~ ~: '
<br />._ _ ~ ;-,.
<br />81~i6-ItEL16R8E OF MORTGAGE--Corpara#ton (Revised 1982) ~Ph• Hugmnn C,enerd supWy tYouse, i.ucom, Nebr '
<br />s~~ aaoss6
<br />Y?7 COAiSIAEFfATIf3N of the payment of the debt named therein, the ~~,~J
<br />~~ C~ r 1
<br />~v -t~
<br />t n ~y`~+~*"~~.... hereby releases the ffiortgage made to
<br />~~~~%6~Lf~~i~+lsc rf Gs..~ ~ /~Q~J
<br />I cn- the described resi estate, tawit:
<br />' , _, .. .
<br />~'Troct at Lanid tslnq a ~he~et eP Lot- flea (lj, iFop Suls~~eieion, City K Cwt
<br />~, aed iwrs pasrtlavlsrly de«eriiad ~ Pol2asrfa ~ ~ s pain! sn tbir i~~
<br />Lute aP pid Lot Ora (1}; said point wing Three hundred Free ertd Ora TMth (30.5.1) Feat
<br />1!{~t sP tta SouthewL Corner oP said Lot l; thsncs rututing ttcsrtharly, Parallel to the ~
<br />East Lino of Lot 1, s distance oP Teo Hundred Ten (210.0} Fast; Thanca running _weeC,erly
<br />parallel to the SoutA Lien of said Cot 1, s distance oP Sixty Six (b6) Peet; Thstarar
<br />rueetiR~ Sauthsrly, parallel W the East Liter oP said Lot 1, s dietance of Teo Ykutdrsd 7a~
<br />(210.} Feet to • point on the South lins of said lot 1; theree rueffiing Eestsrly rlong the
<br />{ South line of said Lot 1, s diatartes of Sixty Six (65} Feot to the point of Bs+yirmieig,
<br />$ ~D,ject to Hoed Right of gay on the South Side.
<br />i
<br />r
<br />i
<br />~ e# Seeiaon , in Towashig ,Range of the P. &L, .~~~
<br />~ Coarrty, State o[ which is recorded in Eook of Real EQtate Martgagea, page
<br />of the re,cotda of asi~ ty. ~ ~ ~ O ~~ - ,
<br />Li'J
<br />!N TE5TIM~«*fX WHERECJF. Ise said ~~, tit 4y~,r .
<br />t '~-~
<br />thMe to be executed by its presideno «nci sts Corx>rate >eai tr lie affiaet< hereto ~- _ ,,
<br />""
<br />r~`>
<br />A. 4
<br />...
<br />Fs}' ~~gLA.'Gr!~!~[!a._.....-c... ... Iderit
<br />_~.,..,...,_ ........ .. .... ai2~t r Se<:retgry
<br />~j j/~~ bier,
<br />iss. Cn this. ..~-8-.._day of._ ....... .. ........__., 29_i._.~.
<br />.,.,~_.........,;~~..< ........................County ~ i3efnre me, 'the undersi , a Notary Public in and for
<br />s9id Co~tyr y came-.-s~~~rt..~--~y~, ...~~ ~•f'-L~4~GL --- ._..-......_ ............. E'_~ident of the
<br />- ....__. ~ -~L..-t~~- ............... . - ..-.. - -- .-..._.....~.........-- -- -°----------...._.a radon
<br />~ ~ ~ ttr ba the identical person whale name is affixed to the a(iave reLaaee and
<br />€ the erac:utian t ~ v :arp act and deed as such «ff~cer, and the voluntary act and
<br />dhsd of aadd Gin, and ti- ~ - ryas areto atTizsd by its authority.
<br />W ~ hated-ae~ N , FY. `
<br />Se~'AtiF'L .--.s~~l~i~ , in said County -the day and year
<br />~~ ,
<br />4
<br />~' •- ._.. ..., ~ ... ..... ...... d%,~,;r.rr'.~~ +~7~''°f.... , ;tiotary public
<br />Eni.ered on nutreric:ai irttles and filed for re~rd
<br />.~ Cti...»,.__,.._.....,.... -..,_ . ,..... , in the Register of Beeri.~ ft$ice of said County the ;
<br />..............d9r~ cA ...~.. - ._, _..-.. ,... , l° ., at.. -- ....,.-.......o'clock and,_ .._. -. -_ .- mimutes_._....-. hi„
<br />imm Book ..... .... ...._..._...„........ _.., -.. at page.
<br />_. - ,.. k2eq. of Lfaeda
<br />Iiy _ _ _ . ..... UaPutY i
<br />%;r<::
<br />