<br />~2 -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~®~~~~~~
<br />TEiE$ 117R~, tetade tiM_ 2161 ~__day oE_~__ JanuatY _~, 19 81 hY sad hetween
<br />J#a ~r.3t<n sna terns _aun t,., ..,t „a and iter cve
<br />- =--- ~_ aha.. _ ~.... wife, each in his
<br />Xi~~ ..as ~~sn~ of ths~ a!'her ._.___v~._ _~_~
<br />~ Hal )- Cauaty, AFabnrfa, ~ taaa'tgesar.S.. and Grand Lehmd Tm~ Company of Grand- la4ud; a eorpotntion
<br />ad eef Hadar the lens of I+fo6rsaits with its prfaapaf offree and pLee of bunsnats al Grstd Lstarni, l~ebradca, as martgie}Eee:
<br />vlti7'Ff>'E'tt: Ther rddmalteeaG . Ear asd m of the svm ~
<br />Ttro Thausattd Seven hundred Ten dollars and 89f1fl0 ****z -x.2,71©.89 . i,
<br />the aE whiff ~ t>a7by • &s __w hq tirsa peeoana armtgsgs end wtvtsat ant_ o eaiftmsFt~ss. itasumeesonand aeaigna.
<br />faee+a.al}thsEa~r~gdeser~ndreris~slm.-aitnatadiaeheCo:iatyai__ ~ZIl__.._~ - ~ - -~ - -
<br />da4 State of Ate6saeka. to-w#:
<br />The Easter iy Sixty-L)ne Peet (E f:l') of the i~esterly Seventy-Seven Meet ([r' 77')
<br />of Lot *iine (9), Sleek fine (1}, ?~iestercto€f's First Subdivision, in Ball County,
<br />'Sebraska.
<br />k
<br />t
<br />Torsthas widh all • air ~, t~iat, end t*u+i Fsfl+4~t end £fttures. itecludeng ~srst~+. owninge. slam wiudowa and
<br />dears, and wiede: sisdas err hiiada, need a, err u eaarrrtga w~h ptrryesn v. whe%hg the same are now int'ated cts sad property or herenfier
<br />..i...d •r......
<br />Td HAYS AEiD Tt? iE(iLll TEEE 3At/S. taietlrsr with all and siteSttlar the tsaetar~te, hwditamrnta and sflpurtenaaoee thereutuo be-
<br />tv, ar is aeq~wase ~, fanrvvar, esd warrsat the title to rite r:tee. ~ trmr~*r__;,,_-..hereby c-aveaaut__-._Witt, said
<br />easrtg~er that . k He 3.-_. _ .. aT€__ - . as the deUvery hereof, ties l~wfut awexr. _~.._ of the premises aixrve tonve_yed and dea~iteed.
<br />wd-ate... _. laird of a Saad sed iadtfaatuhie estate ni udetaitssar tlew.ra, flea and ck4r of all exttmbrwcee, a~ thet _.~. he~wili
<br />sad ttafmd the tits ttserafa kssast ails the eiaiaes sad demands of d persatss whameaerer-
<br />1~YEDPA ALWAYS, sad tJsis ~umrat i:+mcuted ent delivered to sexes the paymeat o£ the evm ai _ __. _.._ ..._u-- ~~
<br />"I`rs¢ Thousand Sven dittac#rc:d Ten taii~trv tud `s4Jitt0 *** ~ '10.8
<br />__..-.....___-_._.._...+.. _. ..----...-___.~___. ___. __-.-. _.. ._._ _.__ L)niLrader-.=.'=--.---°----_______1.
<br />a~ irfieted thafaa4 tepshta with torch sad edvanaea o may tr due and , aya£.b m said onoetigagoe wafer the terms swd ooaditions ',
<br />di.thR PtamM+a4' safe e! awes date haeswilft and saataed hereby, asaoetad by sari morttLS~or ._`'......_ w said-moet~ee, payable e9 aitPreaatd;
<br />is said set. , ui ~ ware the perframaass a[ a3L tits farms sad aonditiosa txtataiaest tbeteet. The terms of said note are hereby iocarpotsted
<br />httwa h= tiisestsww.
