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<br />~?~.~ ut-o~io <br />MlMC!'GAGI; <br />tiORTf AGE LOAN Nt). 23 896 ~ ` <br />ALL 1~! ev Tltlse rl~eNrs: 71vat ~ . ~ - ~ Su~ec~~o L~iT~ 5~';'- <br />Diana Larkow!s. ~ Hon„r~ an_ Holger A. Honare, !~. 1:~..L~ad- <br />Mortgagor, whether oea or mose_in oo~WaeNion dths ttttr eP <br />Fifteen Thousand and No/100------------------------------------- <br />btst to t~ ntort~Or hY The Fgteitabte itur7di~ std Lana Ataociatioat of Gnnd ta3md, NeMa>tts, , t~tbn I50 nhawa d work d <br />said ASSOCIATtt)Yd, Certitirxte Na. L ppqq(~ . do 3[nebY y asst. convey and t [mto th satid AS'~k9A7tgN the tuCot~ri~g <br />deiw~ed real estate. sesesated is tt~l C~y'R~sa: <br />LOT THREE {3} "ROSS AND ASHTON PARK", LOCATED ON THE BEING A <br />SUBDIVISION OF WEST HALF OF SOUTH WEST QUARTER (Wi2SWa} AND A <br />PART OF EAST HALF OF SOUTHWEST QUARTER {EL~SWa} OF SECTION 15, <br />IN TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M. <br />Subject to prior mortgage to the mortgagee herein, in the prinicipal amount of <br />Elt=ven Thousand and Nof700 (517,000.00) Dollars, dated December 14, 1972. <br />together with alt the tenements, ttereditatttents and apptutenanoes thereunto betongutg including attached fbw ,vietatp, all window staems, <br />wit~w shades, blinds, alarm wirdows, awnlr[~, Fteatirtg, air conditir,nirrg,snd plumbing and water equipment sad atxxnoriea thereto, ptt~a,tttovea, <br />refs~erstors, sad other fixture and equipment rtow ex hertafer attached to or reed in conntxtian with said real estate. <br />Aral whereas the said mortga~r has agreed and doer hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes sad ame~ents levied of <br />assemed upon said premiss oast upon this mortgage and rho hoed secured tfxreby Fxfare the same sttaU become detitxpseat; [o ftrrrtish approved <br />iosurartce upon the buildings on said premiss situated in the sum of S 15 ~ F~DQ, QQ payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to mid <br />Ate'{AT[~N ttx policks for slid rttauaace; sad srot to commit or permit any waste on or about rani premiss; <br />In case of default in the performance oEany of the terms and conditions of this mortgage ar the band secured hereby, ttw mort®tgeC shalt, <br />un demand, be eatitial to immediate pomexion s,f tlx mustgu~d psemiaes and tf~ ,=.~rt„~r•r h*_roby amens, tr_.-~ers ss:d sits c~ to tt[t: <br />iaortga~e s!! rho teats, revereaes atnl incuene to be derived from the arxtgaged p:mriiacs dirrit~ such tune as the mortgage indebtedrien shall rotroirz <br />unpaid; and the rritxtgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpom of rtspatrittg said pcemisa sad reaii[tpt <br />the same std mlkt4iag the rents. rerenues and income, and it may pay out of and -~conte all expense of repttirirsg mid premiss and tteoeaary <br />cans[aimions and expenses incurred in renting and truttagir[g the same and of coliei9uig rentals therefrom; rho batana rerrtsining, it any, to be <br />applkt! saward the dischas~ of sx~ mortgage indebtedness: these sights of the morgsger may be exercixd at any tune durir~ the existence of atscn <br />default, irrespective of any temporuy waiver of the same. <br />These prcsenlz, however, are upon the Cordi[ion, That d rite scut Mwtgagor shall repay said loan an w before [he ttuturi[y of said shares by <br />p.yment; pay rrion[hly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specit'ied m the Bruns secured hereby as interest and principal on said ban, on or