<br />gl~ aC+0393 a. '
<br />al#awed by taw ar federal regulation. Principal amounts prepaid prior to maturity must
<br />be #n amounts equa# to ono ar more subsequent principal payments.
<br />3. That in addition to, and together with, the monthly installments provided for.
<br />under the terms of the aforesaid Promissory Note and any other notes ar agreements for
<br />add#+i'#ona# advances as provided herein kbrtgagar-will pay as an advance payment tr
<br />?mortgagee err-fibs fi#rSt-day of ea4h month urti! sand 'date and the coca! #ndebte~ness _ -
<br />seC+urecl h4-ruby is fui ty ~rai~, an arraun'f esti-mated by Mortgages to be suff'tcierit to enable
<br />the ttorfgages to pay alt taxes, assessments (genera! or speciata, rents, and other
<br />sir€rite~r charges against #hs above described premises, as the same become due, Sudh
<br />advance Qayments shalt be paid each month together with the monthly insta#tmenfis pray-dad
<br />for under the-terms of said Promissory Note and any other nntas nr agreements fcr
<br />addiiiana# advances as provided herein in a single payment and shat! not be; nor deemed
<br />t€~ be, trust funds but may be commingled with other such funds ar the genera! funds of the
<br />Mortgagee, and no interest shall be payabts in respect thereof. Mortgagor shaft promptly-
<br />far"Meard to Mortgages all bltts far taxes, assessments and rents and Mortgagee wilt use
<br />said advance payments for-the payment of said bills. i~brtgagae may, from time to time,
<br />a~ its apt#on, waive, and after such waiver, reinstate any and al} provisions of this
<br />paragraph requiring such advance payments, by native to Mortgagor i:: Writing. White such
<br />waiver is in effect, Mortgagor sf:ati pay atI taxes, assessments anc; rents as otherwise
<br />provided hereinafter.
<br />4. if the tutai of the advance payments made by the Mortgagor shall exceed the
<br />amount of payments actually made by ttta i~ r*gagee for taxes, assessments ar rents, as the
<br />case may be, such excess, at the option of the Mortgagee, shat! be credited by .the
<br />Mortgages on subsequent payments to be made by the ~sartgagor, ar refunded to the #Jortgagor.
<br />1t, however, the montnty ad-rance payrr~nts made by the '-lrtgagor shalt oat be sufficient
<br />to pay such taxes, assessments and rents, as the case may be, when the soma shall become
<br />due and payable, then the '-?ertctagnr s,.ai i pay tc the =;rartcagee any amount necessary to make
<br />up tfre deficiency, an ar before the dato when payment of snob taxes, assessrrrents or rents
<br />snati be due. it at any time the rAOrtgagnr shall tender tc the ~'~#artgagee, in accordance
<br />with !fie provision=_: of the Not= secured hereby, fudf payment of the entire indebtedness
<br />represented `Hereby, the ::".origagee snail, ,n car;fputi-,a t^e amour;! of such indebtedness,
<br />credit to the account of fi:e '~~;rtagar env credit balance acc:;mu!atad under the above
<br />paragraph. !f !irate shad oe a^,e#ae;=? under any :' f^e provisions of this Nk~rtgage
<br />rasa t t i ng i n a pub i ; c sa i e ~,f the premi Ses Bove:'e<7 hereby ;... i f : he t8•~rtgagee acquires the
<br />property atherw i se altar ,:;tau i t r he :"•FOrtgagee sna i I aFp i y _ :cn manner as f.tor-t jauee
<br />shall determine the ba,ah:;e of advance payments then remainine in the funds accumulated
<br />,:noer the agave paragrau^. as °_r::d + y3;t3<* rr.Y ~ _,t~4nas~ ~,acured Hereby.
<br />s. fillet. in the eVi?nt 21ny•'.*t '•'hC rrontnty adi~dnCe Ljy~'nY GrO.'ided Herein ar monthly
<br />inStaf lments pravidad for under the forms v# Said ~rc,~,;ssory =ate -:end any other rates or
<br />atlreftrrlen is for addi ti Hoot advances Nava oat been .:.ode u: the ten to day a# the rrt7n to in
<br />wnieh such yaymer,t was ..ue, ,~ ,,te ,'rare of ;;p to ._ fC7 ,~er:ent of fhe amour.! of said
<br />man#hiy paymeni rr3y be assessed3by the Association to cover the extra expense involved
<br />in handling del inquest ~ayrrier.t•,. The Association snai i r:,~t be abt looted to accept any
<br />m5nthiy payrr~nt made Bf#*,er `.he *u..-„ ..uy ^_.f ..~ .:..,nth unless said rmrnthly payment Shat i
<br />;,e acCnrr~an#e4 Ny thG #ui i .s.^?o;;r;Y ,-;i the ;ate ~harge asse55ed uy the A55ociation as
<br />drovided hsre'ra.
