<br />Ht~vitru l-viv
<br />DEED ®1F YI~!/SY ~1°' ()~1D400 Avc'() t-lrv.~n;( Int st:KVU r:s
<br />I;K:INI't)K{~;t: ~7g4o14~$ 1212 West 2nd Street
<br />1 M~llter Edrtw=(rd R ~ balker Sharon L, _5rand Island
<br />2JLF $a8t 'i9txi Street Grand Island NE 6$£iG1 a ~ Hall County
<br />f - _.-.. _. - _..._ _.._ -----__-_ - ----- I ~ .NEBRASKA
<br />AGREFU RATE: t)ir CHARGE UN PRORfIS50RY NUTS EJiEC1iTf.U CONCitP.RE'NTLV tiERFWiTH: 2`k. per month en that part a( the unpaid iyalancz of
<br />the .Amtwnt F'inatx rd nn! e~ czding SLi7Ut1: i'.~x"% per month on any parr therea(exceedin¢ 51 ~>n0 but nut e~<eeding S5,6f10: )r/a5:: per month on thrretnaindet-
<br />THIS DFF'D OF TRUST. Made this.?2n~ day of_s~.~u~'f i9 R1 ,betweenEdWard R. R Sharon .. Wtsllcer
<br />herc§taftes cylkd TRLtSTOR. whox address is224' East.~th.Street.Grand IBland.NE O$$C17td AmeriCa!t riait~„~ Tyr ~rx+*anr_g,
<br />C„Y_ _ _. hereinafter called TRUSTEE. whose address is~4-+`~?©3x~~t~'1_St ~_{$$~})_8y Idl; ~$1Q2 -
<br />and AVt'O f7NANCtA1 SERVICES INTERNATFUNAL, INC, a Nebraska carporation, hrreinaftrr tailed BENEFICIARY, whose address is
<br />~Z'12 West 2nd Street~._Grand Island _.fiTE__b$$01_____ _
<br />WITNk.SSETH: Thai Trustor GRANTS. CONVEYS, SELLS AND WARRANTS TO 'CRUS'TEF., IN TRtiST, IViTH PU1l=FR OF SALE, the following described
<br />property, situated :n____:~•tii+1.____- ~C'ounn~. Nebraska:
<br />IAT SEV~i?rN (1 j j : BT,UCIx SIX (b) , ±•?ORRIS s ?IRD ADDITIC~ , ?'~ '~fiE CITY OF GRAND
<br />A-K-A 224 East 1~?tT± Street, Grand Island, >'eb*'asra.
<br />together with all buiidir~s arth tmpruremrnts now rya hrreatcet erected therzvn and ail screens, awmrtgs. shades, storm sash and bonds, and heatin¢, ligkiirtg,
<br />plumbing, gas, electric, vmtdatina. re(rigeratirtg and air-+gndittonmg eyutptrrent used en .annection therewith, all of wttich, for the purpose of this Deed of
<br />Trust, shag ba daxmrd fixtures and subject to thr lien hzrevf, and the heraiitamrnts and appurtenances petuining to the ptnpeny argue described, and all
<br />streets, Ianes, alleys, passages, +vays, waters, erecter c:autses, ti;ti,ts. libet[reS and prniteye>. ++hatsoevrr rheeeunto txtonrzing or m anywise appertaining and (hc
<br />texzrsims anti remaiteders, all of +vi(Irg~+e4~fas"the-'~rremiscs..
<br />TO HAVE ANll TO HOLU the a ribet~ ~'~ipurtmarsccs and fiztur s, unto the satd Brnr(xtary, tts successors and assigns, forever, (nr
<br />the purposes attd uses herein set th yaltunder anJ b; s~trtue ,~t any Hcvnestead F:scrnptton Laws of the State of Nebraska
<br />which may be enacted, whech said '~iis.'~+~~-svv~^€sestnr•et6lS hereby z~apreastx- release sod wsivrs.
<br />Trustot also assigns to tsteneCteiary alt rrnta, issues artd profits at card premises, rr±ervmg the nght to code-ct and use the same, with or wi(heue taking
<br />posxasion of the premises, durigg conrinuanet u! default hrreumler, and dunng .:untmuerett of such drfaull authorizing Beneix.iary to enter upon said
<br />premises attdioc to tvFla:t and enfarar the same without regard to adequacy ut any ,z+unty for the rndebtednzss hereby se+:ured by any kawiul means including
<br />appointment of a re+xiver in the name of any party bottle, and t+=.:rppty rice sar,.e less a.?.ts and expensz, of .?prratton and coftectton, including rcasvttaWe
<br />attorrtry's fees, open any uMehtedness secwzd hereby. in wch order a> Berxtictar may deternum.
