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<br />E!CHI6TT "A" 81'x"' ~I/Q~~V <br />~r+~ctt_ off' laa~d ire t~Q ~~~bee~t rtes oi' t-tia ~ut~~°t <br />ter {N$45~i4} of 3®etior. ~3.ght {8}, To~nahip tsleven (11} <br />North, Range :line (9) West of the Sth P. ii., Hall County, Plehraska, <br />end ~rese particularly described as follows <br />Beginning at a point on the ;`7arth line of said Southwest <br />Quarter {:34f~), said point being Thirty-Threw (33) feet west of <br />the northeast corner of said Southwest quarter (S:,lh); thencs <br />ruxining t-~ssterly along and up or, the tiorth Ling of said Southwest <br />C'~arter (5~7~), a ~istance of Two i~undred Seventy-Six {276) fret, <br />thence running Southerly and parallel to the East line of said <br />Southwest ':~uartar (Sad:;) a distance of rive Fiund_*'sd ciinety-Six and <br />Three Tent s {596.3) feet; thence runr.•in~; Easterly and parallel <br />to the Ilorth line of said Seuthw~-st ^Y,uarter (~'.'.-,) a distance of <br />Two ;Iundred Seventy-Six (276) feet to a point that is Thirty-three <br />{33} feet west of the mast line of said Sou~hwest Quarter (S'~il~); <br />thence runnir.~;, northerly alon an;.' upon a line that is Thirty-three <br />{33) feet west of an~? parallel to the East line of said Southwest <br />Quarter {;~~4-) a distar_ca of -ivs ;undyed .,inety-six. and Three tenths <br />(516.3) Peet to the point of beginning; snu containing, 3.776 acres <br />mare ar less, sub,t,ect to public ar _^ivarQ Aasements, if any. <br />EXCE:TI:1G Bq innin;~ at a 'point an the :{orth lire of said southwest <br />darter {,,,~~; sale aaiat being =hirt---is^.rae {33.C) fast l~tsst of <br />-- <br />the northeast corner of said South•.rest .~::artsr (S'rl~t); thence run- <br />ning a+rasteriy along and uoan tr,e idorth Line of sai^ Southwest <br />Zuarter (SI•,~, iwtance of one nund_*•ed thirty nir_a f, 139) feet <br />thencs runnin,'~Sautharly and parallel to t::e east Line of sai:i~ <br />Southwest Quarter {gad), a distance of thirty (3C) feet; theres <br />rur~in Easter3 and parallel to `'he ?:ar*" L'r ~ <br />g g ~ ... ~.;e of sai,. Southwest <br />Quarter (SH4} a distance of ane i:~,~n-;red ,Witty nine {139) Pest to <br />'~^int that is "'hirty-"c,,ree ( ,,~~) feet-:•:ES o'' the E2st Line of <br />Said ::ou~-Y:•west 6;t.:arter f,~:;~-) to€nca r ~i;ort, <br />'~•==i:;-. vrl;~ alor., and <br />uoan a line that is Thirty-Three (33) feet ;eat of and parallel to <br />the East Line o' sai• aauthwest ~uartnr {~•) a distance of Thirty <br />{30) fast to the waint of beg{nrin_ s..~ earta_nin~; .J9~. acres ;yore <br />ar less; s~.;bject to a nubile (inal4cln, the City of ::rand Island) <br />rijf:t-of-ray aver t,°..e Sout'.:irl;,r ::leven ~(I1) feet Pot street and. <br />raid wur o4es; an:: ;°eservli~~ unto t;;e granter an easocr,ent over a <br />right-of-way over ss~ Sautt;erly ,lsven (li) fnet for public and/ar <br />private utilities: and <,lao reserving urto the ;grantor an eassnaent <br />oust a right-aZ-way ovc-r the $as~crly Twelve (12) feet for public <br />and/or private utilities, <br />~:,X,::.: T. ~ ~. ~t r ~ , _ - <` t i~:orth <br />i o n _• { ~ ~t coati? o~ nv <br />Line ar i"~.'^ 2r hr r iES~ f r St Ling f1f `aI*~ i7rth- <br />°d4t ;lcrt .., ~ t_*},^ 3 i. ., :. z1 s *&=' ., j : ti'Sr.Ce ruTLnln,^ a0ut!: <br />zr+aralles tr an m;~i . t r :.h .,, `, ?; ~ t c yr ~e , . ~' r,:^f~ r;ast F,~n~ cf sai: <br />o~'t1i~s,. L ~ U~r L~r .. t _.L .,~ati''--.~Y~ ~ *' - '. <br />~] ey u~ t -~ fora ~tanc~. ~~f <br />?~.~~- 37~tTl~r~e. J3.XtF-;;,t F to 2`~re-_ `I`~SSth ('• .. . ~) v ~ .av^Pt' ~u~d.on .'r'i~+~ ~ ) <br /> <br /> <br />