<br />r,. To pay asny ar,d ai °axas, as<ass;.~.3ts iganeral nr S;;eCiatl, rents and other similar
<br />.cslar'g©s ievisti a.d assessed wgainst tfse premises, this ,brtgage, .,. indsbtedr!ess hereby
<br />secured, bafara they b~tia+fle deiin,,}ucnt, for stiiClt provi,inns has not been made hereinbefore,
<br />and in tCefau+t thereof ?n~; ?~#ar?gagee r.,ay pay the same, zrr:d a't rfaneys so advanced with
<br />interest ai _ {~ ~ #:-c~r: the care of 5€3-h ay!'~=e~i st7ai i be repaid by '~crtgac~r upon
<br />de3nfartd, sad enact bs 5acurad uy =^is =iortgag2.
<br />3ssat Mortgagor will r<ae;. "°he impraverr*ants ,n said premises ~n5ured against (ass
<br />ifrf tire, , i rttni ,g -;nd other azdr*s ..:_.udRd .f,e sta:,dar4 =xtended coverage endorse-
<br />nrKS-,t pt us frocd insura,~ee mere ~'E;uired Cy mortgagee3 .-; an zmount r.ot less than the
<br />~+ jl:~:d -"}a}dnCe- ~f `. r?c; irttlC:~t~~~Rw55 SeL:'vr20 hE~r 6Dy, w.?f; ~i G55, i f .3'ly, i. ~y abt C- fa >aid
<br />AS SvGiati~;rt, a -Camper,} ~:~r _.~ ,rant°S ac.ce~td?;a rC +tae ~°.~ocia"=i•1 artd :, nouid such Rio! icy
<br />F.t {iriec c_~;~tai._ 3~ry dro.is's•ar, that _. ~'d ( ir^.i` 'he ~n5urcnce. company`s i i :.;i l icy to
<br />;f,~y the araau^+` .. any lass or dars,age uy ,_, the f:,i i am~ur;t for which pol ~eyr5 written,
<br />ttre s~unt df insurance tc be rr-ovided shai! ~a in an amount sufficient to, <:t al Limas,
<br />iutiy prate.:t tfwe AssaCiaiion. #f 'rtartgag.ar fails to procure ar m,aintain such insurance
<br />ic; ttr€r'.~i,'irar Specified herein, the Assooiatian may, ai its optiCn, pracura and pay *or
<br />u~+Ci: i nsuranCe, and a i ; srr,~nsyr. sa :advanced w i th i nteres ; :~ t _ i 5 ~ f ram the date of
<br />y:yM1,;t} (Y~~F47Sk' >!'SL i t sZ8 repo I E} by ~'icr'tgagor upon detr!and, and She 1 i b8 SeCtt rc3d by +!': i 5
<br />r !gager.
<br />8. s~ai th8 t~,rtnar wits icasp the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and
<br />neither resit :.^.ar permit waste upon said :and. oar- suffer tna aama premises to be used
<br />f~,:r a_ny untaufut purpps~;_ rtgagnr furtstEr agree, ?-hat withs3ut the written conssnf of
<br />~came,t ~srferai savings and- ~nan n~~ buildings nr additions to e..._ting bziidings s"at1 be
<br />af'rx~,tea tired dti pas`kit,xT std i,~rrd,C.~,su areas shaSi Gc ~,ti :toriSy ?saintaincd.
<br />~, Tnat ire ttss event the: pr.:mtss> rfr any pert ttserai7f be fakes or dam~~cted by reason
<br />~! a€~y ,~l,Sis': i~~,is'ta-vt}t ~?r cs?nc}e!*~rsatign prc>s+adirlgs, or ieRG'Ef right of +?mirsent d(1mrJin,
<br />::=r ire ~sny :'liar rfirl:=r, art,pay#;s S+ha4( bra Gst'titiad pit iYS c3ptioo, ,o cczm€rdr3:,ca, 4r;,pe<3r ,
<br />1
<br />