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<br />lil vl-1'IE'i-t!<Y' <br />7~° tli~r`l„~1r~ avcfT t~l~n^,;E inf. st'.K~'i{ ~., <br />®~E® OF T11U8T ~wrr~K~,',"r1c3h,~t,, rnt <br />t~K \1Eipittii - 1 ";650i~53T„` ,^,Y ^.Y ^+2~.2 ateet 2nd :treat <br />~-,r . .,... ~~ -" I rest <br />4~itherwax Ronald ?l. I 'rfitherwax Betty M. ; nrfartd Island <br />...,a:.e ...,,aaa ~, . ara,a _----~;. pool <br />'1524 St. Paul Road Grand Island t7E ~~0'1 ~ Nebraska 6$801 , vtt9RasKA <br />AGREt.17 RATE t3P l'HARGt: UN PROMLSSORY NOTt. tYES't TED CUNCURRENTLY' HF-2tEWiTH: ?`: per month sin that part of the unpaid dance of <br />tha= Antutrm Fiaanrrd not rxaredtm: Sl.lN1?i. t 5": per month sin any part thereof exceeding 31AtN1 but nut rztteding S3A00; h%]h, per month on the temaittder. <br />THiS D#YD OE TRt!ST. Made this dos oi._`T&nllary I9 P'~ . httwren ~OnalEt~t~~~. Rnn. .~._~Bxt`f ~. ~itheTlltNi__ <br />herevtaftrt ,:aped TRLtSTOR. whose address es ~-~}2fF $t. _ Faul_^oad1_ GrrsTd I81Arld~IE 6a'aftrla American Ti'~~,g -F11fl6 <br />_.._ t'?r~________.. __~. #,ertrnattrr coiled ?'R t'STEi-. who#r artdress is 3 ~=' ~~~~ t1 c~. ~$ __.~3a~~5&r <br />and hYCO F#NAN('LAL SE'RO-'If'PS INTFRNATIUNAL. INC., a Nebr~ska _otporatian, hereinafter called BENEFICIARY, whtrst addrttm is' <br />'t212 t+Jest 2nd street !3rnnd aiand~_`~~;___g~5t!? _______"._.____._ <br />----.n _.-------__--. __ -- --- - - ------ <br />WFTNt`SSETH: Thst "Truswr GR.4 N'f5. t'ONbI'YS. SELLS AND WARRANTS TO TRl!STI?E, IN TRDST, WITH POWER OF SALE, the following desLRibad~ <br />property. situated m._____.. Aal:~ Courtp, tiehraska-. <br />??tie ast ".25 feet of ~.ot "A", ir. 31ock ch?e (??, ir,. 'lain Addition, Located on Lots <br />Pour (4) and rive {5}, of Garrett `s subdivision of the ;~?artheaat ';,carter {I~) of <br />Section. '3ine f?i, ^avnshiP ':;'.even :"^} `leech, range =ina 47eet of the 5th Patna, <br />'ia:2 ;ou.*Ity, Febrriska. <br />:,-..-A 'E24 St. Foul load, Grand 'eland, ^tE :)B~~J':. <br />tnget#ter vnth a#i buddtngs end !mpr~arxmenr. ,-.. >?" ,.- nErcatr.'.r rrr-;ed thrre.r and st: -.,.ccr;s..:-n:ngs. ,ham ;. ;'orm sas#t and h#istds, acrd h£atin~, ligliteit~, <br />plumbing, gas, rkttrr.:rnttlaung, ref rt{trratmgrand asrK randier<mmg :aiutpmenr used to .~~nn~~ctron iherewuh, all ., which, for the purpose of this Dead of <br />Trust, shall be detrtred tixturrs and subtect r:r +he !xn hereof, and the nerednammis and ,Ppurtrnaxes pcrtaiflipg~ to the property atrtwe detrtibed. and all <br />.trceia, (]nee, aitry s. pa:sages. ways. wattca. water .:ou:us- ::ghts, hbrr[res .,nd l,nviteFes. whatsoerrr •hcrcuntn belonging „r to anywise appertairiirtg and the <br />rcrcrntans and remainder, ail :.t