<br />~~-°-®0038
<br />Td Fixve aNtr "Cra liot.n the same ureter the Mortgagee, as herein provided. ltifortgagor represents to,
<br />and covensnts with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has grtiui right ter loll and convey said premises;
<br />that thsrv are free from eneumfaranee, encept as frixr-z: inother-ivis, rr>cited; that the Mortgagor ic•ill warrant
<br />and d.~fered the same ;ig.iinst the lawful claims of af! (rz=rsrrrm+ e, lxmtsnrn•:tr. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />alI rights tsf homestead, elf marital rights, either in iaiv ar in r~uity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />tf t'atrrtgag.:r i.+ .:n d tr, t h2 n,,'~,e-rf~.:r;f~t p:~r:i.~.
<br />~rt~ ~f,w~rrfr and the ~rncentB a=r_ eta_cuted and defivzarcvi upon the following ennditionsr to
<br />wit:
<br />Mortgagor $gt•~s tz°r laai' to the kfasrtyragee, or:+nler,th<* xf=;rc-:=airs tjrinEifrd ,um with interest from date
<br />at rite rate of #vhl.rteen ~ one halt" per <°entum ll 3. Ss#: } l~r annnnt an the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />Tire aaitf principal and interact shall f,e f><wynhfe at the +3fftce of t4artgage Plus Incorporated
<br />in EnglEnuc>«i, fitaiorada , or• at :;sch ntlrer ptar'e a4 the holder of the note may designate in
<br />writing detiveretl e>r maih~rs tr, the ttortK.tttczr. in an:,nthly in.~taliments ,rf"'t~o~lundzed Forte and 66/100ths
<br />f)a1lar°s 0230.66 t, + zammerrinrr +rn th«> first slay of March , 19 81 ,and continuing on
<br />tfa:? brut ciay,rf seat; rrrnr:tf+ the>rt•rifler us:tit ~rii+i :;nt<> is frsfly lrauf, except that, if rot sooner paid, the final
<br />pay~inent of prrueitz~} and irstz=mot f.afl :,c* desr• ainzi YH~yatrt,: an the Eir:Et rise= of ':'ebruazy 2011 ;all
<br />ac:cordinq ±o the terms ,.€" a e a=risen r+rr.mia.~zir-: ++rr*.e r,t .:~•e~n +latfs ltc~:•r~4rith r=xez:uted by the said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mr.>rtKagar ftsrt}az~r :zt(rt•es:
<br />f, l;v u•i}I f~~ t1:,~ r-.d.-it€,~tn=--<.e.:+.v Y,Nr:,irrb+~ECrc~ ptroti+f:=:i. Yricrlege is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, wrthoui Irr4>mionr >,r r,,,.. =.!.r• ~r::as•r =neiet,tt~cinz~=S z,r ara_~ !;art t.laareaf not hiss than the amount of one
<br />rnxtaftment, or arse iturntrnd rir,iars ra.f?O.ttOi, whichever is it'SS. Prepayment in fuU shall be credited on
<br />the date received. 3'srE:ai fepayment, other than on tm :nstaflment rice date. need not ire credited-until
<br />Heart fnliorvicig installment clue date :7r tbirtg days afte_* such prepayment. whichever is earlier.
<br />°G. 'Togr.2her wiih..ind in ailditian to h+_ mtrnitsij~ pat menu :~f principal and interest payable under
<br />ihr~ txrmar trf ilia nine voeur.•d herriay, ltortKagor iF~t!! ,>a}• to yfrrtis<iKc~r•, sis trustee. fonder the terms of this
<br />tc-ust as }ter'c~insftcr statedf ors the first iiay of z=ach month until saint note is fully paid:
<br />!ra} ~ sum Huai fr: fltr_- ground rrram. ,t till>~, neat ,ire, plus the premiums that iviil nexE become due
<br />ar:rt p¢yaf:l~ ; ,: Yxil#eir-s ;,' ",r4~ .rta:i <;tt:e~r i;ax:rd .:yurarracz~ :ak.~rin,~ the mortgaFTod proT~rty+
<br />Pius t~>;rn s;cu av~r~arru~nkv r:u?€t rhr= <,n thi= mc,rtgagcd }+rr.},r•rtl• { alt ~ estimated by the biort-
<br />gagrep, and zs ~ rrre,ti the l4c,rr~~++r a it+.,titre_41) 1.~s a!i sasnrs nlrr,arfy raid therefor divided by
<br />the num's~r i+i rn<renhs r., .-lup~• ka•i,tr+=+,rf:~ rrs.+ean ;zrs=_it~ r~+ tier ,tats when stech ground rents.
<br />pre*isri,tsnx, tux::s ,in:f :c:~x~xntt•s,ts . ti! i.z ,r r ie:i r ,,:= rt+„ -tech 3utzrx +=r} be hctd by Mortgagee
<br /><n tit *~ ;+ut sale ~nenHi r~.~nt~, pr-r-gi,irm?, tastes rzazi,pezc:iai assments.
<br />(~I ~"ft. aty~rrt+=.,4 ;Y~.tr:rzF.4r,t~ gas°atii,~;t+a.,~rrat3t to 4eat~l.•rrh~ra#rh art) and th+~e payalale on the
<br />n ~.tiurr=i ik,~-rr-ut, st~i, i~ ;a.'rr:i ;rz st ~asrsyt's,. f,ayx~•r,t c°»rh rnc.nth. to lee applied to the foliacr-
<br />irig rtrni~i iri €,fie:r;rirr ~tattat;
<br />tTl gr~usul n~i;'r, taxes, ,i,x,~k-.rn~e_stx, ==r;~• ar.r3 :.thee hrzl rnsurancc laremiuma;
<br />+.ri / sntrrr~t can t.ir+.• i:* r ~,<.z-..r+~l tier+~f) ', .=net
<br />itrti .freevrtr:itir;n *,t `=+z: pr::x-ztsa! ~+t ~~++,1n<.~.
