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r <br />+( ~tpp { <br />{ ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ 1 i r, l ti. ~ 1..J <br />ITa'AtvB <br />~: <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L ~,~n~, td~TC <br />IUV0~V1Alil.di@tBYTI~SBPRE9ENI5:Tint G~ilr D. C;Y1711g2't.ti ditd Peggy A. Chifigien, e3ati iri t1iS <br />acid tiros ctwtt right and as spouse of each otter, <br />Mortgagor, whether one ar mote. in aessodeta¢ioa ~ tit rata ~ <br />Ity-nice ~ s ~ Fifty anti Na/100 nOLLAle.4 <br />to said > bt' The EQtraahti t sail Laaa Asaodatksn ~' Graad inland, Neltrasta, Mortgagee. upon 292 shores of siadc of <br />said A.'fAT6~l, Cectifkaat Na. L 23,$93 MQ~do ltecsby grant, ~I' arm tttortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION tbo falwsiag <br />deel~ad rest aeaafe, sitrwud iu Hsi County, Nelsrasit:: <br />A FAI~.TZ ~' Lt~ID, 23EING A PART tJE THE NC~1'fi 15 Ar:FtES OE THE NCff27Zi ONR-HALE (N~) OE THE <br />~R OE 7`C~ t+fi'tT ~ (HEi! l5F S~LDN F'C7I7R {4). IN ~.' <br />,I'~VFN (11D M7t7PH, MINE (93 WF.S'1' OF Tt~ 5IXTd P.M„ HAITI, CWNl'Y, , DF5Q2I132~ <br />AS FCSIdiOGE: EI•JGIAH3IlVG AT A P0I3~I' 1320 Ft:tc,T AAtRTti OF 1T~SOLFI~ASi CCIit~3t ClE ~ IVC~II~AST <br />~ SAID S23CTICA7 4-12-9, RUAflJIl~i:, IiIfi3JCE WEST 1320 FIBS TO A27 IRON PIN, Tf~ I~74if~u'1' <br />aQ f~' THE S~ ~ ~' THE .:BAST 4UAR2F32 OE' SAID Sr7LTICAI, T13TZJ4'E SCIFl'H 132 <br />F~1 IU AN tI"Z~i PIN, TEt EASP 1320 Fr:GT 'IU ~..,r7CTIC3A1 LII+Ti:',, TI~dCE ICI 132 FI:EP WANG <br />SATt3 ..ECTICBd LINE ~ THE PLACE OE HF)GI[~S~IING <br />tt;eth~t with art tht texnxnts, hemlitattimts and apprvtsasnars thtrcunta betartgtrtg, incttsdiag attached f[aor coveratgs,-sll window saeens, <br />widow shades, blinds. storm windows, awnings, hetuirg, air wnditioning, and pitimbi~ acrd water equiptrant and acceaories thereto, pmnpa, stoves, <br />refrilnators, a~ other ftsturea aril equiprotnt raw or hereafter attached to ar rued in connection with said real estate. <br />And vriteteas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay alt taus and assessaaenb levied ar <br />assemod upon r~ premuea and upon tbis martgagt and the bomt secured thereby before the satin shall become detioquenC to fvrniah approved <br />~°---~°^ t~tt tt:< b~'!~ or. snit! N.esst acs siiua:ed in the sum of 3 29, 250.00 payatde to '"'• ASS~IATiON and to deriver to saw <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said imunnet; acrd net to txittttaii or permit any waste na nr atwut said prerttrms: <br />to cast of default in the perfarnntiee of any o4~ the terms sad wnditions of thi: mortgage ar the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />an dcmaud, be entitl¢d to imatediate passpssitan of the ntangaged premises and nc~ rrartgagor hereby assigns, trarafers and seta over to the <br />mortgagee ati the tents, revenues and inwrtx to tae derived from flu mortgaged premises dtuiag such tints as the mortgage indebtedness stall remain <br />utspmd: and the rttixtgrq~e star! lava tht power to appour[ any agent or agents it may dtsue for zlx purpose of repairing said pmtmsas and renting <br />the same a~ cotleaiad, the roots. reveatxs and irts'ot~, and it tray pay nut of said income ail cstpertaea of repairirg seat promisee attd neeemry <br />assd txpernp incurred rrt renting and tt>zag the xur~ and of caLkttiag loofah therofrarrt; the balattar remaining, if any, to be <br />towed the disehatge of said atortgagr irtdebted.oess; tlteae rights of the mortyagae may be eur©fed at arty time during the existanamf such <br />, irtespsctivt of nary tetnporasy waiver at the same. <br />Thtse