<br />Filed ftar record and entered in Ntztiteriuat Fndex
<br />an .,.......» .....................................__.._._.., at ...._..,......, o'clock ................ ~.,
<br />and rxosded in Deed lteeard _.._.......~ ................. Page .......,.._~.........._._..
<br />......................_................._»...,..»....... 8y ..........,~.............».......................,
<br />Gonaty Cterk ar bepnty County Clark or
<br />Reigiater a# Deeds Ilepnty $€gieter a€ Deeds
<br />~~~A~~ ~~
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<br />Tyf~fs~ifpi. !"'. ~~/7°~'~6'~ ~ ai.~ /~'liay,®~tere~ called the grantor whether aoe ar ~+.
<br />~at/ >~ .~i'T~~~a~~~ lsr /~Ac ~ u !t , i o ~''.~d'~ ~S#t3 w/ ~! ~,6 ~- ,q sy f ,RS S ~'~&
<br />in aaitatdaration o? .~ ~,~,r. ~(,~ f..
<br />received from does grant. b canPe ~"' ®~"'
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or snore, the following described reel property in
<br />.......................k~.~~~........................,... County. ?deb:asl<a: _ f
<br />,~B>t ~~ ~ ~l \ J ~af~~~ ~ ~ / o ~/b 0! f/<sl,E1l/
<br />T~, har.• atz~i to boll, the above cf.~xrihed prem:sea together with all tenements, hereditameats
<br />and api+urtenances tireretn helnudin~t untri the granter ~.nd to pmtntee°s hers and ,ts.igta+ forever.
<br />3n1 tlzr grat~tur dc~ hereby ~~„v,.•nant with th~~ grantee sad with grantee's heirs and assigns
<br />that grvntrr i lawfuLy eei~ed of aaaid premises; that tlsey are free from encumbrance
<br />r
<br />---`
<br />thvt graarter hva ~.,,,,? right aF.l :awful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants sad wit!
<br />defend tltx title tt? ~a,<i nrrmisre~ vgaint the Lawful eiaima of all persons whomsoever.
<br />dated ~- ~ ~ I~
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<br />i?r-f.,re err, v nvtsry public ~;~aviified far ~i~l eoiuzty, persanslly ¢tme
<br />nn$rcrn tr> cse to he stir; identical peraan or 1»rsans who nigaed the
<br />fz?rettvint# insir~azsitut and aekpowlNdged the eaeeution thereof to be his,
<br />~, ~ ~lyl bee or their volnnLary acs and deed. ,~`
<br />~'iine~ my hmnil unel noearial sa83 rtn .... ~+... ,..'~"..11....~..._._...._.-.......
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