<br />F
<br />F theredtt, irrc n~citaGs concmr»itug any mailing, perstsnal dalivary and publication of the notice of default, any maiiittg
<br />i&t ' " '.t~td posting of notice of sak, and the conduct of sale; and such recital shall constitute prima fade
<br />itce o:f cods crnitpLiattca.+ and conclusive evidence thereof in favor of bona Ede purchasers and encumbrances for value
<br />turd an4ftwit turt:tx: Tfrc tatts~e's dead shall Operate to Convey w the purchaser, without right of redemption, the teustee's
<br />- titre arti3 af4 right, title„ intcscst and c8aitn of t{te truster and his successors tntnterest and of a!l persons claiming by ar
<br />f..; , t#ptmtgli4 ~ tdtrts tif#~; hk '&i t~e'pi~ said, mdudit-g ail such right, titht,'interest- and`alatsti in arxf'tir stu:lt
<br />f . Propbs'ty ac~luit+ed- b3° rite truster tsr his ~s ht bt~rest ,~,.~.t tts-t~epate€~±~€~thc tr~t~te+t:: '[lie trustee
<br />_ .a,. +,._ .its ~' rr.._sree's , foot, to the cost and exgee~es of exerciaiatg the power of sate, and of ~ stir
<br />itir~idirt~ the gaymc ;tt of the trerstees fees actually incurred not to exceed the amount which rosy be provided fir its t
<br />d~cst; ~cand, to payment of the ob_1"tgations secured by the trust deed, and the balance, if any, to tfie persffit or
<br />psaa tegsE~y estitleti thereto. - -
<br />Aanl the Truce caverta»ts faithfuAy to perfotYn the trust hetaitt created.
<br />gE1tfE1 ICIAAY may from titrte to lilac substitute a ~<csasr3r irr ~.tccESSOrs to airy"Ptustee hetrieiY`herain~€tir aclutg
<br />hereu~er to execute this Truss feed. Lpan such appointment and without conveyance to the successor Tivstee, the latter
<br />tae vested with all title, powers, and duties inferred upon any Trustee herein named or acting hereunder, F,ach such
<br />appoiutrttent and ntbstitutiort shall be made by written instrument and executed by Beneficiary, containing. refesenee to
<br />this '['rust feed and its place of record, which. when recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county or
<br />counties in which said property is situated, shall be conclusve proof of proper appointment of the successor Trustee. The
<br />faregoinS power of substitution attd the procedure therefore shall not he exclusive of the power and procedure provided
<br />for by law for the sui~titution of a Trustee or Trustees in the place of the Trustee or Trustees named herein.
<br />The waiver'' by Trustee or B~tefzciary of any default of Trustor under this Trust Deed shall not be or be deemed to be
<br />a waiver of &ii-t attar ~ similar defaults nibsequentiy occurristg.
<br />This Ttttst l3ted I inure to acrd bind the heirs, legatees, devisees. administrators, executors, successor and assigsts
<br />of the parties hereto.
<br />'The Trust Deed shad tae construed according to the taws of the Starr of "Jebraska.
<br />The 7rustmt requests t6,at a copy of any notice of default and of any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to him by
<br />crriified mail at the address hert'inbefore set forth and evidem:e of such mailing shad constitute evidence of receipt of
<br />such rtotice.
<br />"Trtastor reptssents and warrartts than the strove described real estate is not used for an agricultaral activity.
<br />IYhcrcw~ the :,ontext sa requires, singular words shalt be cons[rveai in the plural and vice versa. and the masculine
<br />slmlt be eor~;utted to include the feminine and vice versa.
<br />ilv WlT'[dESS ~t{Elt£t3P, the Trustoc has hetxuttto set his hand the day and year first above written-
<br />TRL?STOR
<br />STATE OF ~.--. j S5.
<br />~:'g't 1' E3~~
<br />Aefare arE, a IYcstaxY iaublit, qualified by saht rounty. personalty came ~}lli~e L. Boea'tten and
<br />~ s= ~z`~` ~rar.-n to aE to be the identt:,'al persort(s} who signer the forming insinurtsttt
<br />~ srd~*t~easigi~ etreYtf ua be ham, her ar tfteit voluntary act and deed. Witnes.+ my hand acrd itTotarial SEaI
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