<br />FUR THE YIiRPOSE OF SECL!RFNG~. +2F Per(ermancz „ wch agrrzmrne .;t irustur ~+-:atatnzd herein: t~r Pay into[ ,! the prtnctpai sum xi[h
<br />interest, as provided m acwrdance wnh the teuus and provtsaars ut a Prunusxuy NOic Lwn Agreement rhereina![er referred to as "promissory
<br />hate"i da[zd kT~Il~P:~~2a--~$'~ __-_._.__--._-__-_.._-_ _____. ___._____..__ herewith exrcuied_ by Crustar and payable to flee
<br />order of Brstet"rosary, in tits Prtncipat sum of i__~%t3i}.?1 and havusg the Satz of ass (loci payment clot on ~e UI`4ta~"~ ~. 1~~~-
<br />or as rxtenaas`, dzferreC of :esziteduted b} reneusi .:r refittanez: ;3t Payment of any additional advances, with interest
<br />thereon. as may hereafter sx. ioarxt by ftrotfxiary to Trtastn: «n a naznnum =um ,yi y's(Ri.ifB wizhm (Cr years trout the da?e of then Deed of
<br />'Crust: {4) TFte payment rzf any none}- that ma} 6e advan.xd by `-hz Benzticut5 to 'T mstet for an9 reswn at to third parncn, ui:3t interest thereon, w1tare thz
<br />aawun[s ue advanud to prate4t the securuy or en auv.dan;,z utth tbz ~r.venanta of this Deed of 77ust, tJi .4ny renewal, refinancing er rrtznsian nr wad
<br />promissory Wort, ar anti orhzr agrcemc:nt to pay which mar be suhsnmtod therefor.
<br />All payments made by 'Crustor on thz obligation ,zcured by this Deed of Trust shah be apphed en the totiowing order:
<br />FIR57: 7o the paynttnt aI texts avd assesstnznts trot ma) De ieied ant asaesszd a>;autst ,aid premtses. msuran r pn+mwms, trpan.. >nJ alt other aharee;
<br />and ezpu ntss ~i+zed to be paid by thz Truster.
<br />SECOND: To thz payment of interest due en wxi roan,
<br />THI$D: To the paprnznt o{ principal.
<br />TO PRUTECi THE SECURITY HEREUF, TRtiS~CUR(Sr CCJVE!:.4NTS A?rU AGREES: ?li to keep satd pttmists insured against l„s by rue and usher
<br />haaards, casualty a:ad cumatgeneces up (u the full wa.uc u? ail improszrn,:nts for :he protrctia~ of Bene[idary m wch manner, m such amounts, end m ,u:h
<br />catnparties as 8etee8etarc tnxy froar roue [u torte appto>t, and that lots pr:>;:a:eds tress e~pznse ui caalie.:tierni shall, at Brnc;raiaa;'s -,pc+un, b. >,.i.iicd s: .,
<br />i(viektasd~sa, whether but at oat of io the rrstarati.>n ui said imptvrrms~nta. Fn erect at I+kss Trustor wdE git~z itrunaxiiate [:Wrier by mad to the ftencftciary.
<br />wtw may make praef of loss st oat msdz prcntptly by 7rustur. and each mutrana'e tivmpaay r+m+xnxd is hereby au tnueucd and direct:d to ntakr pat intent tar
<br />wch Iris dueet(s to the Fierteficiug instead :+f :,> '.he ': sustur. ±~t T. t.ay iii rates and spzciai asx sstnents r•( any trend that ha+e txcn u; Wray be le;ted u;
<br />assesxd upon said Premises, and to dedivery ta. BzrKiu.tat3. upon rzquext of the 8rraeitciary, the official receipt showing pa?went ul all su;h :., a .:nJ
<br />asaeaslnr9tis. iii In thz event of defauh h} Truser under Fatagraphs i aM>re, BertzHcian, at its option, stay tai place and kelp suit mmrancxaatxnc
<br />prov~t fat in force thra~!out the life of this Decd ezt Truce an3 t+ay the reasonable prettrrwn» and charges eherefor, obi pat all ytd [.arcs and a ~~ssmrnn
<br />wtilhavi determining the v:dltirh~ t}ureof; arui (rl Yay wth (erns ind a:i :.h disburscmrnts iltaL be dezmcd a pact tit t}x indebtedness v_~ured h; lira Dre6 ,~i
<br />Trust and shad he hntmdsntety' due ace} payable by Trustot h, Betsefta„aty. (31 Ta kcep the buddmgs and •>ther improsemtnts nuu tnrszing or Iteasftcr
<br />erected in gaud coadition and repair, trot to cummr ur cu lTzt an} uastr ~>r an7 us+: ct acid premeszs .-untrary .rstrictions c! rz+:ord =.. rontrars t„ ?au, rn,i
<br />fa permit ~ErlrS~iYry to enrol ai ali reaSUna P~2 itml'a 'r.; tixf: pYrpeia' Uf insF~+•lt.'S{(,, lhr premiSeS, tiu+ •.+ rema4t „r dtL`1„135it aRy huddtng tf:C[euri, t~ :'.,t~,+:
<br />promptly and in a good and workrnaniiitz marmzr any batiddutgs whk~h ma;~ tx damaged u; dzstr..,yrd thtrzor,, and lu pa}', uhen due, .dt ~latm, i,,. iah•,r
<br />pe~rAStr!r4 ate tua1etSals fvraished thetrfsa +Si That hz aill P•r#. promptly t9u rtdebtrdness x - red it nb}-. and perform ali - tt ~ ,h{rga n iui3
<br />twice tuitk the terms of said Promissory Natt and tius t#trd of Tru i. +6, TF- he- 'lint t r-+menr - ( hr indet+tedners herb ~-emu J r .:n•.
