<br />81'" uC-03~0
<br />A~
<br />bMSRTGAGI: LQAN N©. L 13 , $94
<br />BTddlY ALL Its BY'tiffESE PS~fdtPIS: The Edgar F. Writ~}at and Janet K, Wright, i_n his anti,
<br />her aFm right and as spouse of each other,
<br />MwtpBor, wlrat4a oaa ~ r®wc,l~ a~idp~3asdfLtassaf:
<br />th4t~sand and NaJI00
<br />towed tc syd by 7'iae Equitable a~ Lima Atatodatioa of Grtind iaLd, Nebraska, Mor[~, ttpsm 400 dma[~ mladtaC
<br />stld t(tClA114N, Certiftm4a Na. L 23,844 . do hereby grwt, convey a~ rntsrtptp: tmw the acid A§SUGIAI7lHt- t6a. fo®ppLlg..
<br />deserr~ad teal caste, situated is fiaB Cotmty, Nebraska:
<br />LOT E~.ErJF21 (II} BLACKr'OI7R (4} ~ 5'UBD.iV2S.IOld
<br />IN THE Ci'TY QF c'RAND ISLAND, HATT, t~Iy, N1~7A5'K~1.
<br />to~etlrer wish all the tenements. ttereditarrrenta and apptutenantxs theretmta be{rn~u6, inc{ttdittg attadud tkror coxtiogt,. aU wiadoar screens,
<br />vredow shades. b, storm wiredtsws, awnings, heating, au condit~atrtg, and plurnbirtg artd water egwpment and atceamies thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigera[on, sad othsr fixtures and equeprtterst now nr hettafter attached to or tttxd in tnnnectiun with said real estate.
<br />And wlxreas the aid toortpatrr ha agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes sad ametarnwtf letriad w
<br />assessed upon sad premises and upon this rrarrtgage and the band secured thereby before the same she!{ bec:otne delinquent to fttmiah approved
<br />imuraace upon tbs bttddtrigs on sea{ premises actuated in the sum of 540, 000.00 payable to said nSSOClATION and to deBver to said
<br />AS30ClATtQN the ptsle:aes fa: card irutsrsntx; and not to rommit err permit any waste an ur shout card prsauses:
<br />In cas aC default m the perfarntancc of any of the terms and wnditwns of this rnurtgage or the buttd secured hereby, the martgapx shat,
<br />on dettuad, be entitled to irrrafxdum {w€settwn .sf the mortgated premises end the :twrtgagut ?tetchy assrgtta, trsstsfats and Sets etas to the
<br />trnrip~ee aG the rants, retinues xnd inwrne to tx denved tram the manga~d nrcmrzes during such time as the rtwrtgage indebtedmys shag reruain
<br />turta&t; sad the mirrtp~e rdistl hex the power to appoint any agent or agents d may dente far the ptttprae of reptvirtg taifl pre»tisea sad seating
<br />the sate and atlkctttse the cotta. rexnues and income, xnd it tiny psY out of said itrrnttu xl! sxpeteses of repairirtg acid pttttnims and naaemry
<br />wtemritaioro and expersfea tttuwred m rentvtg and maneyaa the satire xrnt of colkairg tenesfa thercfmm: the balaata; reaniaing, if any. to rte
<br />toward the discftu~ cif ssk3 rtmng~ trtdebtednea: t{teaa rtgisu of tirc msrngxgce mar be ezarcised at any lime dttrirtg the ~++*r^^- of s»dt
<br />suit, irrespective of arty temporary wmver of the sane.