w~iicil is :ctrrtrd !., .sr=<maiicr -a. the -'~remtcrs~~ <br />iU HA}'E AND #~Ct iH)T.D !hr atx,ve-descnixd prrmtscs. usih the apnurtcnan:cs and 't, ;urrs.:mte, t!er sa:d kk netirsarr.:ts succeswr arW assigns, torevet, far <br />the purpa<s and u.ra harem vet forth, tree from all aghes anxi under ..nd tr5. a r =,t am Homrsmad Fsemptmn Laws al the State of Nttnaska <br />whuh ;nay t,r rrtacted. whkn card riglitr. and herneftts the said T~ruata: dtxa hrreM .sxprrsst:r1sz#asr .end waives <br />frusror a9so asasRna =o Hmrfr'iary xH ;ruts, :sa,r~s,.,wd ytvitts .d saW premtta, rc-:xm.• ^hr ,trh, t, „a;le.t =nd u>•r the wine. with ue w~ithwrt taking <br />possts]xn ~.•i the lsremtses. durtrg .ontsnuan~e . f `ekfau t ercunsirr. and during nttnuan,c ,~. such default authortetrg Hemticury to enter' upon said <br />premises and 4>r to .-oiler! and emnnx !nr .ame wrth,+u regard t...,ilryua,; ,~ acs :r.unr !~v ~hr mdrhtrdnrs, hereby u•currd by any fawfuk means including <br />upp,rmiment :+t a rarrver m the name ors ;,arts apph .,, . ;as and . stxnscs ,,. ,:pr-ratron and cullrttmn. meiudmg rrasunabte <br />attarru)'s ?tts. upa^ anY videbredar s.• ,c.tu:rd beech:. ,n win order „ brnea~~unr staasietzrmme <br />EY7R THE MtR W756: Ui SEt t`Rltit, •i! Pr:r,>ren:m.r - ::a-a ,grermrnt ~-. ,. ..auamcd tcmm: !?r Paymrnt ,d •hc prrnapa( .uni wnh <br />tntcrrst, as Pruvtdcd m as..ordaixr xsih :nr '_: ens .n4 ,r„rsn,ns :r Pr:+;nrsx+,tr .r S,,:c i.:an ~ayneentent ;herrmaRrr retertrd to as -"pronmixiry <br />Haste"`• dated,- ,l aTtda=~--~ ~_~ a_~3~~ _...__ _.__.-_, , i _._.-_.___._ ___. iterewtth eaecutrd Try frustnr and payable to the <br />!udu .si 8taetKiarX, re chi principal +um •~t t ~?~_ ~11~_, _. and :hr .tare ,+t t.a ;usaf pa,•mrnt dire on ±T.,~1~'~[,_~~7~-- <br />_ __ ..+r ae extended, deferred ,t rescheduled h. tenewa; :,r _rs mans. : t, Payment :.f any addtnonal advartres, wnh mteres2 <br />f#tCraots, as ntay fwrwfter be leaned '.^~ Hetxtr<-sire l=uster ., urasunum ,um .,t f, ?.?AfS)tHl wuhm Ile sears lrum the date sit thr3 Deed of <br />Traai; 13i The paymrnt .,1 ans rnanrY that ma±" M ..dsanc.ed Fv the Hrmnrran- t~• t sister !rn ans reaxm nr r„ (hied seances, wnh interest there,>n, where the <br />amWta{s grr aslranced to preiee.? the sravtti: ,.. „rdar.~e u~tth ;hr rrtanu :-.t °hts lireil ,.t trust. ~5) ,-\ny rruewzl. rrttnanrmX sir rxtrnsinn of said <br />Promissory note. sir snY otixc agrtrnxnt t„ pig who lt~m) I>r whstrtuted mrrrtur <br />AU paY>~-eta made hY Inawr sin [he ohi~strun +e.uanl ho !his tAe-d „! i rust :bail he appterd m the s.diowmg :,rJct <br />FIRST Ta the pal mrnt „i taxr> n!W .esacasmrnrs [hat =>tas he ;rstrd and ,,ssrsscd adazmt ..ud prcrntxs, m.urut,e ptr;rrtmtts. rrt'a,rs. and ail other ~: harprs <br />a~ c ~--ppee s a.