<br />REAL k:.9T:~1'E iit_lR`iY.~itiF:... ~iehraska ~ ~ ~-t~ ~ 1 ~~ t7 t3
<br />'dgvnt: +~ flureon and 'k•ver?q L Burson'~'~?~~.ft~~ wife
<br />KNO~i' ALL ?AEN LiY 'fl i~4i': PRi•.SF;~fT4 •1'h:rt ' ' • _... .- - - __-_ _- __-- •
<br />cancel mortgagtrr, of .._._....} ......_ _ . _- _-_ _ County, and StsCte of lebrrCSka, in cnnsideratiwt
<br />the u.^.s tti' £iy~ _t~St~err_cl._ `i__vc huncirett -tGienCY-i~)i:LEtJi~,iifl hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain.
<br />err rtnt h r r ~rrl~
<br />z9e11, and ~-,~t.ay . ^_ sal G ....~: t. n. „r t;ra:Cd Ism t « _ ht=rcmafter catleti mcitkgag~,
<br />~ __ ;3,~J. - <`=,unh° Mate. ut Yehra.-kn the (itliaaririg dC~rilx+d real estate situated
<br />hall Crxinz~~_ :rnd :~tstte• elf ~iehr.Caka, tr>"u°rt:
<br />n.., t: ti nt.,..t, T..,4, i?)_ Hickey i'hird Subdivision in the City a£
<br />LPL - ., ,,~, uzti,..~ •~_ _° ----- - -
<br />Grand~Island, Ha21 t,ounLy,~t9e'orasl~:a.
<br />~Tgether ea=rth aii tha tenement:. hr~ndrt+rments and uppurtrttance~ cu tht• tme tk•innt,*itig, and afl the estate, title,
<br />dtT•~:er, right c?3 iu?mc=:tEeaci. cia;nv :ind tiemand~ ta`hatxR•+ar n(t hi° ~<+td :`.Zet'.;ay;..r. ;n err tri mid pt~:ni~ C:"uny pa!$
<br />therri>!'; azxi lfurti;:Cgor dck~ hereha cnvrnant that Gatti 4iot,i;ttc;or is IsK1ul1~• .cited oi` said premises; that said
<br />premrseR are it'ee front ail hrat:.rnd encuritirr:rrTCes .except a.- ~tthr•ntest• nacrki hrn•in. and that. Mortgagor will
<br />xarrant arsd defend ttty title t:, S?ui ptY nu;r•~ agarnst the- rl;rm_, xnd dem:utd. of aii persaris whattaxr:•er.
<br />'Pt? iirlt'E': ,4tii.>'ft) ii(tl.It unu, ehe sa:d rxx'tfitittt~t•. prte~tdr~ :riKai~.:tnd the-:,e pn!:~rntt are upon the expres~T
<br />cxsndtzscut t.h:tt tf the :-.std ~art~:i~Tr ~it.iil p;:f ;n full ttr :a td mart{zs;re• s+ prc~::;: =~>_n• Hato daWsi 3nnuarq 2dy 19$1
<br />t9 _?'1__ fnr ~ u~1~~~`t- _- ___ aaytChie rn ut_;talmesti +tccv;rdf ns ?n the u•rm> themrt', fire final instalment of
<br />ivhreh•=dtie,trr -..;s3lzilra*r F 15K uhtt•h:ncfudr'-sn?otr*stattheraterrf2`ipermonthan
<br />lira' tttheur+}~:jeciprnt~;f.;t}haf:Tnre•nr~tsnr•xcr:~,sf`~1.="uae.! -:><_•r;=.:<=rt:h:::,th.t!;-:trt:>ft_heprincipsiltaian~te
<br />tit :,t w's.iyk• :rnd n+:t in a:xce~ cif ~~v.t+iti). and i' lx.r err tih ,at ,trr r4•ntatnder c;C auch unpaid prlnCipal
