<br />;, ~~tt18:6-8t/RVtbCHtSMiP WRNRAt/TY DEED ~°~ 7b ~ ~[y,~ .,.,,~~ ~ ~ ~{~ ~ !~ 1 Hatfmaa and Felton R WpN, WeH.at, !b. 68~IBi
<br />K74OW a1:L lYfE'bl BY THE$L PRSSi4NTS, That MTCIiAE[, C. COX and At+yd B. COX, htasbarid afld wl.fe, ~,
<br />Ei
<br />tharlt in his and her overt right and as spouse of the otter, ~'
<br />i=
<br />1€
<br />,herein called the gratntar whet§sr-ts~i er~i63~e,= - - ~ -- - -
<br />', ~f
<br />in cono:deratian of -~---~I't~~,*PY Tfi(.Y7SFt~ F~ID t~/140 {$23.4dd.Od) ~..,iS
<br />r-ceeived from granteeR, does grant. bargain, sell convey and confirm onto ppy p, { -and-
<br />3~
<br />C~tE v. TC~+T, husbartd atx3 a*ife, and 1 B. HAZFN and ART a~ E. Fl•AZJ3+1, !;
<br />husba~l Sod wife, ~ j
<br />as joint tenants with right of snrvirorahip, and not xa tenants ir, eotamnn, the follo~ring deaeri~-d real property in i,
<br />Hall County, ~~~
<br />Lot Seven (7}, Block Tru'ee {3), 9n Valley Vies Subdivision, being a part of
<br />the East Half of the 13rirt:haast Quarter {E} of Sectitst iGR13ty-trap {22) ,
<br />in Te~stship Eleven ll.i} North, Range Nine (9} , Ydest of t2~ 6th P.AS.
<br />~ tdE3RASKA OC)GUh9i=NTAR
<br />STTi!'~P 7AX
<br />~STRTEAtEd>iZ At~RCk5t3
<br />_i~9`d ~ ~ Iasi
<br />~~ BY
<br />To have and to hold the above d~ribrd premises together teittc all tenements, hereditatnenfa
<br />zenancrs thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or fo the heirs and assigns of the survivor of
<br />s them forever.
<br />dud grantor dons hereby covenant :cith the d=rautecs and ,riot their assigns and with the iteire and assigns
<br />of the survivor of them that grantor i:r iasrfnily sri.5eci of said prenti_srt; that they are free fron=_ eneumbranee
<br />that grantor hae€ good right and iawtul authority to convey the :came; xad that grantor w-atranta and will defend
<br />the title to said pretniries agxiust the lawful ~.~laitns of all pr•rsottn witotn50r ver.
<br />It is the intention of ail parties hereto that :n *.hr ~vrat of ihr ~leat6 of either of the grantees, the entire
<br />fee ~impie tills w the real Mate than cext cn th« surviveng granter.
<br />Dated ?lugtist 21, 14 30. ~
<br />~. v. ~:
<br />. . ................. ....... .... ... .~ ... ~~u:~.:'.A8133 E.. t?'JX.{Y,~,r................ .
<br />SPATE t~F .... i;~'+9NA51KA. .. _ . ... ,County oi' .. .~3.i ... ... . .......
<br />The foregoing instzument Kab aeknoariedged before the ...... . ......'~?x3!?$t . ?~-..... - .......1980...
<br />by..~C:.,C?pX.~cxi. E, CO}C, 1~usLx3rtd arttd wife.
<br />~~ l i
<br />~ ~ ;
<br />3 Signa~of Y'eraon Taking Ackna ent !
<br />f ~~ ~ 1
<br />i ..........
<br />t 15tie i
<br />d
<br />1
<br />3
<br />i~'yA f_3l ....... - . i i
<br />r ' ~. 1
<br />j C ~+Ttttity .. . .......... .......... ......
<br />l~atercd on nttznrriealsadetc and fii_+d fns reearci in Ills P,egister of Peals t)ffiee oP said County the ~ -
<br />,. day of :...... ......... .... 18......, at.. o"clock and.. ...,....aunutea ........ ,.~[„
<br />aetd rccordal in ltsu.h-... - af .... ......... .....xt}rage... - -...........
<br />..., .
<br />. iteg- at Deeds
<br />• icy.,, .. `
<br />_.-. .L?eputy
<br />:;
<br />