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<br />a~'~-~ s~cl~J2s4 <br />Ltndtr's uv;nen agrteemtni or app}icahie taw. f#ot'rower shaii pay tht aEttount of atl mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner priwidcd undtr paragraph 2 hertof. <br />Any amounts d;sbutatd by Linber pursltant to this paragraph 7, with [merest thereon. shop become additional <br />indt§itdness elf Borrower seeurtd by this 9;fattgaga Ltn#esi Lfllrrawer artd Lender agrce [o other terms of payment, such <br />amtntnis s#!a#1 hr pagaWz upint no#itt from under t{s Borrrawcr regEEesting payment thereof, and shat# bear interest frarti the <br />data trf di~elrsemtiit at C#t rut payaftk frettr time to Stmt ofl onrstanding pr~mipat under the Note unless payment of <br />enttresl 'Et su[h ranee amid be contrary M appticabtt taw, in which event such amounts short hear intertxt at [ht highest rate <br />pcrtirfau'h#e t~sd~ar appticaLJe tasv. Nutffing cotttaintd in this paragraph 7 shall require [-trader to incur any expeaue or Ealtt <br />.qtly aetis3n htreurl~r. <br />- i. taeptefiaif. Lmckr mail make a'lr [sure to br mods rtaionahFt cntrir, upon and inspections of ilrC Property, providtxf <br />ttrat 1_tiult[ stlaN give dottoit/ti' rElstsct prior to any srtcfi iaspecnian specrfyittg reasonable loose ttxrtfor related to Lender S <br />+tNrrest in rite Property, <br />4_ ~atalsam~en. Ttie prclretds isf any avrard ar claim for etamaees. direct ar cansegtrential, tR connection with any <br />cotsdcrnlsat~ta or athtr [eking of [hc Property. au part thereof. car tar [anveyance in iku of candtmma#ion, are he-eby assigtted <br />and she## #rc pa*d to Lert~r. <br />to fht tveat of a tolat takltsg lsf thr Proaem+. the prcrteds iha}t #sc applied to the sums se[urtd by this Mortgage. <br />with the escesi, if any. paid zo Borraser. [rt fhe evtnt of a partia# taking of the Property. uflless Borrower and I..rnder <br />,.ztherwise agrr[ is writing, fhe:r shalt he app#icd to shr sums srcErred by tls;s Martga¢t sEah proportion of the procttds <br />_ as-is #.r.~a3 to that p€a~sr#ism ,sfficis tl~ atr=ex:nt a! she sumx iec;trtd b} Chas `Arrtgsgt immtdiattfy pritar to £ht date of <br />takirlR bears sa the fair marks vakte of the Property immed;ate[y prior ;o the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />pas# rn $arratrer. <br />ff tkr Pn±pertp is abandor~d Mr Barrawcr. or i.`, alter no[ict ±+r I.etsdcr to Rarsrnstr that the calyd~er#tuot-offtrs to make <br />an award ar se*.?k a [taim for damages, Borrrnver fai#s to rtspslmd to tender within 3t3 days after the date sEtch natice is <br />mai#td. Cinder ;s arxhoriztd to [ot#ect and appty the Esr<xee[Is. at l.tndei i option. ei#hcr to restoration or repair of the <br />P€axrt r~r to tht sums se[;;red by ?his .ltartga3e <br />L'nitis Lrndcr and 8arrawer atherwzst agree in .ariiiny..