<br />i
<br />~,~ ~x t) C- (l 4 Q `~
<br />E L E C T R L C E A S E M E N T
<br />F, D, 6 L Developmene~rjoup, a Nebraska partnership, herein called Graatar, is
<br />consideration of t~(euE ~ot„L„eg.&~ , receipt of whieh is Iserebq
<br />acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />a municipal corporati.nn in xali County, Nebraska, hereir, called Grantee, a permanent
<br />and perpetual easement and right-of-way to su n~eY, construct, inspect, maintain,
<br />repair, replace, extend, remove, and operate thereon, overhead and undergraund electric
<br />utility lines, poles, anchora, cables, terminals, transformers, surface markers, and
<br />other appurtenances coanee:ted therewith, in, upnn, above, along, across, underneath aad
<br />through a tract er land located in part of the :northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
<br />(,~) of Section Twenty-two r2~}, Township E1e~~en (111 Yorth, Range Nine (9) West of
<br />the 6th i'.?•,., cull County. :ne'oraska, more partiuularlc described as follows.
<br />A sixteen (161 foot vide tract L~ land, the center line described as:
<br />Beginning at a point thirty-tt:ree (?31 feet Fast and live-hundrec: twelve
<br />t;i~i feet South of the :northwest corner ~f the said ~'nuthwe:;t Quarter
<br />tCjy?~, - th C'n C4' FaSt na Zallel cl;~' ''tinrt`r. ? _.. _. ...L Che Salo ~L~'3ihwe5t Q[3arteI
<br />SK a1 a distance .~f ~_.-.-huadreci ....eon fr. at feet; theace tiorth and
<br />oaraliel to the kest -line :~f thc~ se3id 5uuthwest Quarter (S?.~,) to a point
<br />an the Southerl=.~ ri;,ht-of-wa•- ,.ne -, -nnner dark Read. Said tract of
<br />:and cen[aining i`r. 39 ac rc•s more r~r Irs~ as tihown ^n the plat dated
<br />:i%l~ra ^Tarke~ xhf~i[ "n", and attar°hr~ hereto and incorporated
<br />laerrin b1. reference_
<br />t~,i;..th~r with :`..r fnl - _u•ins; r; ~ -_
<br />Unrestri::ced inl;ress aru exre75 _~. _ne .ih;>•se dc>s, ribeC tract cif wand for
<br />installaiivr., maintenance, <7peratic,n .,nd remc~>•ai .~ su=.h utilities and appurtenances.
<br />~.~~.,, rig hts ~~ ir., <» and ~res~ ~,.a'_. _,.~lude all rights necessar far the
<br />foil. sad complete use, ~~ccupati~n a..d enlo~-ment .._ the r.asemen*_ herein granted,
<br />includ'.n+', the right tc excavate and reLii_ ditc:yes and wrenches, to remove, clear, and
<br />keep clear trees, bushes, hedges, urdernrawth, and ether obstruct~.ons interfering with
<br />the sur~•e~i.ng, ,onstruc*_icn, _..-pettier., mai:*te.^.,?nee, r~cair, reE:lacement, extension,
<br />removal nr :per:stir=* :,f suci. .it :lilies. °+o .^:r.o~~ement.s. structures. 7uildings,
<br />fence5,or ether ~~b,tructiens ~. a Rine; ..atsaever, shall be allowed in, upnn,
<br />above, along, acr:;s, Lnderneath, or thrnugh the easement herein granted.
<br />:,rartor and Crac:tee agree [hat c~rantur shall have the rig'r~t t~• ;:awe over the
<br />easement area and use ctae easement area ~,,r aarkirg and ingress and c-Kress, r-ravicied,
<br />if :ranter needs to construct, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, extend, remc;ve or
<br />operate am thing within snub easement, t?ee cost of removal and repair of any Having
<br />>alayed ~•:er su<~- .3s9cme*_t s?,_?11 be, id by rnp 3:rant:•r.
<br />- i -
<br />