<br />ha,. _~ :t,-azt ~ ~z3 a4i t:=.xcw .rnd c~~+n.cttt~. f4't u~ti nt><,n -:+td s : nta:~=, twt+,rr rho i<amr ixtiYrmes delinquent,
<br />tttPn :hose prows ..~ to b!' turd. utitCr'i4C9P Yo 'rte :rnd remain ;;: 9a".! is=rrt=
<br />iT fi t i_`R'i'iiT;R :i<(;itE:fr:i7 thtTt x f~rrlun' to p:tt anti s.} ~,r4ct :n=;n.•: ,•it,'•..-•r ;ir~nc;psl sir mtere::C, when the same
<br />t~uttx=due_ crt's fsalure?e~ amp~k rvtth uttt~ of t}tr ioret:atnL aJ~".h•nt~~nt_..hail rt+u~• the vr-hole sum ofmaney herein
<br />saruret! trr betxxese tiuc° and csrikreshie• at ,srcrc :tt the .,qtr+m .=t shy '; =r<~;at'fr-
<br />:Q)1'IL'l; "lYD t'tdhI:s~i''r4Eld: !. [}tT clot ltlxC thLS papa•r tirl`er•t• v±.u react tt 2_ S'uu are enutied Qu a cope trf
<br />thilt paper. 3. YtTU ~!y prepay the unpaid balance xt am trtm• without {trnatt~' And mey hr enutlet! to
<br />trxmia•e rs refund .Tf unearned chargtw in recctrrdarx-r +viCh law.
<br />,. , .,
<br />,~tgna~ci tits, 2% .~at4 .;4 .:..a.^.C:'S< ` !' 41~
<br />t t7
<br />`i';~T} t)i' :~rr•itrgs3ktr f d<..{~ tl.~~>.~ r d~-'~'~~" _ - - ___
<br />9' -
<br />~;
<br />f?rr t.irt= --,.~s~L~. _.... tk=t~.• , f'e:L~+I-"~~- :1 ! t ~. f. -f ~• nsr n+' S~}irr`tgt'itYi, ' i' GYI'y
<br />tr ,
<br />iic dui~• etx€ au-ricttc~t ~rtta sti:n rS e-ri „r . ?ti t41:= ~ , t :TSri tt ~ t-rtsLrl!v irr?c•
<br />- t_ tu_~ 4rsi,wn , Ck>-fit d t to is r rWrr ~?` e+.hsr.c• Warne - :tii;xhi to the foregoing
<br />3lyFtrrltn t :iK Ft+urt#„C'IgtF#" - tt i :'s Knftu 1rKir; 47 . f-e' ~:itttt• Itr ik'. - - _ __._ voitln-
<br />tury' act arxi cited aratlawarn-wraMw~4
<br />~ltn4R.LS my burKi 3tCd ti.-..~ ei ~ tirr c~t•. .u:ci ~t•ar fast, alr:>,t w-[rttrn KATlN~114)
<br />Orly 6 arrntui:~.tuy~expirr, rift ~ tt- ~, ~.'at -~, ` ~ fM
<br />r - --- --
<br />~ t..:yt } lac
<br />
<br />
<br />~ntemd iii iVutCxrtra4 indRi and iiti=a tar rees,au to CiCe vfiias• tti the it4t;tseer of E~„rds rif said trounty, the
<br />_..... _-.. _.-. dal' <31 - ._ fw •:4t _ ,;cltxk and _.,_._.. _
<br />rn:=R:lt....~. -_....--.... ..-._.._-.. ~"i.... ~F?TEi t}y,i4" ii+ dLE.';} 4'f (}tltsl{ _ _--.--. .. _. ..._.___ :}t _ _.. _..._ ______. _-_.
<br />31ort{;sgts jnisjtP .., .
<br />r+.x a~ ~.
<br />t'~~rntcr a£ Itcedt=
<br />[k~tettC4
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