<br />'ibex Presents, however, ue upon the C«nditwn, Ttut d the sod Nongagsa: shall repay said loan on or before the nrarturty of said sha[ea 6y
<br />paymrttt; ray rnanthly to sand Aa50C'tAT{ON of ihr sum specified m the Bond accused hereby az in[ereat and printxpat on card lean, on or befose
<br />the 7Werrtieth day of each and every rnonth, anti{ sod loan u fully pent: pay all rnaes :nd a_ru levied. against sand ptnttixs and on thin Marge
<br />sad the Band srratrssi zheteby, before delim{txn4y: furnish appnrved msttrsmz ripen tits buiMm¢a thereon is the suet of S 40, 000.00 payable
<br />W said ASSOC[A•I10N: rely io cud AIA270N upon demand all rtxttiey by it pans far suds taxes, asxseneata sad insttrsn« with ittterert at
<br />the tasxitaum raze [hemtn from dare of payttrsnt ail of w{u:h Mortgages hereby agrees to pay; permit rw waste on said praatius;keep sad 4romply
<br />vrdh aU the aptatseats sad ~rortditttms of the Band tot 5 40 f 000.00 thu say given by the sari Nurtga$or to said ASSOC(A110N, and catrrply
<br />vtitft all the rsquuements of tree Conuntatun sad ByLxws of std ASSOCIATION: then these pteffiau shall 6ecotrve null sad void, othmviae they
<br />alaif rengairt in full inttx attd may be forer2ased at the o{xwa of s~ said ASSOCIA770N altar tailtue for thttt months to tttake any of said
<br />paytrtenta or be three natnths m antnus m irakittg seed ttttmthlp payments, ;>r to keep and rxtsrtply with the agreements and atnditioaa of said Bond;
<br />and h9ortgayix epees to have a rtxeivm appointed torUtwuh m woes forecioaure ptuceadings.
<br />4f theta a say sds~c ut uwnrctltip o[ the real estate saurtgagak herein, by sett or otherwise. then the entire retesainittg irtdebtdmm hereby
<br />tscnred simB, at the optnn of The Egt»sable 8ttildirtg sad Lauri Amttnatuxt csf C,rami {simd, Nebrasrta. become imatediateFy drx asd payable without
<br />frat3sstt uMitt, a~ the aaxxmt remitting disc attics saw bstsd.. sad ary athee bond frn anp addilioaal adwnces trade theretmder, shall, from ilia
<br />dtt~ of exacts of sed optics, bees mtesm err the r ~ tau. s~ iha traxtpge may rhea ~ forsabmd to sttiidy the awwat due on aid
<br />btsad,aad arty other 6aad fm addNioeai sdvarrces, tttsether wiElt all stmt paid by said 't'he Fquiubk BrtildaR sad Low Asaoaatitan of Grwd lslwd,
<br />Ntdwrdta for wueassoe, taraas sad sasessascuta. xt~ sbstxnt>~ sxaeasiori dsugea, with mtaea thereon, r"rom date of payment st the rnaximnm
<br />~ nx-
<br />Aa psonded ut the Bortd tet:mad hereby, whde :has mattp~e rema;tta m effect the tiwrtpgee may he[sai'ter adraaix dtlitioml auras to the
<br />makers ,f mid Band, rhea aagpz nr suc.esaurz m :ntetStt, ~Yttsch starts slsatI tx v«tlur. tFx security of this mortptp; the same as the funds aregirtaBy
<br />secured thereby, the tout snsotmt of prrrtrtpal .iebt out to «saxd as arty :tins the unpnal amount o1 this rrwrtgase.
<br />i?mad this 24th day ~t Jarnaaxy A. o., l9 S I
<br />~. _ ~. -.:
<br />.IafiE,. R~ L~,_ t ~J..~~~ h
<br />S~'si~ ~ ~~' ~ o. On this 24th dsy of Januazy ! 9 8I , before me,
<br />CQtAittY C# FlAll
<br />I•. ~ric,~it aft<i Janet K. 'tiri.ght, etch in to a Witter ~wm rght anc~as~sg use of~aeti
<br />{~, who dZF: pmaanaly knows m
<br />err to be trip idaSiitad Amsoa 5 whose tmsaes afflaad to the abtrx insteutttent as saprtppar s amt ~~Y saveaaBy
<br />dsa aid aaatrtuamt to be theLr teduatarY aa^t and dad. f -
<br />tstY {mid anti ~Sei the afttsemg:_ f -'~. "i
<br />aEy loatmRna ea~tas,. - fr,, _%~'` : '` ~rfi~jr'} 'f~ I
<br />~i~/Iw-Rts# „'?a`" .- r ~,,.['.lar~... L~ -_ _ ',~VUt~k
<br />taarMat su iti
<br />~1~lllya#!It t! lips
<br />