-} ,arts aPpE~ta[i~ R , f proc[edc to principal strati not extend <br />.,r pcstpanc :ht dE:c date of the mo.^.thty :nsta!!mrn=.a referred to in paragrapbc t alEd 2 !rreof or change [#ie amount of <br />sarxt -nstaltments. <br />!#, 66rtna'rK tint Rettaetd_ fclcnvon 3f ?*_ ::Tt to navmcnt --r mc,di6catin rtf amortizauan of the sums aerated <br />bc- th,s Mc,ngage granted by I_enakr to any Tuue<i: r =r ;nlrrea of ##orroa:rr <.hatY not et+eratc to release. in any manors, <br />tE~ i.r#lslil} F>E the ,arig;aal Borrower and Barfr+.vrr's i:KCCSUxs :a iRt[rrst F esuter ihait not t>e reptwed to cammtnce <br />p{.,-r._.~tia;s ~~-_.ner c.;_h iEr".~.t4Strr a?f fCfE!it to riiCr'-' ttmt t'•-r t'-aYm;::rt '-`-; aftgr`.i:it E^c:dlfv amM[F2ai+af? of the sumi <br />Trc,ntd hy' tESFi ,14. r#gagr t±s rrastvr o! sRy s'.rm3Rd malt b; rEsc- ,:rreFn.T RFxrmwer sad Hc,rrcwtr's suctesairs m interest. <br />t L Farbtaraaet by t,tndtr `at a Wahtr. ,3'-v Fnrtraran.r nx # -_ rides ,a rxc.~+sFrg _ma rigi;t or remedy hereunEfer, or <br />exher-,rail :it'€rrded by appticatslr ?aw shalt :act ix a waver ... .-r nrect:;ce the exerix n€ any s»eh right ar remedy. <br />The p:E:~;crc:xECrr frf :n.urance ar ?hc eras-mint ,~` •icr..-a ~.t3:er '.cRS ,=s -_harU¢a hs~ LeRdrr Kha?t na[ he a waiver of [ rndtr's <br />reg*! - --:rleratr the ma:;;rin .; the =adrtrtcdrx<; .-.-„ ,.:-. *.ta- _.,ce <br />- 12 ~t;Rrartdpn C'tima#tfiivr.• Ali rtmrd+cs %u:+s =d,-:t 4~: ,~,-^.., ~r ,r:~ :i,.t i.,:~ .+n,.:::mEstativc to ant other right or <br />€[ttar_ty :,odes !iris Mcxtgag[ ar aiT,~r.f[d i?v t,-u ~:.; .u:uF'< ..e.:t rr,.;~= =~.:,c•-;c_ .,r:,~.;;:-;,r';tty rndCPrndentt•. err +uccecsively. <br />il. Saccesson sad Aseigtsr Raead: lout awd 4,rr~ t.iahititt: t~apticaln. .T'tic ~os'er.~rxis :and agrcemtnis herein <br />_<»•,ta+ney stEOtf tslnti. sruf thr righET htrt:,m#cr ,'t :nr~:c !~*. +ia:• r, .; ~~,;t„~ zlgt:Riz,rt and assigns «€ 1 ender sad Borrower. <br />ax[#+e la the prc.vislans of Paratraptt i' -ilrrre;f ,lS.:,:vc .ants :n:t agrern+sntx of #iornswer chair he Etxint and stverat. <br />-t`tar capt:ans and headings of nc~ paragraphs of this 1f.•nyrag are f+-~r :~xnvtnirn:c .End are sot to tx used to <br />mtcrpr[i as dct{ru lhr PravFSif,ns #urrnf. <br />ti. NWirr. Crttpl far any rtatrce rtglttfcd n:sdrr e; ;#i>:,nsc tax [:, t~ grv~tE ;n arw~-sty manner. !a} any natite io <br />Et<+r€.sva'er psev:ded for in ihts :.da-rtgage sl,ati ?