~rgsg ru pr pfid hr the fruatus <br />SEC~DYD: Ta tM payment e,f :ntcrtss due „n card tf;an. <br />rwRU- To the paYmtnt of prstn'.tpaL <br />TO PRUTFQ'f THE. SECE;RITY fiEREOt. tRi:S7-URtSS ::Y>YktiANT5 :s,ND at;REE S: tlr ;st keep said premtus insured against loss by lire and z+iher <br />haxarda, i:sauaitY and ronttnpcncrr up to the :sill satur ~ , ..31 tmPr+, rn rs the prutea~utm :u Herei icinry to sr.h an nrr.:r .:n<.unts, artd rn such <br />compattraa as 9msfttvty may trosu torte to tmx appr,„e. and that loss lv,e:eeda +ira e:apenar sit coitretranr shall. at HenetuurY ~s aptton, be sPPired tin soot <br />luaa, wtxthgr dlte .u not .=r to the srstc ets,rn ..t s,,td tmpeus~rnxn!s !n +•rcnt ,•i t=,a Trusls>r w~d! rive irr}me4is?e n,ati.-s by mai# ro the $rtwt"tciary. <br />who may make ptax f =rf laxs ti nut rnsde prompt!} t+y i rurtur, rash ;rt!w!ana~e iompany .• *acerned is hereby autharued and dtret~ed to rnakr payment fur <br />swM toaa dne,^23y to the AMeiavury taatead rd :, she #;vatur :: En pal ail taxes and spn:ra( asscsunrnts of any kind !hat have loco or may lx irviett or <br />a u;.:~ =.~~ y,z:ni+7s, and to ;~R s;y =.+ Rre~t;<ear 3'. :r:-:>r. re - t::e '~rse.i~ta:i. the ::tficia! rr:ztpt =ho+vi:ig ;>sYrnen*, i•f ::IS. such isir'a :ail <br />asresamenn. 433 M the event ,.f delsuit nY resistor ander Paragraphs 'r ~~b„ac. HtnefrctarY. at rte upuan, oral tat place aru! keep such insutatn't-ittdve <br />proatdtd cur in !urcr rhrtwghrnus the htc .+f thrs !teed •,r Trust and pay ~hr rcasonahir premmrns and charges therc(ur; thl ItitY all card t'aSe3 aad-arisegnents <br />antAour datermsettvg me valtdtty thereat: and tct Par wch hens a:sd ail w.h :itsixtrsemrnq sT,ai1 ter drrtned a part sit tfsr mdebtadnras +es'.utid by ihia Dead uf- <br />Truat arad shall be unmadattiy Sue aiM payal,k ray 1 tustur :~t Hetsrtresarr. :#t to keep t?te fmtfdrnzs and other rmprovements now ettstirtg sir heteaRer <br />ttzc4td itt psxrd carndrtwa and rtpax, eat to co:?unrt .:t suffer an) wash :,t any a ~r,t »d prcmtsrs ~untrary t.a restrx tiena of re,:atd sir rnntrarY-ta Iaar,.aAd <br />to permit RtnefKZarY to tnttr at ati resasmakde +tmcs f.,r the purpcrsr +,t tnsl,rcrrng ttte prom:acs, not to :rmovr sir dertwhak anY tardtiuy{. Eilitiegn; !v telft3m' -,- <br />MarmRtiY aad to a a:urd grid wuiEmartikt manner anv twddiags whnh ma) he damaged ~:r destrosrd tncrran. and to pal, whoa due, ail r:taims faf Ealiwt-: <br />Par48€mad and materiab furiushc~d thrts£tx. t5# i7nt ne w~l pal. promptly the: ttaitbtedntss se sired !rtaeby, arM perfrxm alt a#Tmr dblt~tiems ter: fUR:. <br />curnp{iagat w-ieh i£uc t¢rtnt of soot 14omrsat,rY Wrie and chix t?rrsi .