befom <br />the Twentieth day of each and Query rrzanth, until sod loan ii fulky pad; pay :,.t! taxes and asxs~sents levied against sad iK and alt sills Mortgage <br />std ds Bond seprred thereby, before detrayueray; fursiut, approxd tntsurartt~e esprx, tht t,uiidiryt [hertx,n to [ice sum of S 15 , DDD . DO payable <br />to said ASSOClAT10N; repay to said ASSOC'tATION upon darwnd all mrxrey by it paid fur swh taus, assemments std irssurartce ovith interest at <br />the rstaxiioam ~ rate thereon from date of paya[ent ail of wtuch Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit na waste on sad premises; kttp andtntttply <br />with a8 the ageements snd conditions of the Bond Cos S 15 , DDO. DD ttus day giten by the said Mortgagor to mid ASSOCIATION, sad mmply <br />with aif the requirements of the Cc~i[ution and BY-Laws of sod ASSOCIATION; then these presents ,tin btxotse null and ved, ot~rwim they <br />sha8 release in full twit sad may be fwcclasd at ttte aptton of the sad ASSOCIATION afar failws foe three montlu to make any of sad <br />payments w be three months m arrears in making sad n,withty payttvenis, or to keep and comply with the agreetttents and rnnditions of said Bond; <br />std Mtxtgagut agrees io fuve a receiver appointed forthwith in su.:h forec#aswe pra~vedutga. <br />[f there is any chatrge in ownerstnp of the real estate nwrtgyged ieercin, by sale or otherwise, then the entire rentairtiag indebtedrtem hereby <br />sta:ured shall, at the trptitm of The Equitable Building and Lwrr Aasrxiation of [:rand Island, Nebraska,hecome immediately due and payable without <br />ftsrthn ntrtitx, and the amount :entwining due ureter sad b:,nci, and any other bond fw any additional advantxs made ihereursder, shall, from the <br />torte of exereu[e of said option, beu interest at the ••+•••~•~ legal rate, artd tte;a mwtg~e nmy then be foreclosed to mtirfy th atttouat due oa said <br />baad,aid any other bond fw additional advtuuxs, tagcr_tp, e,iw sll sums paid by acid The Equitable Building aer[t Loan A>a~atitw of Cratd !stand, <br />tietuaaka for ittsts[srwe, taxes and asaepei•~-rte, sad abstnciutg extetniwt c}ttrgri, with interest therewt, from date of payttrent at the rttaximum <br />kgtd late. <br />Ai Provided is the Bonn secured hereby, while ;his mortgage rertsaias in effe4t the rwrtgagee may hereafter advance additiiutal suttta to the <br />molests of said Bond, there a-m~ia w swtassws its_ntercat, which auras shag be within the security of this mtxtgage the same as the fonds aripia(tY <br />sctttred thereby, rite total amount of principal dent not to excr<tt at any time the origin! amount of this tsartga~. <br />ji#usd thisyy~ 28t1t day of .TdllL7dL'Y A. n., 751 81 <br />i.Vrc <br />~~(bC.C._. - <br />r W n. ihr <br />STATE cN= N€BRA.SKA, ~ ss. {}n this 28th say of 3anu3ry I9 81 . befom too, <br />cvwNTV ct~ IIAL.L <br />the sxulertugrerd, a Notary I'ubtic in ,trod fw said County, pasoeaUy aveas¢ <br />Diana Larkowskti Vonore and Halger A. Honore, her husband wt~ are patauaaltykuowaw <br />w to ba the idvmital per,rm ~ wbgse aat,~ are affixed to the above <br />adeaawTnatge~ the acid ieestrtsment ks be their vod ~ rnor~ur ~ and they severally <br />awAary xt sad dead.. <br />yr'ITNf~SS rtsy head and'.tlotatmi Sea! the dais ataresad_ i~ .f ~ f - <br />i ~~ <br />aby Cryaaaaa expaca --ref _ . ' t"7-~ ~ G^ ' <br />., _ ~_ a -- -.. -._ <br />f-°' , <br />ra?awa at k ~€I.tgtY'fw. ~~ a ~ ~. s.. s 'tttasssa~ _- Notary ilrbtic <br />r ~Fffr hV .t.t <br /> <br />