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<br /> p�yiiiems m�y na langer be rFqufr,:d, at the uption of I.endex, if mort�agc insurnnce ccivernge(in ihe c�u . ___.
<br /> that l�:ndcr rcqulres)p�•ovide4 by an insurcr approvcJ by l.cndr.y uyain lseconies uvailublc and is�htninc:J.Borrn�ver shall pay �
<br /> die�remt�nnr requiruf to maintain martgnge insurancr,in effect,ar to provide a lass reserve, wuil the reyuirenicnt for mortsnge �
<br /> iu,ur+ince ciids in c�csordance��liih Any►vritten agrecment bet�vicen Bon'owcr and l.e�ider or npplicable In�v.
<br /> 9, Iuspecilnn. Lcndcr or i�s nhent nr,ry m;►kc rcason�blc�ntrics upan and inspcctions of thc Propeny. l.cndcr shal!givc
<br /> Borr�►wer naQce ut thc time�f ar prinr to un in5pcctian specifyiug rensanablc cause for the inspcctinn.
<br /> t(!, Coademnutlo�e. T{�e pnxecds of any n�vnrd ur clnim far dnmuges, direct or consequential, in connection witli �ny
<br /> condentnation or uthcr titkin�of any patt uf the Pro�eny,m•fiii•convcyance in lieu of candemnatinn, nre hereby a�yi�tneci i�nd r
<br /> sl�all f�c paid ta Lendcr.
<br /> lu d►c cvcnt uY n totul tuking uf thc Propeny,thc procceds shall 6e;►Nplied to thc sums secun:d by this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> whether ur ncu tircn duc. with any ex�css paid to Borrower. In thc evcnc of�partial taking of the Property in which thc fair
<br /> markct vafuc nf thc Property inuncdiatcly befaro the taking is cqual tn�r greater than the amaunt nf thc sums sccured by this
<br /> Security Instrument immcclintely hef'o�e the taking,unlcss E3anowcr nnd Lender othernise ng�ee in�vriting,the sums sccured by
<br /> dds Security Instrument shall be rcduccd by che amaunt of tl�e procccds multiplicd by the follo�vin� tnction: (n) tl�e total
<br /> nmount of the sums securcd lmmedintely beforr. Qie tnking. dividcd by (b) the fuir market value of thc Nroperty immediately
<br />� Uefore the tnkiug. Any balnnce shall bc paid to Rarrower. In the eveni of a partinl takinQ of thc Propeny in which the fair
<br />' market value of the I'roperry immPdiately befarc thc taking is less than the nrnount of che sums secured immcJiatcly beforr the
<br /> toking,unte�s Borruwer and Lcnder othenvise ngree in writing or unlcss applicable law otherwisc providcs, the procccds shall
<br /> be appliod to the sums secured by tliis Security Instrument whether or not the sums are thcn due.
<br />' If thr Property fs t�bandoncd by Borro�ver,or if, after notice by I.ender ta Qnrrowcr that the condemnnr offers to make an
<br /> award or settle a cinim for dmnagcs, Dorrower fnils to respnnd to Lcnder within 3U days nfter the datc tite �rotic► is giv�r..
<br /> Le��der is autt�orized ro callect and apply the procceds. st its��fte•�n,cither to restoration nr repxir of the Froperty or ta�he sums
<br /> sccured by►his Securiry Instrumen4,whether or not tlien du�.
<br />� Unlass Le►xler and Bonower othcrwisc u�rce in writing, any applic��9ion af ptocceds to principal shnll not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dntc uF tlie monthly payments refcrrcd to in paraqraphs 1 nnd 2 nr chnnge thc amount af such payments.
