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<br /> <br />la. `l"hat the Mortar ~ ili keep the buildings upsrn said prrmisrs in goad rtpair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />apart said tarot, trot sutYer tht said premises to be used for any unlawful purpose. <br />tl. 'I~tat if the premises, or soy part ttrerea#. be errndcmntd undtr tits power of eminent domain. nr acquired for a public <br />use, the damages aw-ruded. the prcrc+&cds for the t ta~itr~ af. or tbe ran.<.rAarotirn tnr soh acquisition. sa t:~ urrnttt nt tbe ftrii <br />amount nt indcbtednts upnn this mortgage and ttu nou which it is green to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />Mor'tgagE+r to ih,e 4tc+~rtgaget, and shaf! be paid forthwith to said Mother to be appficd try the laver nn xenon[ of ttte next <br />.+wiuiisrg irigiars~rrira yr Sitcn iteEiGbiec`ness. <br />!3. The Ibtortg~or further a~ees [fiat should this rnarr asr~ rtu~ terra ~,,...~,r c....w....,.._ be _.:_:.._ r__ :_ <br />~.•a,.~ .~ ,.,~ <br />suraact utaier "ta` Natiena! Housing AtY within 6t} Says from the dart hereof {written statement of any otflcer <br />of the Llepartment of Hoasitrg and Urban fkvelopment or autfiarized agent of the Secretary of Housitrg and Uttmrt <br />[)tvttopment dated subsequent fothe ~ days time from the date of this mortgage, dtctitlirrg to insure said <br />rxrte and Ntss mortgage, being deemed conclusive proof of such irxligibilityl, the Mortgagee ~u balder of tht [rate <br />may, at ifs option, declare alt sums securrcd hereby immediately due and payable. <br />13. 7]rat ~ tfie Mortgagor faits to make any payments of moray when the same become due, or tails to confotan to and <br />ccxnply with any of the conditions or agreements contained in ¢his mortgage, or the note which it secures, then the entire princi- <br />pa! sun+ artd accrued inures[ sha!! at once become due and payairle. at tbe election of the Mnttgagee: and this mortgage may <br />t!l~=turn bf forectastd immediately for the wttotc of said money, interest, monthly payments, costs, ~ortnd rents, tazts artd <br />the cast od extending the abstract of titre from the dau of this loan to tht time of comrrtencing such fcaFecbsure suit. and a rea- <br />setu ~z at',rt~-y's fee. a;# of whieii se`m!e roc izreiw'sed in tiu decree of gnrrcfo4ruE; and the contract embot#ied in titi, m~t~r <br />and the nou secured hereby, shall in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska, where ttx <br />same i1 mark. <br />"ilte crrvenants herein contatned ;hall bind. and the Ixntfits and advantages shall insure tn, the respective heirs, executors, <br />administrators. sucassnts acrd assigns of the parties hereto. Whenevtr used. the singular number shalt include the plural, the <br />plural tke singular, and the use of any gender shall tx appiitabte to art genders. <br />Tl~ foteg~g conditions, al{ and singular. being performed according to their natural noel legal impart, this cmiveyance <br />shall be void and said ptemixs released at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise m be and remain in fug force and rffec?. <br />INWIThiESSW'HEREt7F.tfre5~ti,rtgagortslhas Ircrcanroxct his handts}tlredayandyeartirst <br />about writun. <br />>n presence af. <br />"~-a~x' ~~ a--~ '~-1 n i sFAL I <br />(SEAL) <br />[SEAL) <br />(SERE} <br />(SEAL] <br />c-o 9ara3a <br />STf T@ OE NEBR.4SK A. <br />ss <br />~t3LtNTY QF Fim11 <br />tan this 21st daY ~ J~~x"'~ . 1.D. t9 &1 . bef~c ~_ <br />a rtotazy gublic rn and tnr said Ccvrtty, ptnanrdlY came <br />t3avic~ L. Mojahrr, an crtrnrarri~ gerscri <br />to be ~ ~~ personalty to me known <br />~~ ~!l06e rta~e z5 atbrral to [tit:buy-c atut fora <br />t>~ Mitt is #tortpgar. 7~r~d tr@ has ac#nawkdged the sand rttstromer+t axd the <br />efR i®lYeDf to bt y~oluntary net arsd deed. tar rht purposes tbtrttn expttssed. <br />ie ttst~rray r4treo(. I have hsreuato sN my toad and at5xed b sea! at ~~ Zslan3 , Nebzaslca <br />on die day and date fact above srimea. <br />~,~ ~~~ Notary RtEdic <br />sr~r=:* ~ x€~RSxa <br />igied ftx tacerd ais ,may ~ <br />,a ~• <br />i. mat <br />A.p. t9 <br />M., ~d en?ted in Ne~scr ti-ad j~z, ~d <br />at Mortis, on <br />Repaur of ocean <br /> <br />.~ ~,.~. tt~ ~r, <br />