<br />§:nu =itiictrrz~t ,n tfr.~ .irri.,zirrt. _.{ ;.rr+ ^ucr+ .ig?er.~gz§te t:3z+tythrv e,a}'meat shall. unlea5 made good
<br />Sty tfie~ iic,rt{{ug.:, err is:, tsr tt,- .i°::e `sit:: ~.i thc• atz~xt such pa} rnr-rrt, rz,nstitute art event of default
<br />unties tfiiv rrx,r~sge, ~t Mf~i~a~r.x"s :,,a:_i,~n, tic*rtt;a~=.rr aril! !ray .i "late charge" oat exsl-
<br />ing four ;>s=r . zvitum t~'~. t .:# .rriy iir~4tail nc•~eit ctltrri I:aid ntr,re than tzCteen (15} days after the
<br />doe date ihi•r.-zaf *.i~ ins.:r tt+~• ,:xtru z~zp~rs~~ irz:ulr:Hi ia, harriihng:letinquentpayments, butsucfr
<br />`"fats ehiixK+r;" ~tsait nut 3;s~ pai'ataie ;fur .. ttie ;,r+~-ti~-zi.~r of snf~ gale rnadt t43 satisfy the inde'btett-
<br />n~a i+~^curr.i hprz.fiy, zstittr~ sorb pr:rc=.- z ~ ak"+~ 5;1#ticrr-n{ to 43isrhatg~ ilea eatkre indotitectneas and
<br />off ~i;;a<t' .. ~t<~ :mod exp~,.~~ ~. urRi thi°sz-u'y.
<br />3. If the taLal of r!>e p~r»v#a merle by ttte y4ort;~grr under trrf of paragrapft 2 preceding shall
<br />eirx~saf the amrwrnL of piytrcentrs actually tna+te by they *rfortg•agr~, as trtt=ttee, for ground rentss, ta3cc~ and
<br />ateuts csr it~urance- premiums, as ilia cue may bc. sncfi excess shelf f~ erediteii by the Mortgagee
<br />sm ~ftsattuenL paynaenta to fee ncade by the Mortgagor for such items or, at M©rt{tagee`s option, as trustee,
<br />;t#talf ~ rafurcted to Mir. iC, tarwever, such rr3,rsuffify payments shall not be su~ient to pay such
<br />it~a wheat the aaase shall tress»ma day card f~Y>+ ern the '4tar•tgagor shelf IsiY to the; 141ortgaxee, as
<br />trusf.+ anp arr+rrtsnt sr~r^zt~ary to mazy up the <~ficienc~ w:thin thirty {30) daysaft~r written notice from
<br />The atatittg the ataossrat c,f the rteficketuy, which notice may brs given by mail. IC at any time
<br />shaft ten+ier i<r Llea Mme, ±n :tz:.xrr:ias:ce :rrth t#x prr3visiuns of the n<rt~ xecured
<br />fs~by, frnfl faay'+eeat aC the ontire iruiebtedt~s rY},rz=„ttitld thereby. the ASartgag~, aa3 trustee, shall,
<br />in txptctirng ~ >iwnt sf rastch ara#eess, r zedit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance
<br />atxmenufaatati render rite pruvisiona of (af ref paragraph '.~. FiercKaC. if there shall be a detauft under any
<br />4S t~ proviai~a itf this mortgage reattlting in a public sale cf the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br />!~ aeyuir~ the pr~>p~rLy r,tfirsrviaa after default, the SfstttgagEe. sa irrtstr~, afiall apply, st ilia
<br />~ t of aucft prttdirngr~ or at The time tfee property is otherwise acygetimd, the
<br />ths~ x+~ttittiitpC to credit the 1V~artgagnr under f of c>f paragra~t 2 priding, as a credit on the
<br />~~ Mxtt~d attd rtnp~id and the bafittce ter the principal then rvn>.xrining unpaid an said note,
<br />~. 'f fig rxC lists intitFltitrtnt slralf remain in full force. and etTer:t ztueirtLT any prxttponrment or eAfRn-
<br />aiou_t~ t+~ tip ~ i~nt rFf the indebtcafcresti or any part thereof secured hereby.
<br />*r, strffl pip off tti'ourxt r'etit,ar, Taacra+ x+srn+rn!us, •~ater sales, and other gervernnsirntal ar srnutsiei-
<br />t+i~ rhar~, ~, r~r fstpiisiiii,rtts, levied tt~srtn rsaid pzx~miaes and that fee will pay all i~xea ievieii open this
<br />aairtgatpe.:+~ tf~ t# s~ itrYa+f theaw3ay, trtfier 5vsui any tether taxes or asarxstawnt-a wftieh muss lse levied
<br />:tsd~z the t~saa ref rs~fra agiuntrt tft„s 3ltrrtg~> Eu` ifs l~al h+,IdRr of .aid priori psi note. sell arcuunt of
<br />thli iii, except ivhest paym~nl firs elf >iurfi items h~ the retafrrre la€~n mar3o under (af of paste
<br />frtkt'rresf> acrd ftfi sill trrsunirtlq rfr',1i~+rr tf~ r,ial r±reipis thrtwfar txr the tictrtgagr::, In detaulL
<br />Lf~tf tfw% i4Ensrt rrttiy pay tfrc settle;.
<br />