<br />~~-.~~)il 1~t~i~
<br />~!^° €he said carat }tarty hexc6y espress-y rnvrnants and agrees: (!) 7<u }ray the. said Alote and urtettst
<br />-~ in full ~ th, c}ar~ttte 3atne X11 +t--really }xcomr dttc: fy 1 ~ftither to cammik nor }mrmit wttate on the stride
<br />}dentists, and Eo~pttt grid kee}r the :.iid real <rstate, bui)clinss, and im}arovrmruisrn gtrotl re}xir; f 3) To pay all
<br />taxes atxf assxtssnxnts on the said real estate (aefarc dclinquerecy -and until the said-dote is fully (raid: [ j Tti
<br />pay a!t taxes artd assessments ttptxt ttus ~turtKage arnl the debt secured thereby, together with any other
<br />taxes aixl assessinenis which may Itr {cviet} or assrssrcl, under the Iax•s n{ Nebraska, against the said second
<br />}ratty,.-vr the }egaf 2krtldex of tht said Mute un ctecount of this indrbtetlncss ; (S f Ta practtre. k~ee}s in font, and
<br />dt}tort ter the said seeatitl party po}ides of insura_!tce against Foss by fire and tornado, in such amounts acrd
<br />insnrant'r armpanias as the said secosed party shat} select, and as shall be at aii times satfskaeton to it. coyttirsg
<br />£he laiildings which ntrw art or may hereafter tar erected ors the vtid premises, making tht toss, if any, payable
<br />to the sand sax4ttd party or its assigns, and every .nch contract of insurance ef#ected by the said }aarties of the
<br />first frari ar for their }eenPtit --h?h tar grim~ri3v snhfect tea aggropriation by the ;aidxrnna} party f®r the
<br />paynrget of said indebtedness. !'ailnre zo w maintain such insurance shall authorize the second party, or its
<br />assigns, aE its ire their uptitan, to effect and titafntain .wctt insuran~at the expense of the said first }tarty, and
<br />the first party agrees to re}~ ail sum> xi }><`etd, with i:tteresr at ~ }xrcent, and such stuns so paid by the second
<br />}tarty. with intercs~t ai ~grrcrnt, shall ere ,rented by tltic \}artgagc; iiti 'Chat the said second party or the
<br />nwnrr of the said ~iatc ntay matte suds repairs. pac such taxes, anti pas :nsd remove any lien from the said
<br />prrntisrs, tepon failure of the first }xZtty to do s+s and :dt nameys so advanced with interest at the raft of Ib 48
<br />}cent per aunnm dterran, frarn date ,rt` pavment..h:til far' repaid by the said first }>arh-, upon demand, and
<br />slta}l !se cured by this indenture.
<br />Artd it is further nrutualSv c•=',vrnantcd .essd :.~,recvi that :n :he rtent ::f the passage, after the date of this
<br />~fortgagt, of assn laxs ~tedascting am lice thereon tram the vaiur ~,f iostd tar the parFt> r rsf taxatton< ur changing
<br />rn any way the taws nax- in taro tar the taxation =,i nxart~at;{•• ~ . ~iei:ts ~es~ssn•d lay ntrar[gagc ar tftr manner
<br />•sf the s~tatlertion of arty s+uh taxes, _sa as to atfr-t th, ?.}~Trtt;a~c. the ~vhatr ..t the principa! sum set:ttretl hv_ chi;
<br />ifortgat{t. topsrthrr tvitlt the interest .itT thrrnm. ,halt, at zh+ :~ptiraa ~~f the ~,tid party of the second part,
<br />x'ikhsrstt rstaticr, txromr itnosrtiiateiv due x.rci ~~avairir_
<br />Arid ttte 3aasc} first patsy f#trthcr zgrrex that s; defactic ?.r made Ott the payment raf any caf said intetest, or
<br />:sm` tart tittrruf< or ~,f arty isttrrrst tisrvrcon. +ar ~.t .ant :tiote. „r any tract iherer±f. nr of ;any interest Yhtrean,
<br />ur its the iarrfarntatu-r of any rf the eo.enatsts ?tcrein camamct}. then- or at any time tftert fret during the
<br />carttinnastcr of atu-9t ctrianlt, the said :Sort, and mnneys };out and adraaeesf, sha}i, at the sots ttf the legs}
<br />isaidrr tlxrrui, faertates• at :.•nee =:}tae :uxrl : oti,+-tihle..md .trait ?tar inu•rrse :tt the rate of l~perrrnt per aunnm
<br />imrn rht date of c}efau}t< and Shia indertturas snav '~ `nrertra5c~ to satisfy the anuntrtt of ihr delat, including
<br />.tdyatmt~. inttrsKt, asst casts: or the swan,} }tarts. =t_ -at=_er±snr{ or xi=+i~ms. *.¢sac fn;eciuKr .an}v as to the sum
<br />}~st rites. arithtwt injury tea thf, lfsrrtgse;r.:ar ihr =;i-trlacetnrvt cr ,tula,3rrnsesn caf the lien thereof.