-~: z` -gin h_ m:=:tu:r =Eh E` ':after #*k cert:fxd mail :.ddrtxstd la 13orraaer at <br />ehe ?rt,;sr,ty tEafdress ~r at ia[#1 ;xhcr sdd'reic as fit,:soa.c- ma. dtsa2rrate fly noli[e ;~ Ler~cr ai Prnvidtd herein. and <br />th, anp -rotair te. Lcn<irr shat[ he ~:~t^ hs err>F.rtrd ma,i, res:~r`r rcx't:fir rcE#:aest[d. tE, t m.tei4 address stated herein or to <br />. -.- char adds=_ss as f.rm~r asa•. driignatc h t5 Rs-,s•.--.zr;, proar~d ~:erttn. ?.flv~ noti[t prmideE3 for rcE this <br />~frrtgsgr she.[ tx drrmed to base tern grvrn :a Rnr. aw.;r ar I ~;drf '~zstn giv[n in the rrla7rrur designated 6rrein- <br />?;. iaiform lfesfgs~t; Geverni~ t,ai•t $rvtrai3"aty. T--, [.~rrt::++.' nxettgagt c.stsfaitres F:rrfotm covrnants tnr natianat <br />:rat and n.,n~::Rifcssna covtaants »;th tim.ttd vat=aticsns h: .{..S;cttt;n it :tKSStitrtte a unrtartn ac;urity instrument cnvtring <br />rta4 6'taxrt> T'vs Mortgage sixaS, be gaveracd^y =Esc raw .~-s` ttse .:<frid;el±cm ::i whi[it the Properly is !slated. In the <br />err-[ r`ial say prz;vESraa or cause et ttras '+f.,rigsye ..,; :trz `:r=m .nntfiLrs Wirt: apptiea#+Ee €avr, stt~fi :antic[ she#E oat a..°.e[t <br />,,thcr ,xscvssaxrs of ttt,s Morgage ,:-r the "Yore wh,v .~~ s'c ;4xtx ztTr,:i »:*E:nut the taniTictine pravician. and to this <br />end the prxsio-^.s c*.{ thx LSartga~-a anc} atu \..ts „. ,. ~?arrG ; * '~~- xatrahlz <br />!6.'s Coyr. 8orzc •wtr chat; tar t:rrnxiheJ a -~„r:!<~rn:rE: ;~rp .?. :he Vate alld of this Mortgage at the timt <br />„t C:`ytilllaa or afittr {r~esdalS#2a #?[rri"~. <br />17. 7'raas€tt ed fist l4zPeriv; Asa~lltp#msF, tl ais , a:e1 ; .. r ,,t iht PrnPert~: €r ail :nttrrsl tirtrein is saki or transferred <br />Eta Borrower w,itsosst Ltndrr's xriticn coa+,cni. ca:l~dsr,~l.;_.:h_ ,r.a[u;n of a lien x entEtmbrance xuhordinate to <br />th,s Mortgage. sts} ehe [reaflan of a purehax; maryrrts sa• :-forest ?FU E:otriehoid appk;ances, ici a transfer by devise. <br />dr.-tnt nr by retort-atior; of #aw- :rrn=n Stn ,froth c; a u=+nt irnane ,~r ' - - <br />Lenskr rosy, at # e~Rdrr . ;,pt:c,n. dt.tarc sit the sums s[cEFred try this Mottgage to be <br />;~rsrsh cF.atc#v dale sad pagat>ir t.sndtr shat Esa.e 4,r::.ed sa::i= xspl mn to a[ccttratc ;f. Prior to the sate ar transfer. Lender <br /><:ad tau persiin to wha5m the Prcrprrty is to irr sots; ar trar:stcrrcd reach agstc:tstnt in wrrt;ng tfrat the credit of sExh petsan <br />rs[rrn to t_tadzr and that the r<Eicrtst *. a4.Eistc .?n thr TEattts aevrrd Esc- this Marteage shalt t,r at such rate as Lender <br />xhaid rtyurst. Ef #.erxkr has wa/vtci t}:c tx-t-xl;an ;n sitctcr.arc #,rx~v:atcd :s; this paragraph t7. a:rd it Barrawcr's sttcccssor in <br />.arectst hr ese[t:ttd a wrtten assetxs;,s:on agrttmsttt at:cYptcd in writrrt}i by l.rnekr. Centres Shall reitair Bovrawer from sit <br />,rh8g,~ttcwa uESder this Afartgagt Brad lht ~tett~ <br />if t~saber estnists Tucb cpl~-~E ti accekrarr, t ~_n>te€ sFaE. mail fftxfE?wet nE#r t of a;<cekraiirna is ac[arda[xe u3th <br />yraragr~frh }.;'+ertx*f. SErs'h E1i~tlCe cats#: pravidt a ;Xr,,,v ;~€ rt,>t trss Shan ?ft dayi from [tE[ date [fie nWi[e is mai#td wuhin <br />_ x•hrh )3cvroxrr mar pa. the susns.#actartr# due. tt :'.t, s ro Par srth urltls prE+r to the ~xpiratian of such PeiYlsd, <br />Lta:dtr try. wrthiktt furttrtr nxxice or arnsarld cm Bc~rrEr=ner. ,ns•al;t art remedies permctted he paragraph iR htreEyf. <br />- NltnE-{,.-'r.~rt>ltitr Cawtr»wrrTS ##txr:t+,rtr s:sd l.en.f:r fcEfltE~-r covetlt+tE a;ed ..:ee as ft>##casrs: <br />If3~ Arrttesa~etr: Reetnt@ics. Et4rtrpl ~ pra+=idtr~ i.l garter t7 9trrgf, ~ ~•--,---~ h of any [a>Et~lzl <br />agrteitt>hsi of liGatTa'+ttt Flt ~ 4;nr~agt, nraisrdhng the roacnawis lea pa) witty doe sort xGMS tecrred by Fftrts iFEOr~agr, . <br />t~3 - to nee-`---- > T e~>xt to ilarrewer as prstided ~ ~ t! ptttaf specify; 4t) tie iseat#l; <br />t3! tfit atrCatra rte to tart sestti ##; f3i a date. nzt Mrs tisza ~ days freer fit date 1be retire ~ mtufed tz liotm*tr, <br />fy ukMh tract Mitt taWS be cssadl smell fit shad faiiurt to etroe s,oeA flxgrA as sr iteifart fit Bait spet#fitd fa fie aelfre <br />rtsuif ile axe ®f tLt asraf xetwtd fts tlrix ~fsr#~e, Csrte6~are br hi#itW pttarsetf~ and Safe ~ tie Tiapaity, <br />f bt naiirc stet! Esrtllat iaftxm lierra>«er +N tkt r#itit to rttifsviate ahtr atttfteaAaa sad tit aipfli to assert ~ tt~ fsrerteatrw <br />~ eMr isatstls`~vu:x of z Aefzls#t ~ say grber ds'fewst a€ Betrsativ to aect-efati®w rwd fanrtt"zrt. ff tit fltestfi <br />is slot rkrtd ea er ttadttta the tFafs spet#itp8 in the nattee, Yoder sN t.casier i s}tiln rosy Aertart aR of tip sz~ aroused iy <br />fifer 3aRe tei tae .°°"a.tFr tip aad payaik niiilesn frr#i~r dealwud sad easy fm~ec#ust t» ywt"itiat praeet~fig. I.tafer <br />- s9ifR Iie tatitiittd to rat~ci in trticA ¢tecttd'+ei [~ ttpet of tart~s'Tzsnsc. ' <br />iM ~ ilaitd ts, s•~tES zf tferuntnltary <br />e+aiMas't, atlfdkzi'ra zed tii4r itPr!rifei. - <br />f4_ #tlenalarls RigIN fa Rtir~#m#e. \ii+Praet-'uM:tsst?+,.g t?t~Z+'x ,r ,s~itfats.m c,f tl:c .ante irtixrctt by tta:_c 4lort p;agt, <br />tifxrrtwYr i3rz4 Ifsrt t#tr t~hl ;a hex auY nr*scrtd+..-_s #>.zyyr<: #st t..raaitr t=.t cn€csrce thu ;llaxtgagt s#isx:anrnEn-ai «t say t=mt <br />