~t Trust. t6l Thar !tie ttnx - f pavmeni of the indehtcdnras ttstshp saa9tted, sir ~-aD4~:~, <br />pprtitltr !t~~t<,f, oral 6e estrttded c,t rcrtewrd. and anY F~tirana .,i the prrmL~a Ieetrin des.~rtt,c+t tray. wrthcwt eerier, tss releaaert-.ftirvlt-IILB.IitYt: hOYQrI~.. <br />aai#~tt rskaaapt a aifactis>4 the perstaaat SiahYitY of sal t+er~+` .*t Fhe prn>rtty a,f rhir {recd .rr Trust i .'3 ihnt nr ddtx ttexsbY fprrtt=kt'wa[sittt aAd wf2k. <br />ftrmvta datmrd 4he title spit Pnarsssiurr titateni aaraat the fa ul tlsinis nt aflY aru9 all persons whatassrrar. - _ - <br />iT >`~ itITtTCtAi.I.Y AtiRfE13 TNATs <br />iii ~tsakd Ttwtur loft- us matte cart PaYmani =,r Hu. aaY ,s<r as bream pnwtdtd, ti any asuwr ar prsnueaiing, is cti®!meatre+d whu>p. nsatcrs@y..atfocty <br />dcttAtlpWY'# utatrEaS rA !IM Prsmpas, t8K4s Reaefa. wry qr Tn Flee, hilt 'ithaut e:iA/gatrit -n u io, and wnhant n34R't to •,.aF dattraaJ Y¢Un Ttuatoi. at/ld <br />,ssttreasY retaatiah TrnaT±rr ft,xn auy trdtippsiun hErtundtr, oral maka err d, the sarnc, artd mat pav t,urrhase, :: aarttsr ar camprutrrtae any tr,cvmtxsuin. '•Sulr!r <br />uF iz~. 'h iR rte tl~t ;at ars„traappttats in affect ?std P-ts}restY and in ai~:it nor su.:t ptsratt , msaar any i' - ~ Sfz <br />dra abauisWE dasesefiraa ~ Rs.+oafitrsiarY v srrabm archer m detain ntsbesaa - thtrafau'. 419 wins ae, tt[cntrtd ,ra rt #; ~' ar raiia:tkri::.ams,dais~ <br />ay ry - peade+d fry 1 rule ,ar. Ttxstm ah~ -t1e <br />,Mttta+ar d+rmara3 tmanasdiatt<iy dart as±i pavane fry T °'k4-. -.'haft t,e»r izitpreni xt the hthffitaf r7[e petrnhted by taw, alai 4ra11 br stnurasd-kt~sby: <br />±Ii adtl the Pgs7bre+ sir aap Pars thrra»+rt 4e takass itv reaxan or any e,smir+s,naruan pn„>xdtne. Rertesiczary stsa;t t>r etrrit#sd ?o tiitvxp~taMttit;Wp, s+w+nds- <br />:std etMr pr~Yrmgiaa tlstrs4ai#, aad ?es anrai} tiro same errs tilt irtdxbkWtttat ,rcurrd t,attry -.. <br />iii gk# aawaKStd,~ i~rNrlFht df ans sns7-hatehs eaesrrti! aft+x tlz fim ;tares, <<a ~a€re: the lwnt ,•i -tv,c ,at ttursutz end sr r#ec~'+n to #ti_ Htita9"x~hn? tltlti_;s?+t <br />atatrva {K ?i ti ta+t~!a~aUt pruas~gt. payaiant arirtn fits( sit all f?iita!t 3rinri f,r ,iAr.U Fit. .if tLr dal:'iAFC daiautt te>t +idHre t+s w, pA}= ,r, sir prsfaaefE w1i1•f iirc_],ri!e Yffr~' <br />arty t+rB~,l 3xYiat~ ,it „~a>ilf aasd is{ Mao-tirdt SdY ~Tl, Sslt anY ,litpa)d tlft' YL`??f ,xfi 1FSit !rr~4h:#dn~r41, t. IFrrS!{3,'ratr -. 1LitF 3.rly ad,tltikNtli YR'LLFktY ill{ ,fin}'. S <br />arx ifarst tsassby, .t :nag rnr+xst aha a& r#a4rsa,{ st ,is =rpt,nn, sithvr ,:m fts,rP:ranc.:,xsts .,-,=t• r ...<, .t~ -. tr „ *etxde ?eat wntSCi <br />Bit Batt r+a V + oat Mi"#?,i?f. ti..1~1'Mi I.BA% LiW <br />