<br />Arm in ;fee .vertt caf the inrtcktsutr ,rt the:: icnt;;a};r, ;tee a:tis} tint party covenants anti agrees to gay the
<br />cost irk rxtatxtt}ittg tfte sirstraictt~S ui}e irons the =late of rereardissg this 1'Itartgage to tlsQ elate +sE 61ing suit, a+td
<br />upwt faiherr rt~~tte ;atd hest }iart~. to +i=a >ta, .ail aruary xs atlvancrz} fay the second train ,hall lsrar interest at
<br />the raft rak 3$ prrceset per ametam tlsrrrun and >isai} lac: srrurrd by this indenture.
<br />!t is farther mutrtal2y tterenantecl ar=.d agrreri chat the, ,stray +ai the erund part. ,is successors acrd assigns,
<br />shell at their u}etivn tae Ssthrogaterl to the }itn< attltuteglt rc}cased of rrcuni, of any prior encrtmbrance. mechanic s,
<br />tensfur's, t~ other lien tm said prrrttiaca paid nut <sf the prueretis of i}tr faatt secured herthy.
<br />And it is further agreexf that in rash of :, ~,lrfaukt iu the payment srf tfae ::aid principal bate or inttresi<
<br />err any thrrc_gf, a+ it .halt u~ur*<=>r ;ss s--~~:c- ai i$ifnre ±L Berg e,r }?a~rfurssr any of the rrvettattt+ur agreenscnts
<br />eontaissed in this itxienmrr, cheer the sexYSnd ,Tarr}'. ,ts succeaxars ur assigns, ,halt tee and is hereby authorizesf
<br />:stn} enrpuwered set take mntsetliatr }aCastir'~.scats . the wad prerssises hrretrv ~onveysY} and all grog, thereon. ,rr
<br />to ctrliret fhe rents t}serrircrtn, arnl agg}y she S=r=retKls ilsereui to the }raytnents of the debt hereby -reared.
<br />~~ addititettal and c`a}}atera} c~rtnity fvr payutcsu cif site dote and mdtbts-slrsess itrreinbefare dexribetl.
<br />rift sue: }attrtists of ttt~ first letrsdiy :essigtt to tl:e said party of t}u:.~cs;nd }salt, ita ~uuscessat3 ur auigus, ail
<br />the prtetits, rrvtnttes, rayaltits< riglns, <°atrl taenefiits accruin}k to thrnt nutter all ui}, t;as, ur msncrai leases can .,aid
<br />pttatt: 'S"Ititi a~tent to terminaxe atxi iztx:cnne nail :and sasd neon the re}rax ..rf this 1lrtrtgage.
<br />Atitl it is fttNfttr a{ireetf that in case -any :nit is itegun to furrcinst this indenture, the Court in which stub
<br />actis5at tali !sF hrsttt, car and jtrtfgt of kncls l:-Hurt. ettha'r its tetras time or in =.acatiws, is tttretri atttharizetl:
<br />t>}rF+tt xt tlerrrfarr, tts appoint :t kectivrr to take }xrjsession of the aid ,:remises cartel a}i ern}as thereon.
<br />t>r [~ cr~lla+cL tltg tttsts t}errefratn :srtti3 to da asad ptrfotrr+ such other axts as snag ht rtatwrsK} isv the order of
<br />flee ~isttt`t maltitet, tfx ~rtrttrret: anal tttt first }warty ;scrrtry rattsents ua the ap}xxntntent ,si a ltec'eivrr is}xan
<br />thg #s~t `~ fly iz~e, wft3xztat tat eyidtnce.
<br />