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<br />„'~, , Appaiatsteeni of john 1• Ford s+a lr~dividval
<br />Twee under the (~ ~n '~ Qty
<br />~paQy F,rrt ash "
<br />dated Fehr~sarg 1, 1921 m szson to
<br />nest r°a~ ~~"~ ~. ~1""~~~~7~
<br />F.I+IQ~ ALL MEN BY TIiESE PRESENTS : That. Whereas, Chicano, Burliagtoa &- QuinoY
<br />Railrarad Company (now uY merger B~lington Northern Inc.) did execute and deliver tt~ TIm
<br />Find National Bank of the City of New York {now Citibank, N: 4,) and Frazier I,. Ford, as
<br />Traet~a, its First sad Refunding Mort~+se, dated February 1, 1921; and
<br />@yIIEIfEAS, the said Frazier L. Ford, the Individuat Trustee named in said- Mortgage,
<br />died as Apcril 28; 1949, and George E. Porter was thereafter dnlp appointed as successer Iaeli-
<br />vidtml '~uatee; and
<br />~I3EREA3, the said George E. Porter, successor Individual Trustee under said Mortgage,
<br />+ oa Januarg 14: I954, and Jacob Ad. Ford II was thereafter duly appointed as stueeseor.In-
<br />dividrsal Trustee; and
<br />WI€EREA3. Jacob M. Ford II, successor Individual Trustee under said Mortgage; then~fter
<br />resigned and Bartlett Ford was thereafter appointed as snccRasar Individual Trustee; and
<br />~rI;ER,EAS, Bartlett Fard did thereafter resign; and by Section 3, Article Thirteen, of said
<br />Mortgage, it le prodded that the Corporate Trustee by as instrument in writing, may apponnt a
<br />s$eseaaor to such lndividusl Trustee; and
<br />WHEREAS, the undersigned is suthoriaed to `set on behalf of said Citibank, N.A., sa Cor-
<br />potate Tsustee tamler such First a~md Itefundin8' Mom, to fill the v3~-as3~y in tla: Gfi'mc ~
<br />the lndividnal Trustee under slid First and Refunding Bdortgage;
<br />IBIS IN3TRLtE4ENT WIiNESSETB: That Citibank, N.A., Corporate Trnst~ under said
<br />First sad Refunding Morkgage, pursuant to the provisions of Section 3, Article Thirteen, of
<br />said bCoztgage> hereby appoints John d. Ford, a resident of tfie City of St. Joseph in the Sta#e
<br />at Missouri, as Individual Trustee under said First and Refunding Mortgage, to fill the vacancy
<br />in the office at lndiddual Trustee created by the resignation of Bartlett Ford, successor In-
<br />dividual Tzuatee, to set as such .individual Trustee under said Firrit and Refunding Mortgage,
<br />with like effect as if ariginallY named as Trustee therein.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF: Citibank, ~{.A. has ,mauled these presents to be aigaed wiiln
<br />its corporate name by a Senior Trust Qfiicez s.nd its corporate seal to be hereon impzesaed and
<br />attested by its Tra9t Officer. thereunto duly authorized, as of the `a day of December,
<br />1~t1.
<br />Ate: CITIBANS, N,A., as C~tporats Trustee
<br />F ( _ ~- J
<br />B! ~ ~ ~ _ tT-. ~_
<br />V. h ohnson
<br />Tzu~ Cffie~ ~' ;eltioz Trust Officer
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