<br /> li.Borrower Not Releascdi Forbearur.ce Ny Lender No0 u WplWer. Lxtc:nsion of r.t�e rimo far payment or modification
<br /> of Amortix.�tion of the swns securui try thts Security Instruirrnt�rnnted by[.ender to tiny successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> not aperat�c ta rcleasc the liabiitty of the ori�inal Borrawcr or Bonowcr's successars in intorast. L.cnder shull not be required to
<br /> coinniaxc proceulings ogainst any successor iu i4��erest or refusc to extend timc for payment or atherwise modify amortization
<br /> of thc sums secure� by this Se.curity [nstrument by reas�n of any dcmnrid made by the original 'Borrowcr or Borrower'S
<br /> _,��„r„r. �� intPre�i. Any forbr,arance tiy i.ender in exercising nny �ight or remedy slmll not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> exerctsc af any right or n:mecty,
<br /> 12. 5uoccsw,rx pnd Assign.g Bound; ro[rtit and Severaf I.labil!ty; Casi�;ners. �PI1C COVC[IIl11tS All(I Agrecrrknts uf this
<br /> Security Instrun�ent sh�ll bind und benefit the successors and assigns of L:cnAer und Borrower, subjeci tfl the provisions df ,
<br /> paragmph 1T. Borrowev'F covenants uncl agrceinents shall be joint and s�ver�1. Any Honawer who co-signs this Sccurity
<br /> [nstrun�cnt but does not executa the Note: (n)is co-sisnins this Securiry ingm�ment onty 'to mortgoge,grant nnd wnvey d�ac
<br /> Borrower'�s interest in the Property under the tenns of this Security Instmmcnt; (b)is not personally obligatal to pay tho su►ns �
<br /> securccl by this 5ecudty Instnmxnr and(c)agrccs that I.crxkr�nd sny other Borrower may ngrcc to extcnd. modify.fochcar or
<br /> nwke any accommoclutions with regard to the tenns of this 5ecurity Instrument or the Note widiout thAt BorratiNr.r's con.sent. ,
<br /> 1�. Loi►n Cttstrges.lf thc loan secured by ti�is Securiry Instrument is subja.t to u luw which sets mvcimum loan charges, .
<br /> ond thu law is finally interpretod so that the interest or ott►er loan charges coltected or ta l�e coflectcd in connection with U�e
<br /> loan excood the permittod limits,then: (n)any such loan ck�urge sUall be raluctxl by the amount necessary to reduce tho cherge i
<br /> to the permiltod limit; snd(b)any sums already w�lected from Borrower whfch excceded permitted limits wili be refmxled co I
<br /> &�rrowcr. I.,ender may choose to makc this refund by reducing tba principal owed wtider the Nnte or by m;tking a d3roCt
<br /> payment to Liormwer. If a refund reduces �ricicipal, the reduction wi13 lie tceatod as a partial prcpaYment without nny
<br /> prcpayment chargc uncicr d�e Noto. . .•
<br /> 11. NMias. Any nacice ta T3orrowce provided tor in this Security [nstrument shall b�$iven by defivering it ur by rr,eiling
<br /> it by first class tnail unless applicabss law requires nse af anoefi�cr methal. '�'he notice'shn95`be directed ro the Propeny Address
<br /> or any other addnss Borrower designates by noticee to Lcncler. Any nnt�ce to Lender shull be givcn by fiist class m�il ta .
<br /> I,erxler's addnss statcd hcrein or c►ny ot8cr address i.cnder designutcs by notlre to iio�rowcr. Any rntiw p►bvidc�d for in this �.
<br /> Sd,-urity Iostrurr�nt shail bc do�mal to have been given to Bo:rawcr or U;ncicr whcn given as provided en t�is paragraph. •
<br /> 15. Govrrning Lnw; Stverability. This Security [nsYrumr.nt shall �e governed by federal tnw and tha lnw of the
<br /> Jurisdictian in which the Property is loc,lted.[n the event cfis�t:�ny provisicen or clause of this Seaurity instrument or t�e Nato
<br /> ' conflicts with npplicable law,such conflict shall�wt nffi;ct otho'r•provisions�5lhis 5ccurity Instnimetx or thc Notc whioh cAn bt;
<br /> givcrt effcet wltianut ttu wnflicting provision.To this��x!the pmvisions co�i cbis Sccurity lnstrument�ncl the Note are declarcd ;
<br /> ta bc scvernblc. '
<br /> 16. Hutrrower's Copy.&�rrower siiall be given onc contortned copy of tl�e Note�nd of tl�is Sccurity lnatmnccr.s.
<br /> Form 3028 9/�0
<br /> Pepe�Of U
<br /> � � .. . - _---
<br />