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<br />1 ;'.. .... -. ...
<br />~ ~ t 52-A-REAL ~EBTATE IN4RTGAGE-(With lax Clause) Itev. '$ ~ ~.~) ~ ~ {~ ~ +~ [~ Huffman and fciton b W~f, Walton, tb. 1
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE Pt2ESENT3~ That Vernon W. Grim and Mildred Lorraine Grim, ii
<br />Husband and Wife and Richard K. blanks and LaVonne MankarHusbarid and Wife:' '
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska . in eonddertititntaE~U~atmi.alf
<br />Nineteen thousand and no/100-------------~------- --~-^--- --------
<br />in hand paid, do nerehy sELt and caxv~EY aMn The First National-Bank of-Grand Islant3?-.~- -.--
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />of Hall Caanty, state of Nebraska the[ollowingdeecrlbedpr~:d`iy---"(
<br />in Hall County, and Mate of Nebraska , ta•ait: _ - 1__ ~.
<br />##_
<br />The Easterly One Hundred Fifteen {E115') Feet of Lot Nineteen
<br />{Y9} in Block Twenty-Six {26}, in the Original Tawn of Wood
<br />River, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The intenticm hying to a?rvey hecehy an ahga}ute Lifts in fee limp}e, iixiuding atl the rghts c•f homestead and dower.
<br />_ Tf) HAVE A`+U "f'f) II0t.13 l.he premises a}xwe de±rcrdx~d. with 3fi the aatnrrtean~es thenanto trelangmll, into the aaritl
<br />mortgagee(s) ;md Yu hit, her ar their heirs snd assigns forever, pmvided always, and these prese•nta are upon the ezpr~f
<br />amdition that if the sand mortgagortsi. his, trey or their heirs, executors, administrators or arssigna shall pry ar colas to 6e
<br />paid to the said mortgagee(s). his, her ar their heirs, executors. administrators or assigns, the principal sum of S 19 , l740 • ~ ~
<br />papah{r as fnlhrws, to wit:
<br />Principal pies accrued interest at 18ii due and payable Sune lr 1981.
<br />with mtt•rr+st accordutg to the tenor and ~}Te•ct ~rf t:*e mortgagnrs wr:tirm promissory note bearing even date with theme presents
<br />- and shat! pay all tax ~ and rise>+mrnts levu•el ulwn ,aid real .state. and alt .ether razes, levies and assessments Levied upon this
<br />mortgage ar ih++ nufe which thin [nurtgnge cs ~~:ven to xr:urf. t»~fan: thr ssme i>lcomea delinquent, and keep the buildings tm
<br />said premk insan+cl s~,r the -um •.f .3 i9.0~~.OD !az, if any, par note to +lre said mortgagee, then these presents
<br />to tx! void, otherwise to tx• snd rrmaur m tidl Torre-
<br />- I'f IS FS?HTI~ER At;RF:lll r i) `fhat rf ihr yard mortgagor +ha1) (ati to pay such fazes ar procure such ittsutance, the
<br />_ said mortgagee may pay ~urh tuxes anti prrs~ure +uch :ncurance; and the .stun so advanced, with interest at nine teel'~
<br />- pent, shad be mpaid by card mortgagor and this mortgage .,hail stand as seturity fnr the same. (2) That a failure to paY ~Y
<br />of i±aid money. either principal ur a:teres:. whe°a *.he .ame tWCOma-n due, or a taiiure to cc»tiply with any of the foregoing
<br />- agreements. xhatl crux tha whole sum of money herein xeure~d to becoane due and ~rotlectihie at once at the option of the
<br />mat!gagee.
<br />signed thus 22 day ~rf Ja:;uary, 1~ 8,k
<br />e
<br />r ~~ , ,,~
<br />v _ i
<br />..i dye o acne "rim
<br />,;~
<br />S'~'ATEt3F.....N,ebraska,.____ - .,Cauntv~f -.._.Ha2.1__......
<br />The forgoing in ,.. '" ~ iedged l~f'are the ... _ ... _ .JanuarX. z 2... _ .......18 8~. .
<br />by..Vexlasuz, rf... ~. .MMt? r~ el~ resins Grim, Husband & wife, Ric~lard K. -
<br />Manka: LaJOnn ~tk~~att~ ~ `:dife f ~~; ~ ~,~-;•
<br />f~£~~~.'.~~R~g~~ Ji);ttatttre of 1'er~on Taking Acknowledgment
<br />MY Commission Esc ~ , 84 I~ot<d~Y ~ui~ii~............
<br />Title . , .. .
<br />
<br />