<br />Et ~ sfw iafaeiieaeaa>ad sfEraarest aE tar prrtias iettKre that thee ttrxtgaSe afrll aLo aeusae say futare advaaoes treads to said moet~agar6-
<br />by Mid utartyt~ae, sad oqr and sli iadehtedew at addytioa to eb amuuaut rhove stated whied. said tnat~ars, ac say of tLem, any awe to
<br />said aaffgyss. however evb~xd, witstiar by eats, ham account or atherwsse. Thb nrrttpeie shall n+mria in ftdl force anti diets hetereen
<br />rifle pirtlait hater aced tier hwts, peseotri rsp~Eauves, suotseears sad , unt:i ell smouata sawred hereunder, ieteh+dioQ tmtuee 7
<br />s4vteaaas, era paid 6s hell will ~4eesst.
<br />'Elsa ? hseshq aaailpa._-.. to stud aeurtsaps a!t rests end sewme arisv~ at say and ati times frets said proQerty and
<br />6waLdr ataeiecias said mstt®e~r err der ~ at its upaa default, to Lsiw eirrya of said penperty eed ediact. all reels and usame
<br />- timabarl sad ypEjv tie ester fa tfw psyaaaa at iaiarret, psireipei, taauranat pesevatms, raters. reesamsau,. repels vt impsareaseasu
<br />b hsfR edei psspaet.y is treatable ooasht~, :x to atieer clmrgea ur paymereta provided for hereia w in the tars hereby seeuraei. This
<br />erlaseipaae~t a4piiieaali~ ~ kttwtaal~tM taepsid lrieeaeaE said sate as ~ P~• "~ t+4ai+d Paraesi~ ha~wder eW_ _ f is w asrmer
<br />Pal4aii sY-aflaed sold is fire wa d awid aortas by frrarLeaue ar .gharwise. -
<br />`E'-u tae~tteluttie r aeatet aqy of its ey#ts b u any tune shall eat ix retaWUrd r a waiver et itgrigM to sasert the
<br />aa~ si ase>' LaAla floe: ®d m mitt tspan and sstbrtr atria aetap~ante w~tite all fhe terms attd psovisioas td qfd note grid of this martgpga.
<br />t!t saNd ram s sia8 tsar ~ hs paid r raid rise sssinr amuat due it leetagendx. sari. ttutier~ f!e terms sad prsvFaiom
<br />d tad aaia llaaol# srtaad. B lure advaaate._ sad asar ~ttsdoss cr reesesele thereof is aaariaarss with the teems std ptavieioas
<br />aaaehai. frti ~ uid stueyt~or ___~..__ ~ atry~t with ail the provipass of saaE eats sad of ~ • rhea these w+seata.sirD ha void:
<br />eMllMes~!#6lnaritt~Shc$litse aadt/teal. ariwtid maat~a~ssahatl h~a mtStfad w Litt irtaaassioa at atl ~ said poapeety,. sued myt omits apiiaa.
<br />itllitlrltes wini~st asitf tee mn ~ iadeioedaaes teperaaesd cirrahy t:e br Steely dwe sad pay~~, sad may faer3aso !>aa awrtgsgs
<br />4 retie rap£ stir Lgrt rtiias to paetteai Sts ti{itt. Sastttatatt waitvrde
<br />7'ii nrlAps airs ere him ages std altdt weer to she herGi at the heirs,.tsxeeuters, admisisUrtrra, autw.taeas std o£ the
<br />petntiea itae.oa.
<br />ElR W WHiii aa£d-'• ~.... ha _4f`_ baestnta wt_.__ "he~Y... _ _. tsad.__..l?_ the: dey aaA ywt Stet sba+e
<br />'? "1 ,/,.
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