i'rresnrs. however, arc upon the Condision,'fhat if the said binrtgagor slut! repay said loan on or before the maturity of said shoes 6y <br />payment: pay rrsontldy to sad ASSOCIATION of ttte sum speciffed is the !toad secured hereby as interest nail principal on saM roan, on or before <br />the Twentieth day of tech and every month, unfit sand lean is fully paid:pay all facts and asssasments !cured against said premims and on thin Mortgage <br />and the Bond fecstred thereby, 6efarc delinquency; furnish appeaved insurance upon tht buildings therwa in the cram of 3 29, 250.00 payab;r <br />m said ASSOCtATit~i: repay to satd ASSOCIATION upon demand ail motley 6y it paid for such taus, assessrnertts and insurance with inrorort at <br />the t[oaitntsm ~ rate thereon tram date of pryrrcoe alt of whuh Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay: permit no wane an ~ presnises;keep and comply <br />with >L the ageemtnts and condition of the Ebmi for 3 29 250'' ((yyt~t~ this day gisen by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION. soil comply <br />vri~ a!I the raqutrotmn[s of the Cottstitatioa and 8y~l.awa alrsaid A~OCIATION: than these presents shall became null gad void, atherwix titey <br />shill remain is fait farce and cosy be farecioaed at the uptian of the caul ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to ntalte say of said <br />pagrnrats ar be three irtoetths w arswrs to ittakiry sssd monthly payments, ar to keep- and comply with the agteemenu and conditions of said Road: <br />sea Marygor agrees to have a retziver appointed forthwith in sttdt foreclosure proceedings, <br />if tlsrse a asy chasep in owmsshtp of the real egate mortga~d herein, by sak ar oehetwise, than the entire retttainiug indabtedaeaa hereby <br />satued shalt. at the optitta of The F,quiiabia nail Loan Association of Grsml Idand,Nebrarin,btmrrss irmsedtately dot andpay:bra without <br />fvstt~r trtv~, ,~ the .~ rem d~ t>~ s~ tom, =red any attar band far any ~"----' advrs~-s m~ ttxrs:masr, slmlt, fraar taw <br />date of aaeteiae of acid rtpiaon, bee utterea at. the ntax>>team Itgat nNe, and this ttwrtgage cosy then Ire fororlasnll to s+ri+fY the amount doe on aid <br />Road, ~ an1' ot6ar !Hand far attt advtwcea, tct®ether with a!1 alma paid by said The F.gtritab~ ling and i.oaa Anociation of Crand Isimd, <br />Ntthtaain far ismuaaat, tastes aed , and abstracting eatteasian chvges, with httsrat thereon, from date of payrrcat at t~ reuxirnwn <br />iapl tact. <br />AcprotgdEd in tt[¢ litrsd_aactt(ed lt~eby. ,vhnt tlz;s asu[tgsgt [linnets in tfftc[ iht atortggcu rtnY hiartafta advasate atiditaand 3teaa IO tht <br />isateees of grid limtd, ihtjr asai~ts ax st[cessaors ut utte[esR, whtrit calm s3nti be within the seet[rity of this mo[tgt~ tt~ same ss tht fttads ari@jna}ty <br />siestseed ttpreby, the IoW-atnottnt of principal debt mil to txceed a[ any time the original amount of this mortgage. <br />D~6ed l~xtti ~' ~~ January A. D., 14 $1 <br />~~~~ <br />SLATE ~, } ~. On thin 15th day of Jaituary lv 81 , ttato» ms, <br />+c€ttff~rrY rata itAI,L ll <br />the ttitderaignett, a Notary t'tt6Yc ai and fns aid County, poeaoaal~wms <br />a t7.~CL~t er:x3 Ptti~y A. Chi1~z'~sr each Sri his and tans oMSiit~and ~~ <br />gktu 4s i$s idgtfimf pates whaas t aff#tsrd to iht _ _ 2s matt~tr g std >~lr sc~e[~ <br />~ the raid iat4suaw[t eo be tt'4~tY votunsary set sad decd, f <br />Mtt'13at~6 sae brad a~ I'tottutitt Seal the daro afarsaaid, t s= f} ~~ ~ <br />My Cesaaritaittn eagioea ,. ~ ~~.~~r~' 2, f' s'' <br />,- yrt <br />._.___ <br />_. _ .._ <br />_~..,_.... ~.__._,.,_...e.~.__._..._....a...~ <br />