<br />S10t--R"EA1L ESTJ`TE-MOR'TGA6E-~Wteh Tax C4use (Rarisad /9d2) Huffman and Felton 8 Wolf, WaIMn. Ne. 6H461
<br />F
<br />` Xa:•J:!r A3.I. AdEN BY THESE PRESENTSr TffAT Jerry L. Williams 8~s'r ~"~~~~
<br />#tt1( (Mortgagor )
<br />` of Hall County, and 3tste of Nebraska , is cansideratioa of the stmt of
<br />i wts~~ -ice: SSr7ti r^i~@- iittTisu'8i~ 3fi~i nc~/ice --"----"----'-----------------_-y~@i.3.At'iH
<br />g *.~- ~ h~•ahy ff~'I.L a=te C~*IPE'1' mtt= Lorene A. Wi1I-iaw?s
<br />~ {Mortgagee )
<br />~ Hall C.ostnty, and State of Nebraska the following described prea:~sea
<br />situated in Ball County, sad State of Nebraska town:
<br />Lot Thirteen, Block Crte, Blain Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />Lot >'©urtaen 81ock fine Blain Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County
<br />Nebraska
<br />The intention ba®c to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVF, AfvD Tf) HOLD she premixre above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the
<br />said mot~4lpycec sad to heirs aaci aanisms, forever. provided alwayx, and these preaea/s are upon the ezprere
<br />condition that iE the aforesaid martnaRar heirs. executin. adn+i 3.rratars or assig=ts shall pay or cause to be
<br />paid to the seat nwrtgaRee . hetn, ezecutars, administrators ar aasigaa, the sum of $ZZ , SoO. Q0.
<br />Dotlata, payable as follows, to-wit:
<br />i ~un or by January i, 1986. Hdiars v. tie clad; { ,-{g
<br />--:9
<br />- -'sqs-M 10
<br />~etlessee the - - - .}~ of Eg
<br />with turn-rest thrreon at NjA per ttnt per annum, IsaYabte =,7/~ annually all accordutg to the tenor and e$ect of
<br />a certain peamirdsorp mate of mat Lorene Williams
<br />6eoasias-.s•__ ,~.,,, is_rd. ~; - . real estate. sad all other lazes,
<br />•~-=~+'~r':P° th= ~•i~r,...r..t.:= ..r.Kgalns.i.gia•~ r•• °=;,re, before the same becomes ',.
<br />- - deli;,tifty..,t .„.t t:..., x....t.t,.,g. - - tas°'- - -- r'~- "~ strm r:f E t:/A loss. if anY, payable to ',.
<br />1 the said-~ +~- ."~'~-°„~{` ~erw~e to 6e and rernain in f
<br />- utt farce.
<br />j
<br />_ i .itawtr..taansai+n.tns`..dta• ' - - at ~ -- r .t~ - 1
<br />~ Signed this Z7th ,toy atf January ~ _ ~ $1 t
<br />Ia presenceuf _..... ....._... ..__....---.-..--
<br />'s
<br />I
<br />9TAT$ OF_. ~ebsaska- f'-Query nf.. - - - l_tal
<br />Flafare are, a uatazp pablic gtuiifsed far said cxamty, ors JBr... ....L. Williams
<br />d onaliy came ry
<br />r tasatra m ate h3 ba the identwxt R~ ar piYEiiias~ ~~ si~ttxl the foregoing insintsnent and ackrtow
<br />hereof to ha hie, bar os tludr ~ ~ aster, AI#' (edged the execution '.
<br />' { FYifaess taY lesod attd on... ~'~~ ._. tr ._. -- -?...--`_--.. ~_119__dZ ~~~
<br />~s ss - .
<br />_ ..
<br />,, ~ MY caatntissin® „tgxtsa.__`-., -..av',.. ~~ €`°'--~-/~ ......`...`"~--^"'_..-.-. ._-..tiotary E'ttblic.
<br />______.._,._._...._ ........ :sR Entned rm nuatericel indez attd ftiad for recant
<br />Ce~x _ . _. - _...... - _.. a in the tiagiatar of i~eoda Offibe of said Cottntp the
<br />_. +~ of,. _ . -. P9...- ., .. tat.... ......-- ...-- -dctodc star.-_. .., ..... -.. mimttss .... _....M.,
<br />asd 1•i4A~$iad Fa .. ....--_.._. ..of .............. . ...... ......^t pap,.-._ .-...... .._ - .- --.-.......-
<br />.Kett. (.f• ()soda 'r
<br />Ilp..-.. -.- . - - - - - - -..-Dejinty i
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<br />,_ , - - - - _. - i -.,.
<br />