritt'a eltxtric tvanaaisrioa tines It l further %.+Sreel that eti claims for ouch aamattea mast be satxtetff€d to fibs I34aEriet in wettrteg within
<br />gp daps of each otcarrencx: oLLter+nw, it u agreed that said clnun for damaKee shall have been waived.
<br />The Clistaiet a~eee to take alt resswtabk traps to raROre. m Healy as possibl W the condition it wee in Prior to covsiruttion, elf land in the ess®eatares which
<br />hs dntaaK:d as a remdt ~ raid ~t•+nRrttttion.
<br />The Cmntor nmY eelavats, use. and ~Y the land within the easement area. provided that setah use shall not endanger or for a hsrard b or iaferfers with the
<br />-wy, a~ te!?~r!s! xtis~a, tapetr, maintmattce, iaapetYtotf, operaritm. alteration. rekrestion end txatovsi of the IAsvict'a a1e~= travamhasiort liter.
<br />It in lu:tteer astral that the Grantee wilt rant M allowed w Plta'e and maintain buildings, Rrnttmea, hay or avow tracks withinths eaammat eras withaat fast
<br />ohraiaiaR eaPt~ wntfate parttaweon fiem tM Diwtnct 1ffi such p[exrmenue.
<br />'fLe OltriR attp~s that should aaR rightot-way not be used far the purposes herein Rated. or ahouW arty vanamiasuen line rnasQnt~d hetattader ba rem°ved
<br />tad tmt:splarsl by aaviher tzateamipinn line. for a paled of five Years. the rightof--way and easetent hereby secured abaft thm eases sad tecminafa, and thl
<br />hiWtmarat aha11 tee R ere fazthm force and effect.
<br />1ha ttadariddaed agree and repsesmta that he has read std understands the foregoing and that thl ittatrament cmtahna all agreements sad undatstandinea
<br />helmets ttx Pattsse std the utuEerrigrtel has ~i span say Prett+i~ iadueatexn+s, earenaaa, oral etaterreeau, err egtaementa ofanY kind ar astute which
<br />are not espreealy set fetch herein.
<br />5rgpad tax _LL_ day of ~y~ . AB., 19
<br />l~~y ~ NL'.'dB€R
<br />rs~
<br />NUMBER
<br />f3[lt'SEt?F'. ~ sr.
<br />~r ~/ ~.t
<br />[j~ f)A thl .~ ~ dray of v..~~ L,~r. 19 ~_ ~ before ttx thje aadae,agaed, srNotnery P~_ublic
<br />'"'! to anal u. aerie tantgr asst .4taue, par.ematly appeared P A~ 1 r.! It ~id,~ ~." E/r t ~/' ` 6r~liY-S
<br />tar kwwet m Ra the :dsaefeat ttraeert+i sho aiga.a the frtawtnq, irtafeomwtt d Greeter and who atkatwielgrd the sseeselm iheeeef to b
<br />- wheesagr aa6 real lord far tii: tMtrda saA*sssi
<br />t~ aYbanti sad antaLt swtttra daM s#,nee weRYn. j
<br />W fiaesteraawa sapiswt aw the~daX of ~- t$ ~ %O ~r
<br />Notary t'uhlic
<br />