<br />patrtunt thereof, may be zxlcnded r+r renewed, and any pu~tr:ars ,,; :h crrnuses h ir, deu:ilxJ may, ui,h+><, t:uin:r, ix ;e{.;axd 'rum 'he irn tiers-.:!.
<br />ssithcyri? rz#u- ar atfettitsg the pexxanal tia2diiry of any pz tin ,•r *,ise p•ioritr s.* thu t#zed n( Truat t't That he dt•rc her. by : sz, ,+ar.aat ~n+t .+ill
<br />farcvgr deCaad t~ Htk.:ad pasaessicm tRcruot'sgairrsr tMx iau{u3 Istm: tit an: anc: s!t sscrs:ana uiratac:aer.
<br />iT IF MLr1'UA4LY AGR;:-kA YN.tT.
<br />(i) 5)waid Ttuirtsi fat? tG mYke any paY+~n[ et da a,:r act as hrzern ptovrt7txl, tit if any actwn «r Pre*: redtnk s camm,n.rd uhx-;t mnterwti} cur.:,
<br />l~enrt'k'iditY'v attyzst th eke Pra`.miaes, thzn Fieatrfr+:tary cr rTrnsire, tort witkavt altliKatian 'u dux . n„ without n.>l±ce t.+ ,,; demand u(:ota i'ru>t,::, sod
<br />stil)iattt fir, sing 'Frtutic9t lr4ttr an}' oEd>gatiun 4rsteattdrr. msy make or do ihz ssnze. and may pa}. pu:~ttaa::, :carctz,t or com(r:.,rn ere any cna.amnraR~.~. ,hare
<br />w li>th'„ h ai-r~• fud~a-.rot -`'ciil'at. ag~t_ to afYr4? aafd p==+~.rtt~ a.'ad in eserclsing an; cuch Cv tier n u. s t- tiatxt- i -nA -cpenr. hn--- n -rn
<br />al;:~dCtte 9iurets e`,( ~tt'~.ia.3' Jr r,st~ €iticcr map deem rraessary therefar. Ali sums sr .musrrd :e rcC,z'rdGU w Fie„c,.+.a+. - ,.ss ~.ha?! tL
<br />withcwi derusrtd _imrtusQiatrly Quo and payable Era Truster, sibsfi ixar intzresr at teat itiy!sest ran• pctmit•:-+3 t+•. tsu, and ,haft tx• vr•-. +r.,:,t herein
<br />t%i Sba-.uW ?hart Permutes ar any Aare •hrre(rt ire aairrn by tzaaan ?f n} .-i+ndemnaue>.^, pr,h ccdaaat„ iszncE+a:cry chat! tti .-t>trttc.; !,..;til _~, c:zttt,;,.,!::,i;. w.:,v
<br />attd ,fir payments thcirfat, and to apply rite samx on tits; indehtc-dares e.ure=t heathy.
<br />i 3)- key at~taepttng pax hrent rsf anY sutra haiieky ~=Barad- aEEU w?a du€ date, era a/?c€ Ehe trirn} !,i r.. c+.a .-.. ,Ic -.tit, _ .. ! t+. ~i. _ ..:s hone:,, - na::.,•
<br />es'srvr eta iq~ t.* tatgstHe ptianF)tt pag~ttsant svigRi dot of ali. atkes terms sea .ce. vteJ, nr to dreisre ,i tat + •auu -- I ~.r 3 u .`+ t -.,-1::~
<br />any Wash n+st..< c,? +fefautt atsd nt ri+w: tam let sl4 for an}' unpsrd baiirrce ..~ 6a#d Ntdrbindnrv. h Etr:cr. K:..e; t.,ir,+ .r wdt.,, oral .c i a•:t •hitF.ai,.t,
<br />,rcn::.ti-kcrr'tt} et tax ztef,_r;c ter sate tksre<:f ai ter +aptusn.. wither twfr,.t•. '.. rcattpi•xart--< :.. ... .. , ,:a ...,.,.-wn.+:`4 -
<br />.a'aJ r; iRi+i t i@? hK-e.rxY'w-stn+ttrr a,oaM t.Aw
<br />