<br />
<br />E L E C T R I C E A S E M E N T
<br />-----e_ _~.... _....._.
<br />~ i~
<br />Grantor, in consideration of G`>>" a ~a i H n , receipt
<br />of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />a municipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, herein balled
<br />Grantee, a permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to surrey,
<br />construct, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, extend, remove, and
<br />ogerate thereon, underground electric utility limes, cables, terminals,
<br />transformers, surface markers, and ether appurtenances connected
<br />therewith, in, upon, above, along, across, underneath and through a
<br />tract of land located in part of Lot Ten (10), Block Three {3) of
<br />Brentwood Second Subdivision, a Subdivision in the City of Grand Island,
<br />°debraske., more ~~articularly described as faiiows:
<br />`"`ie Westerly four (4) feat of said Lot Ter, (10); the
<br />Sou t::^.erly six (oi feet of the Northerly eleven {I1} feet
<br />of said Lot Ten (10); and the k~esterly four {+}) feet of
<br />the Easterly twelve (i2) feet of Lot Ten (l0). Said
<br />tract of land containi:.g 0.035 acres more or less as
<br />shown on "the plat dated i" 3ijij0, narked Exhibit "A",
<br />and attached hereto and incarperated herein by reference,
<br />together with the following rigiats:
<br />Unrestricted ingress and euress to the above-described tract of
<br />_ land for instaiiation, maintenance, operatior, and removal of such
<br />iltiiitie5 a ~ d.p piirten~i. C: [5.
<br />..son ri°*ts ~_. _^cress _.^? =___~ss ~`:~>~ ~ncl}de all rights
<br />necessa ~. for the _.._. and ..c^pi~te use., occupation and enjoyment of
<br />the easement here in _ran*_e;i, .t.,_iud~nz; ....~ right to excavate and
<br />refill d=tones aj.d franc::^.es, o remove, ~.~~ar, and rteep clear trees,
<br />.,.:sres, hedges, underurow•t!:, r,... -ether obstructions interfering with
<br />the surveying, cons*_ruction, inspectucn: main*_enance, repair, replacement,
<br />extension, removal or o^erat.ion of much utilities. No improvements,
<br />S trurti~ras, i?_iidi n..:S, __nCeS, Or Otter tJUStr'1C ~'i OnB Of any kind
<br />whatsoever, shall be allowed in, ~~;on, above, alone, across, underneath,
<br />=or thrviigin tf'ic eca.s?eZit liereir. grai,ted.
<br />All electric utility lines, cables, terminals, transformers,
<br />aurf,~ce ~s~trkers, and ether appurtenances placed in, upon, above, along,
<br />acroas, undderneath, and through such easement shall remain the preoerty
<br />of ts~e c~ra ntee zn:i *~?a~+ be removed or replaced tat anv time.
<br />